Stuffed Tiger
Here we go again.
In this case you are using a common reduction into absurdity fallacy.
My claim is I have no sacred cows. Your argument derives that I do have sacred cows based on the claim that I do not have sacred cows. Then you maintain that I do on the basis of your own argument. Yet to do this you have to accept my intial claim that I do not (have sacred cows).
Whew, that was tiring and pendantic I know but it illustrates the short circuit in your thought process.
Let's continue.
There is no problem with prophecy. It is either correct or not correct. If someone gives an event and a date you merely wait until the date arrives and see if the event occurs. Why do you not understand this.
Of course I forgive you. I'm not even slightly offended when someone calls bullshit on me. I rather like it because it gives me a wonderful chance to state my case. Again."Me thinks he doth protest too much..." Sometimes our "sacred cows" are our fervent claims that we HAVE no sacred cows. So you'll forgive me if I call bullshit on you.
In this case you are using a common reduction into absurdity fallacy.
My claim is I have no sacred cows. Your argument derives that I do have sacred cows based on the claim that I do not have sacred cows. Then you maintain that I do on the basis of your own argument. Yet to do this you have to accept my intial claim that I do not (have sacred cows).
Whew, that was tiring and pendantic I know but it illustrates the short circuit in your thought process.
Let's continue.
What? I didn't miss the message. I dismissed it as an irrational screed, just as I'm doing to this message. Point by point rebuttal is a good way to expose errors. I normally don't do that sort of thing. In fact your post was the first. It was the first one on this forum I read that had a major fallacy in every damned paragraph. A feat unmatched by anyone else on this forum. You broke a record! Also, I'm always awake at 1:30 am. Due to my work schedule I usually go to sleep at five or six in the morning. On my days off it varies a bit but whatever. Why bring up such an unimportant detail? Why complain about the length of my rebuttal when your original post was quite long? Am I arguing with a child?And I rather enjoy your advice to "get over myself" oooooo, you told me!
But that's what I was asking you and the rest of the Jarvis detractors to do...get over yourselves. You missed the message my friend, or maybe it just stung a bit too much. It's obvious by your paragraph by paragraph retort that SOMETHING got under your skin...otherwise why bother responding at 1:30 am, and at such length?
I have no problems discussing religion or other points of view. It was you in fact that used the words "religious" and "nuts" in a sentence. What theory did I present? Where did I say it was the only theory worth paying attention to. When did I ever offer an analysis of Mr. Jarvis' mental state? Good grief start making sense. Read. Comprehend. Think. Respond. Reason is not your enemy.Another part of my original message was that none of us knows a damn thing about the paranormal, yet some people like to pretend that their pet theories are the ONLY pet theories worth hearing or talking about. And when someone different like Jarvis comes along and talks about unpopular things (like the dreaded "R" word..."religion") then he's crazier than a Charles Manson themed obstetrical unit. And I just love how all of the board certified physicians here are able to diagnose Jarvis as "crazy" after listening to a single 2.5 hour podcast That's talent!
No it's not. He will still be in error. You don't get to believe in and relay an error and claim to be free of error. I'm being trolled right now aren't I. Oh well, I've started I may as well finish.And I love how many of you are now lying in wait to call Jarvis' "predictions" wrong in 2011, but he was only relaying the information. He never claimed that HE could predict the future, he was talking about prophecies that have bee given to other people. So, there's that little wrinkle in the plans.
You are free to do that. But that is another fallacy. It's called an appeal to authority. I like Chris, I like his work as co-host of the Paracast. However, he is just one of many sacred cows I do not have. I have made that clear in some of my other posts on this forum. I really do think for myself. I'm not really that popular on these forums but hey that's the price. Besides, Gene wasn't buying it. You know who he is don't you?You'll note that I never indicated that Jarvis passed any of my personal "credibility tests", But he was vetted by the hosts...was he not? Sorry, but I tend to trust the judgment of a Chris O'Brien over an annonymous message boarder (or 3).
Dude, quit putting words in my mouth. This is another fallacy. It's called a strawman. You are attributing to me a position I do not hold, and then you attack that position. Then you accuse me of hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty. Wow, just wow.Look, everyone has the right to question things they hear, and everyone has the right to express their opinions but people need to be held responsible for the things they say. And it's my OPINION that people who come on a paranormal message board and "diagnose" a podcast guest as "nuts", clearly based on their own disdain for his beliefs and thier unwillingness to hear opinions that don't jive with their own, are placing their own ignorance on display. And on it goes...
Originally Posted by Angel of Ioren
We need to stop defending people like Jarvis. They are storytellers at best, con artists at worst. You know those TV commercials for telephone psychics where at the end they say "for entertainment purposes only?" Well the same should be said of episodes with people like Jarvis.
The next time you have a person like Jarvis on please make sure to ask him where his prophets were when there was the earthquake in Haiti, when Katrina hit New Orleans, or when the Tsunami killed hundreds of thousands of people in 2004. Honestly, if we still even provide these people with a platform, we should try our best to use it to knock them down a peg. The more people stop worrying about the end of the world, the more time they can spend living in the present.
Did you listen to the same show I did? His acceptance and agreement with what he had learned was clear. Maybe he didn't make it up but he believed it. It was not a detatched academic discussion of the beliefs of others.Story tellers and con artists seem to make up a good 78.6% of the paranormal "field" (statistic inveted). Please, honestly, do you have a problem with Jarvis or with Prophecy? He never claimed to be a prophet, he STUDIES comparative prophecy/religion. He was invited on the show, asked pointed questions and he answered them based on his studies. I really have to conclude that most of you simply don't like the religious bent of the material. He never claimed to be Christ, or Mary or Buddha...He's not trying to hock a book or a movie here, he was simply asked to discuss his area of expertise and he did. So then we (as paranormal consumers) bitch because we don't like what he has to say? That's messed up people. And people are telling ME to get over myself??? Welcome to the paranormal world.
There is no problem with prophecy. It is either correct or not correct. If someone gives an event and a date you merely wait until the date arrives and see if the event occurs. Why do you not understand this.