It didn't, as I said, so knowing the exact search terms you used would have helped.
I would also hope that people will understand that we don't always have time to ask every single question in a single interview even when it comes up.
Even then, we have Richard Hall writing about selective quoting and misleading conclusions in Stanford's Socorro book, all of which depends on believing him 100%, since there's no way to independently confirm his personal correspondence otherwise. While I have no reason to distrust Hall about Stanford, this could end up boiling down to a he said/he said situation. Stanford could just deny it, and there you go, since Hall is no longer here to defend his position.
My early contacts with Hall, in the late 1960s, weren't terribly pleasant, nor did he ever accurately describe the outcome of one particular personal meeting that, in the end, may have hastened his departure from NICAP. We both buried the hatchet a decade later, but the issue at the time caused a reasonable uproar in the field.