Paranormal Adept
PROBABLY RIGHT... JUST GOING ON THE CNN VIDEO I WATCHED HE WOULD PASS FOR A GOOD LIAR THENWatch his youtube vids and listen to his interview on squatchdetective (i think that was the show). He's far from credible.

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PROBABLY RIGHT... JUST GOING ON THE CNN VIDEO I WATCHED HE WOULD PASS FOR A GOOD LIAR THENWatch his youtube vids and listen to his interview on squatchdetective (i think that was the show). He's far from credible.
Watch his youtube vids and listen to his interview on squatchdetective (i think that was the show). He's far from credible.
..........................................................................we could go on debateing this forever and there is no point since none of us have the real answer......if they have something they should produce it by the end of the this weekend no excuses. ..The public and media should demand it,,,, this guys if hoaxers need to be flushed out ..maybe a civil caSE OF SOME TYPE COULD BE BROUGHT AGAINST THIS GUYS WHO HAVE MADE SLANDER OR LIBEL COMMENTS AGAINST THE GOOD NAME OF BIGFOOTi thought he was credible at first too...he comes off as a backwoods country guy, but he kept contridicting himself...he wasn't able to out-think the first when they asked him about the youtube vids of him saying everything was a hoax, he denied any knowledge of it...later (after prompting from Bacardi), he admitted to making it up for the "psychos"...he also denied being in a business, or being a BF hunter, only to say later that he was, but hadn't made any money yet.
I found out Loren was kind toward this whole ordeal and came across positive for the sole purpose of keeping the info. flowing. You catch more flies with honey kinda of thing. He's back to being highly skeptical again. You can read about this at his cryptomundo site (whenever it works).
"...I feel, in all honesty, this, indeed, may be the real deal, and I say this carefully after reviewing information that has been shared privately with me. I cannot say more yet. But people will be very surprised...."
however the damage that a hoax of this proportion will do the groups that are really trying to prove this things exist will be felt for years.
I just read the Bigfoot forums is closed to non members. This won't be permanent. Only until the traffic dies down. A lot of people are interested in this hoax and so many sites have been crashing.
I agree completely. It really pushes me towards fury that these clowns get this amount of attention. And the damage of a hoax like this will be pretty bad.
Is that video clip supposed to be new, or has there been a show done already? I totally have a feeling that this "press conference" may all be staged to promote a movie (or TV show) or something like that. I'm with you...the more I learn about Biscardi, the less I'm impressed.
(does anyone else besides me want to call him "Bacardi"?? hehe)
Well, speaking just for myself, I feel like I was part of the problem.
Assuming a hoax, these guys are hoping to turn all this attention into $$$ or at least bragging rights. And I happily gave them lots of attention, even after I had real good reasons to write them off.
I don't feel like I can throw fuel on the fire, and then blame the fire.
I was riveted.
Try the Bugs Bigfoot body story if you haven't.