Just heard Stanton F repeating smug and facile climate change denial talking poin
Yeah, I am "deeply offended" by the DENIAL/DENIER term. Why shouldn't I be? Should I accept the implication that I am of the same ilk of David Duke because I don't agree with someone's view on a topic that has nothing to do with it? What other group of people could get away with this term? Nobody. It's wrong and it's implication is offending.
Would you please spell out what 'implications' you are reffering to?? There are holocaust deniars, 911 deniars, evolution, climate change, Bible, history, etc. This term has been used a lot. I didn't use it, but don't see why it's offensive. In any case what term is proper and not offensive?? What term should be used?? 'Skeptic' doesn't work because they are not skeptical, they have taken a position opposite of the 'believer' platform. Sorry, didn't want to get in a tiff about semantics.
And Pixel-
Keep in mind I'm not defending AGW. I still don't know what is going on, but I remain skeptical at this point because of reasons I listed before. Right now I'm merely trying to point out WHY people can be convinced one way or the other. But, digressing, ....
A fairly recent survey of over 3000 Earth scientists (the ones that should have a say in this) revealed that overwhelmingly global temps have risen compared to pre-1800's and that people play a significant part. I'm not making that up. 90% said that temps have risen and 82% said we play a significant part. Climatologists who were part of this survey were more like 97%.
So whenever the 'experts' are expressing themselves about the science they do everyday, then I think it is worth listening to. I'm not a climatologist so I kind of have to defer to the scientists that do the research.
Now, couple that with things like
2000-2009 is the warmest decade on record and you get more ooomph to manipulate public opinion. And this was based on data outside of the CRU of East Anglia.
Now, .. I think there are problems, which I described before as well. But, it's stuff like this that makes people think we are part of the problem. I'm not saying I buy it, just saying there is ample reason to be a 'believer' when you are presented this kind of stuff.
But seriously, are we to think that taxing emmissions is going to solve the problem of emmissions?? I'd say, uhhh NO.