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excellent video flipper! thanks for posting this!WEATHER MODIFICATION CAUSES CLIMATE MODIFICATION.
Climatologists vastly underestimate the amount of deliberate weather modification programs, erroneously believing them to be occasional "experiments," and unaware that THOUSANDS of planned weather modification events occur every year in the U.S. and worldwide.
Thanks again flipper! I am starting to feel a little bit vindicated for all my chemtrail comments over the years I have been on this forum.CHEMTRAILS - USAF Whistleblower talks about CHEMTRAILS:
Thanks again flipper! I am starting to feel a little bit vindicated for all my chemtrail comments over the years I have been on this forum.
I see the so called "skeptics" on this forum are starting to back down. It makes sense because how do you argue against chemtrail activity when it is admitted by the people involved in it?
that doesn't sound like the Han I thought I knew. I have started to back off on calling them chemtrails, they are indeed chemical infused man made clouds but them term has a tendency to make people react just like you are. it is NO secret anymore they are doing this. It is NOT a pile of BS.I am going to call a time out, because I feel there is a danger that I will jump to conclusions, if I watch the videos now: because I was disappointed that I had allowed myself to dismiss legitimate "evidence" because of who and how it was being "sold". What I am trying to say is that I am angry because I like to think that I am clever, and this can result in me being reactionary and blaming other people: my current feeling is that "chemtrailists*" have done a lot of damage and have muddied the waters to such an extent that I don't really feel like drinking. In short it really pisses me off when a "valid" issue or concern is buried under a pile of BS and that to me is clearly what is going on with contrails/chemtrails.
I will watch the videos in the near future when I will be a bit fairer and less dismissive, and let you know what I think.
*the "chemtrail conspiracy peddlers (no one on this site).
I don't see any reason for you to apologize. You've expressed your opinions, considered the counterpoint with an open mind, and adjusted your views accordingly because you value the truth. That's how it's supposed to work. You're also wise to remain reserved. The polarizing effect you mention is definitely out there. The most balanced view is that we have sufficient evidence to draw some accurate conclusions, and I've mentioned them already, but the rest is speculation. Even Kristen Meghan's ( Kristen Edwards ) video ( above ), although interesting and provocative, doesn't reveal enough information. She has seen and done tests that reveal hazardous compounds on the ground. She has seen Air Force requisition orders for similar compounds. However she doesn't say she has actually seen the physical materials and what happens with them. Those compounds might have been for something else altogether.I guess what I am trying to say is that because the chemtrail/contrail problem has been polarised I erred on the side caution, as a result I did not consider that contrails/chemstrails had "side effects" like precipitation or reflection of sunlight ... What I want to say is sorry and thank you at the same time, even though I do not feel encouraged by what I have learned, the "truth" is always paramount.
I am going to call a time out, because I feel there is a danger that I will jump to conclusions, if I watch the videos now: because I was disappointed that I had allowed myself to dismiss legitimate "evidence" because of who and how it was being "sold". What I am trying to say is that I am angry because I like to think that I am clever, and this can result in me being reactionary and blaming other people: my current feeling is that "chemtrailists*" have done a lot of damage and have muddied the waters to such an extent that I don't really feel like drinking. In short it really pisses me off when a "valid" issue or concern is buried under a pile of BS and that to me is clearly what is going on with contrails/chemtrails.
I will watch the videos in the near future when I will be a bit fairer and less dismissive, and let you know what I think.
*the "chemtrail conspiracy peddlers (no one on this site).
Dear UFOLOGY thank you for your kind words, I do feel that I should apologise because I started a thread back in 2010 in which I ridiculed "chemtrails", if I had realised then I would have taken a very different approach. In short I took an active role in damning people with legitimate concerns, which is something I do not respect: I often post on this forum talking about the harm that can be caused by misguided "belief" e.g. morgellons disease. And whether
my intentions were good or not, I was guilty of speaking when I did not understand the "basics".
I now understand the situation very differently, especially regarding the possibility of "geoengineering" chemicals being mixed with the actual fuel burnt in the engines of airlners.
I think this series of images speaks volumes:
BBC News - How aircraft contrails form cloud
I second this.Hey there Han, sorry about my late reply here. I tend to rely a lot on the little alerts in the menu bar to alert me to responses, but they only work when someone is quoted or an @ symbol is placed in from of their username. So I didn't notice you post until just now. Anyway, no need to apologize because so far as I'm concerned you were simply expressing your views at the time as you understood them and then when presented with a more complete picture, changed your views according to the evidence. In my view that is really refreshing and it demonstrates what a fine and balanced individual you are. It's a pleasure to have you participating in the forum.