Although you are right in the context of western cultures, this is not the root of prophecies in eastern philosophies. Actually it is the complete opposite: humans are so insignificant that they are subject to cosmic "seasons" (yugas), just like plants and all the rest. The end of time (kali yuga) is just the human equivalent of winter when all the leaves are falling, then a period of rest is followed by a new blooming. Seen like that it is more a manifestation of humility. To continue the parallel with your post, the deities don't even deem us important enough to make different rules for plants, animals and humans (one size fits all

I am not advocating a philosophy over another here, just responding to your post which was sticking the thinking of western cultures (and the 3 great monotheistic religions) to the rest of the planet, wich is occidental-centric and inaccurate. I just though it was worth mentioning; Because we don't stand a chance to understand the intelligence behind UFOs (if there is one, and whatever hypothesis will be the right one), if we can't start to envisage that other human cultures may have completely different paradigms rooting their world view.