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June 7, 2009 - Greg Bishop

Free episodes:

Great show, fascinating guest with sound views. Many thanks.

As a Robert Anton Wilson newcomer, is there a book of his that Paracasters would recommend as a good 'first read'? Or should I just jump in?!
Nice job, all. The varsity was definitely on the field for this one. And I was glad to see that David and Greg, while remaining cordial and professional, weren't afraid to argue in a spirited, forceful way.

The audio quality of The Paracast is tops, folks. There are darned few podcasts, and zero paranormal ones, that sound as good. (well, maybe Radio Misterioso, Greg) Yes, Skype creates artifacts, as does audio editing sometimes. Still, whoever's eq'ing and leveling these is doing a man's job, let's not forget it.

I used to occasionally try to "fix" bad-sounding podcasts with Audacity if I thought their content was interesting enough. Especially level mismatch between host and guest, which drives me nucking futz. Rick Wood, I am looking right at you when I say this. Finally decided it wasn't worth the effort and stopped listening.