Burnt State
Paranormal Adept
Thinking about the scales of time and distance that are involved with traversing galactic corridors to get here, along with just how old and advanced other civilizations would have to be to participate in such endeavors, the notion that they would crash upon arrival due to blind chance or dumb luck I find to be categorically ridiculous. You are simply not going to expend resources and risk lives, especially in a civilization where lives would probably have significant more value and not less due to radical increases in longevity compared to our own medical science. Either you know for a fact you can go wherever you want to go because you have overcome most if not all problems regarding space travel or you're staying home and sending out drones, remote control reconnaissance nanobots, or other hi-tech information gathering systems that pose no risks to your own life forms.Lets assume that the "ETH" is the correct answer(which is entirely different question), I am going have to agree with Constance
I mean to say that how could anyone possibly assume that their technology is by any means completely in capable of failure? I would assume that they could potentially run in to unforeseen circumstance just as any sort of technology we have could. just look at how the sun could completely knock out the worlds entire electrical grid with a single EMP burst. something that could potentially happen that was completely unforeseen by the creators of all sorts of different electronics. A craft could potentially have crashed either do to an unforeseen circumstance or simply "Pilot Error" which I do not think is completely out of the realm of possibility. Just because European settlers were technologically more advance than Native Americans doesn't mean that they didn't kill them from time to time or even sink one of their ships. also we are talking about two separate groups of people that developed independent of each other and that the technological gap could not be measured in years considering that Native Americans are probably older than Europeans. so who is to say that even a society that is a million years more advance than us is necessarily incapable of misfortune. the human species has been here for 200 thousand years and things still go wrong all the time. who's to say that they still wont a million years from now. and also if there were more then one group visiting us and were potentially hostile toward each other. I'm sure that Native Pacific Islander uncovered crashed fighter planes during WWII from time to time that were much more advanced than anything they have ever seen. If we are to truly believe that ET is completely infallible then perhaps we should all consider Joining a "Heavens Gate" type of group?
Also I think that we are not giving the Government enough credit as to their ability to hide things that they don't want to be known. look at the Sr71 blackbird? look at the fact that its been over 500 years and somehow Children across this country are still being taught that Christopher Columbus discovered America, and even worse is that the large majority of them will believe that until the day they die.
These issues all point towards the likelihood of whatever is behind some aspects of the UFO phenomena, originates much closer to home than stars much further away. What we consider infallible vs. what an advanced space faring species considers infallible are also not on comparative scales that we could begin to comprehend. What UFO's demonstrate are capacities regarding time and space that break rules we are just starting to scratch at. The Alien Incompetence Theory is a good joke cooked up by Rutkowski's team but I'm not sure if it's worth considering as anything more than a joke.
Consequently I do not understand the connection between joining a suicidal UFO death cult and infallibility. Are you making allusions to godhead here? Why join? Those people who joined that cult have personal issues that very measurable and repeatable unfortunately, due to our own very human fallibilities.