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June 5, 2016 — Walter Bosley

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Agree Walter your Prussian link is spot on and agree evidence in this fact as personnel connection to historical aspect find very intresting in the sciencetifc history. Moreover, I am looking forward to next book which sounds based in more first person evidence rather just say so and hope you include the O.S.S aspect in it. Also interested in Gold convoys which went missing from Spain in 1944 and the breakaway civilisation and its relation modern day Monterey institutions.

My next book is my closer examination of my father's story. I don't know that it's going to get into the OSS, WW2 gold, etc. It will have a connection to breakaway issues, though. I'm still in the research phase. :)
Nurse! Come quick this guest has a chronic case of the david ickus.

I don't have a problem with my dad, my axe doth not need grinding and my xbox is in full working condition, however I still find myself wanting that little piece of the puzzle called evidence. I found it quite revealing how he attacked the people who would like to see it.

I do appreciate taking the time to answer my question on the show. So thank you for that.
If you're looking for enlightenment here, yet are so wary of speculation, you might want to re-examine what you're actually seeking. :)
I come here because I like Gene's radio voice.

After seven years of listening, I gave up on ever finding the "signal" or the "wheat". I have developed the propensity to quickly close my mind when when I sense random black-rabbit-hole event horizons opening, trying to suck me in to an inescapable end. Perhaps we need both the completely uninhibited, open minded and the stern skeptics to get to any truths (or perhaps one of the almost infinite theories already out there is the truth but there are too many other speculative theories to allow us to see it).

Agree on take eceything with a pinch of salt including all aspect of anyone trying to make a buck at the expense some else if their out to deceive should get the full action of the law. However , Walter has already stated on many time if you don't want to listen don't and late Kevin Smith similar words for folks using others to gain money on false pretences karma. It's your chosen right to buy or not simple.
I come here because I like Gene's radio voice.

After seven years of listening, I gave up on ever finding the "signal" or the "wheat". I have developed the propensity to quickly close my mind when when I sense random black-rabbit-hole event horizons opening, trying to suck me in to an inescapable end. Perhaps we need both the completely uninhibited, open minded and the stern skeptics to get to any truths (or perhaps one of the almost infinite theories already out there is the truth but there are too many other speculative theories to allow us to see it).


That could have some merit, actually.
Nurse! Come quick this guest has a chronic case of the david ickus.

I don't have a problem with my dad, my axe doth not need grinding and my xbox is in full working condition, however I still find myself wanting that little piece of the puzzle called evidence. I found it quite revealing how he attacked the people who would like to see it.

I do appreciate taking the time to answer my question on the show. So thank you for that.

Whom did I attack? I'm certain you're taking something out of context. Having an opinion on a demographic is not an 'attack'. :)

And you're comparing me to David Icke??!? LMFAO. I think I was pretty clear that I'm talking about my dad's story, not my own. :)


Also, if you're saying that I have some issue with people wanting evidence, you are clearly misunderstanding me. I am very clear in my books when I'm speculating and when I have little to no evidence or the evidence will be questioned by some folks. You have the wrong guy if you're trying to paint me otherwise, and most honest people who have listened to me and read my stuff know it. :)
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Agree on take eceything with a pinch of salt including all aspect of anyone trying to make a buck at the expense some else if their out to deceive should get the full action of the law. However , Walter has already stated on many time if you don't want to listen don't and late Kevin Smith similar words for folks using others to gain money on false pretences karma. It's your chosen right to buy or not simple.

Not trying to be a pain in the ass, but the diction and spelling here are skewed sufficiently to render your intended meaning indecipherable. It might be an auto-correct issue, but I'm not clear what you're saying. :)
Not trying to be a pain in the ass, but the diction and spelling here are skewed sufficiently to render your intended meaning indecipherable. It might be an auto-correct issue, but I'm not clear what you're saying. :)

LOL, I nearly choked on my water....I need to use the word "indecipherable" when dealing with online antagonists!
I've never bought any of the Hollow Earth (HE) hypotheses, nor the Moon-based species hypotheses either, but I've never gotten to the point where I would reject them so vehemently I would take them off the table completely. My biggest problem with Hollow Earth discussions are the fact that, truthfully, we know a lot about the crust, mantle, and other internal workings of our planet....far more than what the general public realizes, I think. We have moderately accurate mappings of these layers and are coming ever-closer to being able to identify large pockets of inhabitable bubbles or massive underground seas. So far geological science has come up with absolutely no evidence of such things. These talks seem to pointedly avoid the work and evidence performed by geologists which make no mention of features which would evidence subterranean civilizations (large, marked entry points; navigation markings; hints of construction, architecture, manufacturing, technology all performed under ground...).

Now, you can argue the conspiracy point... "We 'do' know all about the HE inhabitants but geologists, the government, the military etc. ... cover it all up!", but that's a serious stretch. Private citizens splunk all the time, finding new cave systems, exploring the depths of our crust frequently, and sooner or later a sufficiently dramatic finding would be had which would reveal the HE civilization and subsequent cover up. That's simply not occurred.

With all that said and my skepticism still high, I very much enjoyed the episode. Bosley comes across as articulate, well-mannered, and good natured. His stories were entertaining and over-all had a B-rated movie goodness about them. I'm looking forward to the next episode.


I've never bought any of the Hollow Earth (HE) hypotheses.

I'm not sure that anyone here is fully pushing the idea of a hollow earth, with it's game of thrones-esque central sun core. It simply doesn't seem to fit with what we understand of the mechanics of the planet. So I'm with you on that. I think the deep earth pockets are certainly possible. For as much that is understood and has been surveyed, my understanding is, that is only a very small percentage of the depth of the crust. It would be interesting to hear from an actual geological expert on the matter. There are factors, which I have already mentioned earlier, that simply make it next to impossible for amateur cave explorers to get into or spend any great amount of time in truly deep tunnels or caverns. Also many of the known deep caverns quickly get regulated once discovered and access to them limited to avoid disrupting the ecosystems, or damaging the formations found within. Add to that the scoffing reception that people get when people do come back from a cave saying they've seen something to suggest an underground civilization, and the possibility of any such caves getting properly explored becomes diminished to "never gonna happen". Big money and big intent is what is needed.
For as much that is understood and has been surveyed, my understanding is, that is only a very small percentage of the depth of the crust.

Yep, I agree with you to an extent, but one thing to keep in mind is that the acceptance of a HE race or species as a source for UFO phenomenon doesn't necessarily need a full understanding of deeper Earth. After all these beings and their reported craft need to be getting down there somehow, through some where. They'll need areas, breaches in the surface, where they can access from, and us surface dwellers should be able to find them without a whole lot of sniffing around. For what we know of the crust and such, we know a lot more about the surface, and these entry points should be a bit more apparent.

Just an added thought.

... They'll need areas, breaches in the surface, where they can access from, and us surface dwellers should be able to find them without a whole lot of sniffing around. For what we know of the crust and such, we know a lot more about the surface, and these entry points should be a bit more apparent.

Just an added thought.

Totally valid point. A great many of the craft people are observing, however, seem to exhibit a lack of playing nice with the laws of physics. It's not a big stretch of the imagination to consider that they may have the technology to enter a state that either allows them to pass through solids, or simply teleport, to and from the surface, thus eliminating the need for large obvious openings. Then there is the whole U.S.O. argument. It's hard enough to explore deep sea areas. If they actually went to the trouble of camouflaging or otherwise concealing a deep sea opening, it would be unlikely for anyone to stumble upon, let alone, search for, if someone even made such a potentially pointless effort.
Bosely's story is almost as fantastic as a poster I used to know by the name of Keymaster. He was a genius and had all of the answers, and then Don Ecker banned him. I think he's unbanned by now, but I cannot remember his password and no longer have the email address used to sign up. What a shame, because Keymaster really wanted to come back here after serving his time -- and then give you all the answers you deserve, like Bosely.

Bosely gets a guest appearance and Keymaster is banned?! There's hardly any difference between the two.

I listen to these shows when I'm working. When listening to this episode, I remember thinking that Bosely's reaction to Chris' comments about nuclear storage seemed bizarre, like asking someone about classified information and accidentally stumbling into a subject the interviewee would like to avoid.

I will speculate: maybe the nuclear waste storage is a front to hide the underground UFO bases. That, however, would have to mean that this whole story is something other than complete fiction. I don't think it is.

Bosely's story is almost as fantastic as a poster I used to know by the name of Keymaster. He was a genius and had all of the answers, and then Don Ecker banned him. I think he's unbanned by now, but I cannot remember his password and no longer have the email address used to sign up. What a shame, because Keymaster really wanted to come back here after serving his time -- and then give you all the answers you deserve, like Bosely.

Bosely gets a guest appearance and Keymaster is banned?! There's hardly any difference between the two.

I listen to these shows when I'm working. When listening to this episode, I remember thinking that Bosely's reaction to Chris' comments about nuclear storage seemed bizarre, like asking someone about classified information and accidentally stumbling into a subject the interviewee would like to avoid.

I will speculate: maybe the nuclear waste storage is a front to hide the underground UFO bases. That, however, would have to mean that this whole story is something other than complete fiction. I don't think it is.


I recall Chris mentioning that a nuclear storage facility was/is associated with the Carlsbad issue. My point in that part of the discussion was to tell what I was told about a larger cavern area being discovered, and being told about it prior to the public reveal. I don't recall my stating exactly what was eventually located there. So Chris identifying a nuke facility linked to Carlsbad, that I may have been specifically unaware of, is no bad reflection on me, Sport. :)

And where do you get this crap that I say I have all the answers? I say you just don't like me or whatever it is my existence represents to you personally. Less to do with what I actually say and more to do with your personal philosophy. I have a remedy for your discomfort: Don't listen when I'm on. :)

By the way, I'll be sitting in with Joseph Farrell on Wednesday for an upcoming Paracast. Just a heads up! :D

P.S. It's spelled 'Bosley'.
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Keymaster had all of the answers. In fairness to Mr. Bosley, he just has amazing stories -- and a family history that is more fantastic than anyone who has come before him.