I enjoyed this weeks show very much and appreciate Greg's straight shooting style.
Also his no nonsense attitude towards certain less than credible people involved with this confusing topic is always good to hear. If others have a problem with that then it's their loss in my opinion.
The fact that he doesn't attach himself to any particular theory or hypothesis, allowing flexibility with his thoughts surely has to be a healthy attitude.
"Bend like a reed in the wind Grasshopper". Poor old David Carradine huh.
As far as audio quality goes, I never have a problem and I was a little surprised that this came up at all. Considering the standard of other podcasts and the fact that this is a free service I think complaints are totally irrelevant and nit picking to say the least.
It puts me in mind of the time when Carl Sagans show
Cosmos was on the TV here
in the UK (my all time favourite TV show btw). I was always very irritated by those people that complained about his voice, rarely did I hear anything about what the man actually had to say.
Now that I have mentioned Carl, and if either Gene or David read this. I have often thought it would be great to hear Ann Druyan on the show,
Carls widow. as I for one would like to know more about his personal thoughts on the whole topic of UFO's and I feel she would be in such a unique position to expand on all that it might be an interesting show for all.
Oh yeah and one more thing. Thanks Dave for the term "Meat Space". Never heard that before and I want to pinch that as an Album title.
Unless of course Matt Deacon beats me to it
. Love you Matt.