I most be one out of only a few who found him informative and educational, and yes, his beliefs are contentious. Over and out, crystal clear I get that.
And from reading every post, Louis was mocked and scorned because he believes the prophecy from "Garabandal" is likely to happen in the near future.
I heard Louis, and what he had to say, but I can't accept this prophecy will happen next year, but I am intrigued by the location of were this miracle or vision took place.
Louis said the visionaries who saw the visions came from the Basque region of Northern Spain. I have researched this area mythology and lot of weird paranormal events have occurred there down through the ages. I have talked about this before were Basque and Irish Mythology about the paranormal are uniquely similar.
I would give a suggestion here. Either this a trickster event to coin Chris's work or something else is going on here?
A Hoax by certain members of the community ? Or maybe low level hysteria over took this town when perhaps some of the residents of the town witnessed something unusual and considering the time I believe 1961, and Spain being a practising catholic country.Those visionaries for a lack of a better term had the belief or wished to belief they were sighting the Virgin Mary?
This story to me is like a continual follow on of the Fatima story. It said, that something, allegedly the "Virgin Mary" gave three poor peasant girls from Portugal an unique insight into future events in 1917, Even though, many here, would dismiss that story. The Catholic Church in Rome investigated cynically, at first, but later after further consulting and investigation accepted a miracle took place there.
Now 80 years on from those events in 1917, Members of the clergy in Rome have been willing to go on record, and claim, that two of the Fatima secrets have indeed taken place !! Are they pulling every ones leg or chain, of course they could be. We are dealing with the Roman Catholic Church after all, hardly a bastion for truth and enlightenment!!
Prophecy has to be viewed in the context of who is making the claim!! Take Nostradamus as an example.
He is no longer with us anymore to ask what is the meaning behind a certain quatrain and frequently all I see happening today, is scholars of his work interpreting his work to sell books!!
You can often tell by looking at the title of an Nostradamus book, that the author is just full of it, and is just filling up pages with useless rubbish to read.
Nostradamus, alleged visions of the future are just that alleged, and frequently lot of his writings were in Old French and Latin I believe? So Translating stuff from the Original text of the work is extremely difficult and time consuming and if your not qualified to do so, you shouldn't be doing it.
It amazing to me still, that some Nostradamus scholars and teachers are still of the believe the word hister, that can be found in one of the quatrains. That this is somehow referring to Hitler of our century.
Hister was the Ancient word for the Danube, it actually a word that can be traced back to a specific place and spot. So I would go with the idea he was referring to something happening at that spot on the Danube, without knowing, for sure like everyone else. Simply put there is no expert on Nostradamus works period!!
Louis does not believe in the MJ12 Documents and the Roswell story and he finds the whole Mayan Calender 2012 to be phoney. Is he we really all that bad!!! a fool or a nut?
We should be careful calling one person a nut and giving another person respect and admiration!!