Han, check out these videos to get an idea of what is going on with the geo engineering.
I saw this back in 2010 here is what I felt after watching it (copied from thread
Funny Chem trail video | Page 3 | The Paracast Community Forums)
Thanks for the video I have just watched it all and made the following observations:
In the film "karen johnson" links Aluminium oxide with Alzheimer's disease, having had my grandfather suffer from this horrible disease I know that there is no proven link with Aluminium. [my grandmother threw away all her Aluminium pots and pans and felt guilty untill she was assured by my Uncle, a scientist that it was not linked.)
There is a dentist called "Dr James Rota" who comments on Aluminium oxide, he forgot to mention that he must of placed Aluminium oxide literally thousands of times into the mouths of his patients, because that is what porcelain fillings, crowns and Bridges are made of.
The credibility of the whole programme was called into question to my mind when (1) "Peter Vereeke" started talking about entities (space brothers) (2) a 17 year old "Sofia Xenidis" said she was afraid of "being infected with Cancer"[Cancer is not infectious] (3) There where constant references to "God". (4) In part six [youtube version] they harrased senators and were suprised that they were avoided. (5) they used "scary" music when stating information.
I also noticed that they (film makers) travelled by Plane alot! and did not mention that Contrails do not require a Jet engined Plane, or that Air travel has increased continuously since it began, in short there are more planes flying now than ever before so there for more Contrails.
There was also no mention of catalytic converters on Cars [made of aluminium oxide].
For me the killer blow is that "Sunscreen" or "Suncreams" [for use on the body i.e at the beach] are comonly made of Aluminium oxide . It still feels like some body (probably a chemistry student) is laughing every time some one buys into the "Chemtrail"/Crop Spraying myth.
Having said all of that the documentary did raise some new (to me) concerns about changes in soil PH and levels of Borium contamination. However I feel that there are more likely causes than "Chemtrails" and the "New World Order".
and yes I do love {[(brackets)]} and am not very good at capital letters regards Harry
Peace and love Harry A Newton
Oct 27, 2010