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June 8, 2008 Stan Romanek

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valiens said:
Yeah, the alien video. The still looks awful. There are some common sense issues missing here, namely that because the still looks awful, if it's real, would you really think to yourself, 'Self? Me, here. Gee, you know I really want to enlighten the world to the aliens and, uh...I've got this video that's real but just taking the stills makes it look fake. If I present a still to the world with no video, people will think it's fake. I know! I'll hold a press conference and only show the still! Yeah!'


This, to me--and I'll admit I'd not heard of this case until recently--but just to me, it smells so bad, it's so anti-intuition that it might just be real. "So bad it's good." That's all it has going for it.

Again, this is about the alien vid. I've not seen his UFO stuff, but if one falls does it all fall? Or is this going to be a Billy Meier thing where we cling to his early "good" work because something about it has to be real or else we're dopes for having bought it in the first place.

I never saw any good Meier work.

I don't use intuition, but reason, so I won't argue with you there. We have different methods.

Well, my comments were based upon his case. I haven't seen his alien vid, only a still. Once I see the vid, I will make comments about that. The still, nope not impressed.

Many people seem unaware of what I've seen, and I'm merely being honest with my impressions and what I recall seeing. I am no way saying that this case is legit, only that I was stumped and I am all for still investigating it still. With an open but skeptical mind. Some of his case was good, some of it was not so good. Kinda like Ed Walters. The reason of my postings is NOT to sway anyone, only to inform. I seem to be the only one here currently that has seen, what is not available now.

As far as all the cards falling down? (Yes, as far as I'm concerned research wise, at a personal level, I abandon cases that are tainted, but objectively, there are cases of potential legitimacy that was embellished that I am aware of.) But again, at a personal level, I do abandon cases that have been proven tainted. Example, Paul Freeman Bigfoot case. BUt I consider Stan's case like Ed Walter's currently. After this alien vid? I might consider it like Meier's. Ok, not as bad. I appreciate your attitude about this Jeremy. You have a healthy one. Assuming I know what a healthy attitude is that is. Aspects of this case smell bad to me as well. But, I've seen a lot of his evidence and read reports from researchers that were impressive. So, it's to be continued. To me at least.
Like always,it was a great show.I appreciated the hosts comments,it was very helpfull to me.I think S.Romaneck is honest but he is manipulated by some peoples that have different agendas.He must be very influenced by this group to wait 8 years to make it's divulgation.
louis belanger said:
Intuition can be as good as reason according to Karl Jung

Carl? Yeh, I'm not a big fan of his. He was good for his time, but just as we need not two stones to make a fire these days, we have newer things. Unless you're on Survivor maybe.

If intuition was as good, why does the intellect still survive I wonder. Maybe, I need to listen to my intuition for the answer.. Hmm, Let me try.......... It came up short.

Intuition, as is commonly told, is just the knee jerk response of conditioning. There is however a nonverbal aspect to the... callit psyche, soul, mind, whatever. If that is what you are referring to, than congrats. Hard to know since it's too subjective and we have to rely on words which is less so. I call it feeling tones, or receiving concepts. But in my life, it's best to use both. The trick is having them work together.

I wonder what Carl would say, if I told him my gut tells me he's full of shit.
Paranormal Packrat said:
Intuition, as is commonly told, is just the knee jerk response of conditioning.

But the conditioning here is based on cumulative experience. Again, he's not just presenting UFO footage that's neither here nor there. He's got an alien head looking through his window and we agree the one still he's released looks bad.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me every time, welcome to ufology.
Paranormal Packrat -- I'm not sure why you are on this tangent regarding intuition. It remains interesting to me that Jeff and David come off as believeable characters but Stan R. does not, even though all three have reported very outrageous experiences. I think you are underestimating the perceptive abilities of people. There is a great deal of meta-data in verbal testimony and we are pretty good at picking up on it.
louis belanger said:
To paranormal packrat ;ton ignorance et tes insultes n'atteignent meme pas le papluie de mon indifference.Frenc adage

Uh....I don't believe Packrat meant any insult in his post, he seemed to be challenging an ad hominem argument. The proposition that any assertion of fact is absolutely true because it has been made by someone whose opinions you share is not a valid argument.
Not that it makes much difference in this case. Like his mentor, Freud, much of Jung's work has been dismissed in the years since his death as confabulationist nonsense.
Anyway, this whole Romanek affair leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Whatever margin of conditional credibility his story may have originally deserved has bee reduced to zero by his subsequent actions.
I just finished listening to the show, and I liked it.

When I first heard about the Peeping Tom video, I just rolled my eyes. ("Another shyster selling DVDs", I thought. The video still that was released doesn't help either.)

Unfortunately, it seems Stan has a fairly impressive (as these things go) set of evidence. At least seemingly independent folks have experienced strange events around his house. So, we are looking at a guy who is telling the truth or is able to pull off some impressive hoaxes.

In my own opinion, he sounded pretty good up through the 1 hour mark (in the podcast) until he started talking about wiretaps and MIB beating him up. At that point I started feeling a little queasy. (Anybody live in Colorado Springs want to try and get us a copy of that police report?)

Anyway, I haven't shut the door on this case yet. I won't buy the DVD though.

All the stuff about Clay and the NDA's and the mysterious "scientists" seem to be distractions. The central question to me is: Is Stan telling the truth as best he knows it?
TO MOGWWA :When it's to use synchronicity and archetypes in their inferences they don't hesitate to use thes terms.But I acree with you ,it does'nt worth a fight.but it.s hard for me to understand people that usees fallacies has an argument.thank you to remind me that we are all humain beigns
Another great show.

For me this whole NDA thing is bullshit. As Jeremy said, the man has a video of an alien. I mean what the fuck, people? I realize everyone wants to be rich but really, some things shouldn't be about money. A worlview-shattering fundamental truth about the reality of the human condition falls into that catagory in my book.

And if it's fake, man I wouldn't want to be the guy manning the phones dealing with people demanding refunds.

Seriously, it's like Greer and his shit: put up or shut up.

PS. I'm gonna call the Jim Sparks hotline and ask him what he thinks... Hey Jeremy, why aren't you charging $100 for consultations? You'd be set for life!
louis belanger said:
to paranormal ratpack ; Show me one of your study or essay that prove you are smarter than Carl!And I will start using you as a reference.

Ratpack? Anyway, I have no need for you to use me as a reference. Hopefully you have no need for me to be a fan of Carl. I am curious though. Do you agree with his theories about ufos and abductions?
valiens said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
Intuition, as is commonly told, is just the knee jerk response of conditioning.

But the conditioning here is based on cumulative experience. Again, he's not just presenting UFO footage that's neither here nor there. He's got an alien head looking through his window and we agree the one still he's released looks bad.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me every time, welcome to ufology.

I am aware that my opinion about the vid might change once I see the vid. If that wasn't the case I would be in the habit of only watching one second of vids and not the whole thing.
I feel that if no one, including Romanek, is willing to discuss the particulars of the case because of these NDA's, then it really does not deserve to be given the time of day let alone the 2 hours of Paracast time. If this is real, then this whole thing stinks of opportunism and greed instead of a genuine need for truth and knowledge.

I don't know if Romanek is telling the truth or not and no one, except him and his manipulators, will ever know. Part of me wants to see Gene and David rip this story to shreds and, as they say, "release the hounds of hell" this story. The world does not need another bulls**t story to waste our time on. Any interest I had in this story, has been destroyed.

Thanks again Gene and Dave for keeping us enlightened and grounded in reality.
TO PARANORMAL PACKRAT :The discussion was about Intuition vs Reason or thinking.Jung had produce some works on types or personalities that are still used today.He created the concept of collective conciousness that Dr Haisch has used and other concepts like sychronicity and archeotypes that are still used today.
louis belanger said:
TO PARANORMAL PACKRAT :The discussion was about Intuition vs Reason or thinking.Jung had produce some works on types or personalities that are still used today.He created the concept of collective conciousness that Dr Haisch has used and other concepts like sychronicity and archeotypes that are still used today.

I'm aware of that.
Mogwa said:
louis belanger said:
To paranormal packrat ;ton ignorance et tes insultes n'atteignent meme pas le papluie de mon indifference.Frenc adage

Uh....I don't believe Packrat meant any insult in his post, he seemed to be challenging an ad hominem argument. The proposition that any assertion of fact is absolutely true because it has been made by someone whose opinions you share is not a valid argument.
Not that it makes much difference in this case. Like his mentor, Freud, much of Jung's work has been dismissed in the years since his death as confabulationist nonsense.
Anyway, this whole Romanek affair leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Whatever margin of conditional credibility his story may have originally deserved has bee reduced to zero by his subsequent actions.

Yup. Thanks Mogwa.

I'm not quite at the 0 mark with Stan's case yet. Maybe in the future I will be though. One of the reasons is, it might not be his actions so much as the researchers. I see this happen a lot in researching Bigfoot btw. So maybe I'm a little more used to it than others. I personally would tell the researchers to go f-ck themselves if they made me sign a NDA on my own stuff. But I don't expect others to always do the same.
As for my "tangent". I'm just reminding people to use their brain. The day I can pick lottery numbers with my gut, is the day I'll try to digest with my head. Til then, my own method is more in thinking about cases than feeling.