I am currently listening to the latest episode, and I confess that I am very uneasy about the bio details he has just given.As a former employee of the same branch and also others, I can tell you that to be fired so easily is literally impossible in the U.K Civil Service.Matthew Williams is in my opinion, spinning you a line.I would also comment that there are many people in similar jobs (very low level, from the description given of Mr Williams' duties) who actively participate in paranormal related activities and whom, do so openly, even organising UFO watches and ghost hunts with colleagues.
I speak from personal experience.I have also never known an icon on a screen be an issue, and all works stations should be locked if you leave for even 10 seconds.
I understand that it is not easy to know how an overseas government body works, but as a fellow 'Brit' and an avid listener to your show, my B.S meter has just sounded loudly enough to make me put finger to keyboard.
I appreciate that he claimed that the icon on his screen was an excuse, but again, the union representation of Civil Servants is one of the most militant in any sector (as I can testify) of business, and would eat the Civil Service management alive over something like that. And breach of security is not handled lightly with a quick handshake and accompaniment to the door.
Please don't misunderstand me. I am not doubting the veracity of the interviewee in terms of his 'paranormal experience', but I do have an issue when 'former government employees' pump themselves up to be far more important than they were.
Even 'front line' officers are only 2-4 points from the bottom of the pay scale for the most part. At grade 2 and 3 (A.O and E.O in standard parlance), I was dealing with fraud, immigration, home visits and case work, and I was openly a 'Pagan', and very open about my interests and appeared on T.V and radio on a matter of subjects.
As long as I did not directly break the law or bring the service into disrepute, I was in one of the safest jobs possible.
Unless you work in Whitehall or one of the security based 'commands' you are really no different to someone who works in any other office environment. A wage slave, is a wage slave.