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March 22nd / interview with Mike C!

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Could you just summarize here? What have we got in bullet points? I just feel a little addled here as we've dicussed this to the point that I'm not remembering the points. I remember pretty much what you said in the last interview, but I'm not integrating that with the first 1-hour interview. Would you be willing to to re-post, so to speak:

1) This happened to me.
2) That hapened to me.
3) So did this.
4) It's all weird.

Could you just summarize here? What have we got in bullet points?...

well, over thar, youse gots your 30 ought 6, and in that thar corner, we's put some .22s, and raht bove your'n haid youse guys can chooz th' 306 holler pint iffn you ain't wannin none boattails - hey, don' go droppin them now...:)

(apologies to my cousins still in the back of beyond)

I was reading through the old thread regarding the orange flash and missing time. Oddly, the part that struck a chord with me was the post about your cat and the ball of string. It's rather funny because I was explaining my thoughts on UFO's to a friend last week and also used a cat analogy (with no prior knowledge to your reference). I had a slightly different spin on it though. I stated that perhaps my relationship with my cat is similar to how aliens view humans. I can certainly communicate with my cat on a basic level and we have a relationship that's mutually beneficial. However, one thing I don't attempt is to explain anything meaningful to my cat. The effort required to do so would be tremendous. The language of cats is far too primitive, and a cat's brain can't begin to grasp the concepts I would need to share. It's an absolutely pointless endeavor. That doesn't mean I don't value my cat (which I am crazy about actually), but trying to share my knowledge... not really.

A few more random thoughts. This is pure speculation though. First is regarding the orange flash of light. Do you recall if everything looked orange or just the sky? If there were beings that could affect time, perhaps the slowing of time would produce red-shifting of light? Essentially the light would hit your eye more slowly causing a perception as red-shifted? Admittedly I really don't know if that's possible and there are other problems with this theory. There are a lot of intelligent people in the forums, perhaps someone can comment if that idea is fundamentally flawed.

Another thing that has crossed my mind. When you described the "altered state" of being around the UFO in your dream... that oddly reminds me of the feeling of a petite mal seizure. I'm not insinuating this is the cause of your experience. Just odd that they have similarities. Perhaps being near the technology actually affects the brain in a similar way, stimulating the brain and disrupting normal function. I've had petite mals and they are difficult to describe. It feels like a pressure in my head and ringing in my ears. I have a sense of what's happening around me as its beginning and as I come out of it, but it's like losing your train of thought times ten. Just an observation.
Reply to Fence Jumper:

1. About the cat and string analogy, Mac Tonnies (ever the futurist) wrote a similar essay about his cat and a laser pointer.

2. My memory was that the sky turned orange, and it was a weird glowing orange, and silent.

3. The seizure comment is interesting. These impressions are SO fleeting that I would have a hard time articulating them. The impression i get is that they are very quiet.

4. The color-shift and distorted time idea is articulated well as an idea in a great book called VISITORS FROM TIME by Marc Davenport. Highly recommended.

You bring up some excellent points.

I want to point something out: The Clueless One has gone on the attack regarding Mike C., as far as motivation and integrity. I'm not going to fully address these issues here, but I feel the need to point out that as far as the documentary question, Jeremy produced a documentary about himself which is subtitled "An Alien Abductee's Story". To watch it and hear what his friends and family have to say about him, it's most enlightening.

Further, I would like to remind folks that Jeremy has also written a book called "I Know Why The Aliens Don't Land".

'Nuff said.


MikeC (whose interview I enjoyed) came on Paratopia looking for some kind words after feeling attacked on the Paracast boards (by a few). Apparently there was much history behind the scenes between MikeC, JV and Jeff, that has now come to light. I am shocked by what has taken place, but it has served to humanize some folks who have been placed upon pedestals by some (admittedly, none of whom asked for it). And the title of JV's book, and the fact he did a documentary - a bit out of context I would say, David - imho.
MikeC (whose interview I enjoyed) came on Paratopia looking for some kind words after feeling attacked on the Paracast boards (by a few). Apparently there was much history behind the scenes between MikeC, JV and Jeff, that has now come to light. I am shocked by what has taken place, but it has served to humanize some folks who have been placed upon pedestals by some (admittedly, none of whom asked for it). And the title of JV's book, and the fact he did a documentary - a bit out of context I would say, David - imho.

How is it out of context? Mike C. is being called out for participating in the making of a documentary, I'm simply pointing out that Jeremy has produced one about himself. He titled his book as mentioned. How is this out of context? I respectfully disagree with your statement.

On other note, Vaeni mentions that he "thinks" he introduced me to Mike C. - as it happened, he went out of his way to specifically bring me over to Mike to meet him, and presented him to me as a highly compelling, nice fellow with some interesting stories, so for him to backpedal on the nature of the introduction, it's all very interesting. Or not. Honestly, I have much better stuff to do than deal with Vaeni. Whatever he and Jeff think of Mike, is nothing compared to my current opinion of Vaeni. And there I will leave it, no further comment.

...2. My memory was that the sky turned orange, and it was a weird glowing orange, and silent...

mikec, that doesn't seem all that unusual to me, but it is notable. my hubby and I have often noticed the sky being a weird orangish colour and that there was a calm silence to the city. However, that is something I have seen many times as a child and an adult, and I think in my case anyway, it is weather-related. Air pressure about to change or something like that, but not an unususual occurrence for me to witness.

Some folks are very sensitive to changes in barometric pressure and find their reactions exceedingly odd when the pressure changes, ie headaches, feeling of terrible pressure in the head, sinus area or maybe just a general thickness to the thinking processes. In Saskatchewan, these types made great prognosticators for planting season!

but to make sure I am not downplaying your observations, just how orange was the sky? can you post something of the same shade for a reference? What I think of as orange, may only be a soft peach colour compared to the colour you saw.
Reply to Annette Marie,

About the orange sky.

Now remember, this is about 35 years ago, so I can only say so much.

But, it feels like the color was a hot orange. Exactly the color of glowing coals when the "illuminate" as orange. Quite a vivid color. Radiant.

The flash was abrupt. Normal night sky - ORANGE - normal night sky. Lasting maybe 1 second. Extremely jarring. Perfectly silent.

Imagine you took movie footage of a night-time street, a normal suburban street on a clear night.

The film runs thru the projector at 24 frames per second. You take this film, and using some sort of post production computer effect you change the sky to a hot radiant Orange, all of it, one uniform color. But only for 24 frames, meaning just one second. No fading up and then fading out. Just ON - and then OFF.

If I was to watch this film on a projector, with the effect inserted for one second, this would match (as much as I can remember) what I saw in michigan in 1974...
well, over thar, youse gots your 30 ought 6, and in that thar corner, we's put some .22s, and raht bove your'n haid youse guys can chooz th' 306 holler pint iffn you ain't wannin none boattails - hey, don' go droppin them now...:)

Ahh, missed this one. Yes, well, umm, a .22 is not going to cut it, sorry. It just makes 'em mad, whether it is a bear or a grey. A 30-06 might do it, I admit, but I prefer an AR-15 in .308 just because it's easier and holds more ammo. But if you want hollow points let me suggest a Glock 30 in .45 caliber, because if you drop it, it won't matter; it won't fire.

And Annette--you're mixing up your accents and your grammar is terrible! Heavy accents have their own grammar. You can't be from Philly and Macon, Georgia at the same time. I never lived in Philly, but I did live in Macon, and I usta could do their accent.

Uh, peace!
How is it out of context? Mike C. is being called out for participating in the making of a documentary, I'm simply pointing out that Jeremy has produced one about himself. He titled his book as mentioned. How is this out of context? I respectfully disagree with your statement.

On other note, Vaeni mentions that he "thinks" he introduced me to Mike C. - as it happened, he went out of his way to specifically bring me over to Mike to meet him, and presented him to me as a highly compelling, nice fellow with some interesting stories, so for him to backpedal on the nature of the introduction, it's all very interesting. Or not. Honestly, I have much better stuff to do than deal with Vaeni. Whatever he and Jeff think of Mike, is nothing compared to my current opinion of Vaeni. And there I will leave it, no further comment.

Whatever dude. You say you have nothing further to say. You asked me how it is out of context? By you underlining Alien, you imply that Jeremy claims to know who or what we are talking about. By MikeC claiming to be very bothered by this phenomenon on one hand, but inviting a film crew to follow him on the other hand is a bit different that what JV did, and you know it. (I did wince when I heard him say that, thinking you were going to seriously hammer him on it, or at least look for some clarification. I don't claim to know MikeC's mind set, motivations, or anything. I still say, I enjoyed the interview - but it was because of its enertainment value, and my fascination with the subject. God knows, when I began having experiences, I basically freaked the hell right out out, and hoped they would dissipate. They simply changed. My entire belief system has been turned on its head - I am not one to judge anyones story or experiences. I can say David, that your ability to reason and cut through the BS (noise) has done wonders for my ability to think critically. I have a lifetime of running from growing the f*(k up, and simply listening to the Paracast at precisely the time I decided to mature has done wonders for my ability to think clearly and not be so damn gullible. Sorry for the tangent - my point, the personal attacks and innuendos surprised and saddened me.
Ahh, missed this one. Yes, well, umm, a .22 is not going to cut it, sorry. It just makes 'em mad, whether it is a bear or a grey.
Uh, peace!
Couldn't recommend trying to stop a bear with a .22, but a hollow-point .22 long-round is a pretty mean puppy. They can really inflict some nasty tissue damage. I've dropped a 300 lb wild boar with a single shot. That slug hits a bone and fragments/ricochetes...just nasty.
OK, serious post on the bullet points.

* You had a yellow flash/missing time episode when you were a kid. Your companion saw a UFO, but you did not.
* You've had several flashback memories of aliens, some of which you drew.
* You've had several incidents of synchronicity including your kindergarten companion and a phone call from your producer friend.
* You've had sex in the middle of the night while asleep and you think that's very strange.
* You've tried hypnosis, but it did not work.
* You've 'mis-remembered' a pretty extensive section of the speech that wasn't there.
* You've talked with quite a few UFO luminaries.
* You're doing a documentary--apparently about your own experiences.
* You've stated several times you think your experiences are 'important for the world.'
* You've had some strange dreams.
* You've been reading UFO books for a long time.

Is this a fair summary? I'm not 'studying you' Mike, so I may have missed some stuff; I'm just trying to summarize this long thread and others and trying to 'wrap this up' as it were. We have another show to discuss.

Now, you know I support you in that I resist people calling you names, calling you dishonest, and attaching ulterior motives to your experiences. I've publicly stated this several times and kind of gotten into it a bit that I don't think you are driven by profit, but by being compelled to share, as you have stated. So you know my attitude is not antagonistic toward you.

But there are some problems with your testimony, the exact same problems as I would have if I were in your position. I've been an aficionado of UFO stories since I was in 4th grade or so. I've read quite literally hundreds of books on the subject. I've written on the subject. I've read hundreds of science fiction books and stories. I figured out 'Paul French' was a pseudonym for Isaac Asimov when I was still in elementary school. My testimony is tainted as a result. If I had had an abduction dream after reading 'Intruders' most people would suggest that this was a direct result of reading the book. I saw the first Time Machine as a kid and was afraid a Morlock was going to come into my bedroom and eat me for weeks! I still hate that movie.

See what I mean? Most of your experiences aren't that weird, sorry. Some of them are a little strange, but even after all this angst over them, we don't have much to go on. Even with hypnosis, tainted in and of itself, we have nothing because it didn't work. We have no witnesses. Most of this is subjective (as I think you would agree), and a lot of it is so old that it is meaningless to speculate. The conclusions are not much more than wonder at it all. I don't see anything dramatically important 'to the world' here, though, from a subjective standpoint, I support importance entirely.

Now, if I can say this next lightly and with no intent to anger you (or anyone), I think you think you are an abductee who cannot quite prove his case or, perhaps more importantly, remember anything about it to tell. I know you feel 'compelled' to tell it, but I'm left wondering: "Tell what, exactly?"

Where's the beef?

What we have is a kind of 'innuendo of a case' that can't quite get there, kind of a shadow story that is, frankly, sucking up time. You do not want to create the impression that you are toying with your listeners. And that is where I think we're going to have to leave it. There is no 'there' there that I can see and compared to other abduction cases, it's on the 'lite' side. That doesn't mean I don't support your voyage of self-discovery. Hell, we're all on one of those. Look at Obama! And I certainly think this 'experiencer compelled to tell' issue is one to discuss further, but without more beef, I'm still hungry. :)
Reply to Schuyler:

You questions are good, and I understand them. I ask myself these same questions. And I'm full of self doubt.

Your list of bullet points is a little off, but it's pretty close.

You could add:

* Seeing a very vivid UFO at night in a clear sky with a witness, and drawing it the same night.
* A curious scar in my nostril with no memory of how it got there.

I have always referred to my set of memories as fleeting and foggy.

The missing time event is very vivid, and I know I was home at 11:30 when I should have been home at 9:30, the same night as the orange flash. I was with another person

When I state that "it's important for the world" I am referring to the act of coming forward, not my experiences and not that I have any kind of message. Something about it feels important, and don't ask me why. It just does. Like I'm doing my small part to raise the collective consciousness. Yes, I know how dopey that sounds.

Yes - I am well aware that my memories are a little on the "lite" side compared to others. And this has made it very difficult to fully accept and believe the implication of my memories. Thus the angst I feel.

Yes - most of this is subjective, agreed. I'm sorry it you're hungry for more beef, but I haven't made anything up to make myself seem more exciting. I really believe I've been as honest as I can be.
Whenever I see the phrase "I know why" I think: "No, you don't." Whenever I see the phrase, "WTF?" which is essentially what mikec has said, I think: "Share the pain!"*

* "Share the pain. See Star Trek V with a friend."

--- in jeans we trust ---

Oh shit. Why am I doing this?

note to all: Im not getting involved. Not choosing a side.

Just wanted to say one thing: Ive read Vaeni's book and although the title seems to suggest that Jeremy has (or thinks he has) answers about aliens and why they do or do not want to land. In actuality the content of the book are more about his life. You could literally read the abduction/alien type stuff in less than a couple hours and I think while the title is controversial, IMO its just a device used to draw attention to the book. (I.E Its not really representative of the the contents of the book).

As far as the doco? Havent seen it.
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