I missed this post earlier and would like to comment.
I, for one, enjoyed the program and in spite of the difficulty you had in getting succinct answers from Jarvis, I listened twice.
I listened too. I found it interesting. He told of a certain miracle that is going to happen within a year or so. May 2011 if I recall correctly. The test here of course is if it happens. If it does not happen I can say with certainty he was wrong.
Those of you who paint Jarvis as a "nut" based on 2.5 hours of Q&A centered on the topic of the paranormal, are no better than him. You worship "grays" and "reptilians" and 63 year old mythologies like Roswell. You falsely and fastidiously hide behind "science" when science wants nothing to do with you. Yet you keep on pursuing some sort of proof, some sort of truth. .
I worship none of those things. To be quite honest I haven't met anyone on this forum that do. Maybe some do, I haven't read every post by every member but I've read many.
Nevertheless this utterly refutes your statement about the collective beliefs of the members of this forum. Go start reading for proof.
Science isn't something you hide behind. It's a methodology for understanding the facts about reality. Science doesn't want anything either, just as logic doesn't dictate. Science and logic are tools. Tools that have provided everything in your life you take for granted, like the computer you used to type out and send your post, the food you eat, the home you live in etc.
Persuing the truth is a good thing. There are no guarantee you will catch it but such journeys are nevertheless worthwhile. I wonder why you would think otherwise.
And for what? Where has your search gotten you? I've immersed myself into looking at this crap for years and I'm not one step closer to knowing anything substantial. I've been lied to, led down the primrose path by liars and thieves, I've downloaded and listened to more podcasts than I can count (most of which were pure torture, hosted by idiots without command of the English language, willing to believe everything that is spat at them), I've spent money on worthless books and movies. I've sat through TV documentaries and utter trash like "ghost hunters" more hours than I care to admit, and it has all yielded zero. There is no truth to be learned here, it's all about faith in a belief system...and yet some of you have the nerve to call Jarvis a "nut" for what he believes in? News flash!...you are a hypocrite.
This is inconsistent. You are readily admitting that you think the field is filled with idiots, liars, theives etc. Well on that point you are right. So, how pray tell do you tell the good guys and bad guys apart? What are your criteria? Why did Louis Jarvis pass your test? I'm assuming he did because you are defending him so vigorously and you admit you liked the show.
I'm sorry you've been deceived. I'm sorry you have wasted so much of your time and money on worthless stuff. I'm sorry you are no closer to an answer. Perhaps if there were more people around who looked carefully at all this stuff, applied critical thinking and spoke out you might have heard them and been spared.
As for there being no truth to be learned, how do you know this? If you fail at a quest isn't it better to examine how you went about it rather than become bitter, declare the quest impossible and give up? Take your own advice and look inside.
No disrespect to Paul Kimball intended (RE: Kimball's post to Steinberg on page 1 of this thread), but I'm not one to pretend that the paranormal is ever going to be taken seriously in mainstream society, it's a pipe dream. The paranormal is, by its very nature and definition, marginal. Read your George Hansen people, George is one of the few (I believe) who has the slightest handle on any of this. To pretend like we can apply scientific method to these things is self delusion...go ahead and prove me wrong.
The scientific method can be useful for taking out the garbage. That's a start at least. Your statement about the paranormal always being marginal is, I believe true. Jacques Vallee has lamented that it is likely to always be in his words "a forbidden science." Have you read Jacques Vallee? If you haven't, I recommend you do. His work has taught me much about critical thought.
The bottom line is this: Weird shit happens, neither you or I know what is causing this weird shit thus a market is opened to slick people who want to sell us the "answers" when maybe we are looking for those answers in the wrong place. Maybe we need to be looking inside rather than outside, maybe we need to LISTEN to those religious nuts out there (the rational ones) who have equally valid theories as to the causes of these strange things. To ridicule Jarvis for his beliefs because they don't match yours is to put your own ignorance on display. Who is to say that you are right and he is wrong? Who is to say that he is right and you are wrong? There is no answer key people, no matter how much "the book and movie pushers" want you to believe that there is. You call yourself skeptical, well then BE skeptical, but be intellectually honest about it. Be skeptical of Jarvis but also be skeptical of your own views on what is true and not true. Be self-aware of your own biases and belief systems and how much those biases and beliefs color what you believe about people like Jarvis and for that matter people like Kimball, Kean, Friedman, and the short list of para-celebrities you seem to worship.
Rational religious nuts? You just hurt my brain.
Beep boop.
There, all better. Allow me to retort. Who is to say I am right and he is wrong? Well it's not so much who but a what. A date to be exact. Again forgive me, but I don't remember the exact date, but he did give a date when something amazing and unprecidented was going to happen to everyone all over the world. If this event does not happen he is wrong. The end.
I can tell you I am skeptical of my own views. I question them constantly. But as I stated above, reality will be the final arbiter of Mr. Jarvis' beliefs and claims. Mine too. You know what? I'm good with that.
Instead of hearing something you don't agree with and calling it lunacy, try challenging yourself to question your own belief system. Maybe, you just might find that YOU are the lunatic. But that's too scary for most people, so we wallow in our in group biases, throwing stones at those who come along and dare to tell us things we don't like to hear, or may not agree with. If you WERE literally throwing stones at people your group disagreed with, it would be a hate crime. But when you throw proverbial stones, you are being skeptical and rational? Get a clue.
Here's the deal. I have no doubt I'm going to get absolutely skewered for this post. I've asked you to question your sacred cows, I've challenged the pseudo-religious paranormal dogma that you have followed like sheep. I've gone against the grain and stood up and called "bullcrap" to your transparent faux-intellectual elitism. I've slapped you in the face and held a mirror up for you to see the hypocrisy in yourselves. I've brashly done all of this, not to sound superior but to try and bring a sense of true intellectual honesty to this shit hole we know as the paranormal community.
The larger part of me knows that this call to action is going to fall on deaf (and occasionally dumb) ears. It will be chided and ridiculed, I'll be called a zealot or a nut. No doubt some of you will point out flaws in my spelling, grammar or punctuation in an attempt to call attention to how dumb I must be. I'm a big boy, I can take it. Hit me with your best shot. Your best shot is the easiest thing I have to deal with today.
Yes indeed you are asking me to question my sacred cows. But I can't. I have none. I've eaten them. So have all the critical thinkers on these forums you have derided. Every single one of us has had to shed irrational beliefs. Every single one of us has sat in front of our computers red faced with embarrasment after being majorly owned by some generous soul who has pointed out to us our errors.
If you think for even one second that YOU are one of those souls I tell you this:
Seriously dude. Get over yourself.