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I have seen and heard reports....Perhaps anecdotal, because I wasn't there to personally witness them...of military copters being reported surveying some formations. I don't think they would be there to keep tabs on a bunch of artists. Now if any of these circle makers intruded on or near military land or if the military was in a high stage of Alert "we are dealing with eco-terroists" then that would be a different matter.
aye buy a copy of the shooting times, its weekly, see how many times people out for a walk rough shooting, get a full armed response unit out too them, in the uk.
im not in the UK wade, it doesnt happen here, google my name, but it does across the water regular, police, helicopter, the whole works.
These were attributed to purely natural causes? They're truly amazing!
I thought it was interesting that he thought that part of the reason Matt lost his job had to do with his interest in UFOs. It would be great to get some confirmation of his suspicion.
On his 1991 UFO sighting in South Whales. A seemingly strange orange triangular light seen for a very short period of time at night at some distance "sitting upright on the side of a hill" at the location of a cairn mound doesn't qualify as a UFO sighting. For all we know, there were some people camped out up there, and what he was looking at was the glow through the translucent sides of an orange tent lit from the inside by lanterns. Imagine something like the triangular side of this tent seen from far away up on a hill at night:
How does that explain why it was suddenly gone after he stopped the car and went back to double check it? The answer is simple. All the tent's residents had to do was get a little paranoid at a car stopping down below to check them out and turn off the light in the tent. This fits the description so well that based on the information in the interview, it's reasonable to suggest that the report was probably caused by a misidentification of a known object.
I was wondering that too. I wonder if the camera was on auto white balance or something.
Heres the thing, people try and force an explanation, its either real or a hoax 1 or zero.
If its real, then again we try and force it into a box, why would aliens come all this way and then communicate via pictures in crops.
I'll deal with the pictogram aspect first.
The oldest known cave paintings date back 40,000 years with some conjecture they may even have been done by neanderthals
I have been reading your spin on how the 'evil greedy' farmers have polluted the soil and have given you hay fever. I had to pipe in. Give us all a break, okay? My take on what you do is hooliganism, pure and simple. Sorry Mr. Williams, but the system we live in is based on people owning property. If you don't like it, get a meaningful job and purchase some land of your own. From what you said on the webcast, it is always the other person who is the bad guy, never yourself. It's Whitley Streiber, the farmers, those crop circle people who write books and print calendars on your hard work. Funny how you never take any blame onto yourself. Maybe it is time to grow up and take some responsibility for your actions and quit blaming others.
Oops .. Whales and Wales are quite different aren't they.Its South Wales btw... but no problem. Its part of England - which is a subsection of Scotland ;-)
Although I suppose it's still possible for it to have been something manmade, that clarification does add a an air of mystery to the incident, that's for sure. Thanks for adding those details .Actually the light was very intense and at that distance didnt resemble any form of tent or fire. It was so large that it would have been the mother of all tents. I would have estimated it to be a few hundred feet high. I class it as a UFO type of wierd experience and correctly you point out it isnt a UFO as it was sat on the side of the mountain. I think the amount of shimmering of light coming off this object and the distance would mean they were using a torch inside the tent so bright that it would have incinerated the tent ... Although this is one of many unusual events I have had in my life - it was one of the first to trigger my interest in the subjects of the paranormal so as to become an investigator as opposed to a casual reader of books etc.
For me the big aha moment was hearing Matthew explain the plant anomalies sequence and the mysterious, genetically altered node mutations. It took me back 15 years to previous debates about the supposed xtraterrestrial agency responsible for these anomalies. BLT hung their hat on this scienctific upchucking the way Leir claims similar orgies of "science" over the alien implant mythology. This thread's range of belief systems is a wonderful spectrum of what the paranormal is all about from believer to curiosity seeker to skep-dick.
And speaking about @Muadib, my fellow enthusiast, I like the way you had no dog in the fight but persisted to cheer for the critical vantage point - a good place to truly see crop circles for what they are: human constructions engaged in commentary about ccbelievers. You could easily academicize this position the way @Jimi H. accurately did with the big smooth strokes of his electrified tune. Artists never really get to define themselves - that's the job of the critic/historian.
I think this was a pretty astute comment, as was trainedobserver's later comment:
I would really like to hear @Matthew Williams respond to these points as Matthew speaks well of Colin, but identifies trying to make points to other ccresearchers is like walking through treacle. So do you, Matthew, take any responsibility for the cult like experiences and altering of human personalities that have resulted from your late night field graffiti? Forget the researchers deaf to your grainy taunts - what about all the believers you have helped spawn?
But back to the aha moment: if the ccphenomnon, including all the BLT legitimization of cc as genuine xtraterrestrial artifacts, is totally bogus, then how many other paranormal pursuits are based on out of context woodcuts, or begin in layers of myths (stories invented to explain wild phenomenon that we now know to be prosaic events) and today are relaquered by the researchers' claims, who in their garbles, give the people, as M. Williams says, exactly what they want?
And then does that make The Paracast just another Waystation where we are all sitting around the digital glow together in the cave, speculating on the value of pictographs while chewing on that finger hash (dangerous stuff - best to stay away)? The 16 different ccpuns that cropped up in this episode suggests a kind of repetition. But then anything circular is bound to provide the odd synchronicity here and there.
when you are hearing the counter information directly from the horses mouth... me.
some would say it just looks like a horse, when really it's an ass.
just avin a laugh matty lad, you never answered before about that vid posted a couple of pages back.
Julian Richardson has moved onto sand...
Cheers Chris
another one you may all like which I filmed.. Might be best to click on youtube bit and watch at 1080p as in this little window it might hurt your eyes.
aye buy a copy of the shooting times, its weekly, see how many times people out for a walk rough shooting, get a full armed response unit out too them, in the uk.
These were attributed to purely natural causes? They're truly amazing!
Quite a few people have been shot here by armed response units for things like carrying a table leg in a plastic bag and other ridiculous decisions, made, admittedly, in the heat of a situation.
Actually though, the statistics for Police shootings in the UK are staggeringly good. Recently, in one 12-month period, the combined number of rounds actually discharged in the whole of England & Wales during 19,000 incidents involving armed police was something like 5. Thats 5 shots fired out of 19,000 separate armed response unit call-outs. I don't think the shots fired killed anyone either!
I have to admit, those kind of statistics do prove it's not the wild west here anyway.
it is not about shooting people, its about intimidation en-masse, the police quite simply do not want firearms in public ownership.
hence the increasing legal obstacles, ever increasing police objections and fees, it all started 25 years ago and has steadily gotten tighter and tighter, like i said i lost mine for drinking and driving, i know it was dumb, but there ya go, only excuse they needed to confiscate my guns and not to be forgetting i represented the island at english skeet many a time..