The fact that I said I was involved in a documentary came up during the podcast and again on the forums.
(I got accused of name-dropping in some of the forum posts, be aware, I am going to use real names in this)
The documentary idea started a few years ago, in 2006. This was well before I ever seriously looked into my own experiences. All I had were a few memories, and I simply dismissed them.
I’ve been reading books on the UFO subject since about 1991. But, a few years back, when I got Netflix I found that they had a list of UFO documentaries. I ordered a few, and I found they were all really bad. I thought to myself, how hard could this be? I should make one. My previous film experience was limited to some animation and TV commercials.
I knew a guy who lives here in the same small town with me, and he has a lot of experience doing film work as a producer. In the summer of 2006 I presented the idea of a straight documentary to him, on the UFO abduction phenomenon. At first he didn't think it would work. I gave him a few books, and then I wrote up a proposal for the documentary I was imagining. (Maybe I’ll post this proposal, it’s pretty tame - with NOTHING about me in it)
This would have been the fall of 2006. And this documentary idea was just a straight, serious, no exploitation look at the abduction phenomenon. Nothing to do with me.
The producer said yes, and we started taking about how to get started.
We went to meet with a professional cameraman in a nearby town, and during that meeting, the producer talked about how he wanted to do more of a narrative, following a story. I remained quiet.
During the drive home from the meeting I told the producer about three of my memories. (These were the content of the Nov.08 Paracast interview). They were a missing time event, a vivid nighttime sighting and seeing entities outside my window in 1993.
I'll add that I dismissed these memories as something that just seemed too weird to trust. This was the very first time he had heard me mention ANYTHING about my own memories.
He looked at me with an expression of astonishment.
Right then, he told me in no uncertain terms, that we simply had to make this documentary, with me as the subject. My immediate response was: “NO FUCKING WAY! I am NOT brave enough.”
The producer said, “I’m going to give you some time, and there is going to be a day when I ask you again. But I think this could be a really interesting project."
Again, I said no.
And we didn't talk after that.
About a month later, I had an intensely vivid dream. There was a bunch of mythological imagery, and maps and assignments and the need for an adventure (this dream could be it's own post). When I woke up, I knew the dream was all about the documentary, the real life adventure of it.
I got out of bed, the phone rang, it was the producer - he got right to the point, he asked me if I was willing to be the subject of the documentary. After the overt content from the dream, I said yes.
This dream sort of flipped me out, it was so vivid and intense I just felt like saying yes was the right thing to do.
One of my first interviews on camera was with Leo Sprinkle. I had met him earlier. The interview was fun and super interesting. I asked him some questions and he asked me some questions, and I explained my story as best as I could.
He attempted a hypnosis session with a camera in the room, alas, nothing happened.
These first series of interviews were really fun. I liked all the people we talked with, and I found their questions of me to be really interesting. I'll also add that at this point I was very self critical of my memories.
We also interviewed Budd Hopkins, Dave Jacobs, Peter Robbins, Barbara Lamb as well as several people who claim the abduction phenomenon.
But after meeting with Budd, a few more memories came forward and it really freaked me out. Suddenly, I was hit with the fact that this might be true. And it scared me.
We did a little more filming, but at this point I was more nervous, and visibly anxious.
About this time, the project fizzled. The folks involved (me included) will talk on the phone periodically, but it's stalled out. Nothing has happened in over a year.
Recently, I've been reviewing the footage, and some of it is pretty interesting. I come across okay (I was worried I would seem crazy).
Will it ever get started again? I think so.
I had a long talk with Budd about the documentary (off camera) and he understood the value of following one person as he looks into what might have happened. He was very encouraging.
I'll add that Leo was enormously supportive of the idea too. He thought the concept was good, that I was the right person for it, and he told me to keep at it.
Did this stuff feed my ego? Undoubtedly, hearing Budd and Leo tell me they were supportive was extremely gratifying. An ego boost? Sure.
But, the deeper I got into it, the more freaked-out I got.
There is some footage of me talking to the camera, lamenting: “What am I doing? This is all crazy, how did I end up here?”
I very much like the two other people involved in the project. They have been very strict that there should be nothing at all exploitative in it.