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June 5, 2016 — Walter Bosley

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I always enjoy listening to Walter on The Paracast and Radio Misterioso. I find him extremely good-natured, articulate, interesting and I appreciate the way his mind works. His sharing of his father's comments to him about Roswell and the existence of a 12,000 year old "Lost Civilization" was fascinating so I can't wait to read his next book on the subject. I also enjoy how Walter handles himself in the forum when dealing with the critics and trolls. We could all learn a thing or two about civil discourse from his polite but IDGAF approach. Cheers, WB!
You don't bother me at all. I know almost nothing about you. I enjoyed the interview on radio mysterioso. Well done.

The "all the answers" comment I made was flippant.

I do feel compelled to point out what strikes me as complete fiction, however.
You don't bother me at all. I know almost nothing about you. I enjoyed the interview on radio mysterioso. Well done.

The "all the answers" comment I made was flippant.

I do feel compelled to point out what strikes me as complete fiction, however.

When you say 'complete fiction' you are implying that I am willfully making up the things I discuss here and elsewhere -- and that is not the truth, regardless of your opinion of whether I'm right or not. Dislike me and disagree with me, but calling me a liar and a fabricator by implication is what I've come to expect from those whose name and identity remain unknown to me. Have the guts to identify yourself and then your ad hominem nonsense will at least show the courage of your convictions. Just admit it, you don't like me personally and you can just not listen when I'm on. :)