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May 10, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Richard Dolan

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Of course when you do have many people involved it can end up in Legal hassles, hurt feelings and much of the "in-fighting" we've come to expect in ufology.
Depends on the agendas of those involved. If your goal is to be a self-proclaimed prophet announcing the second coming of Roswell then your ego will blind you and yes, conflict ensues. All private clubs that close off the membership discriminate and are the problematic spaces.

When you assemble an organic group of people with similar egoless goals they can solve a mystery in an unbiased manner by chasing down real evidence. Look at how fast the open source method worked in this case. No legal issues & no hassles. It really is a different model than what we're used to.

The exclusivity of the Dream Team and the subsequent evolution of their fragmented adventures in Dew's toy slidebox of sad media is the real problem. It's a model that does not make sense in the digital age. It's Old School. The shift is happening now. While the internet can not be the limit of research, the fact is the internet never forgets, and even Bragalia can discover his own errors. The desire to believe should not come before the crtucal confirmation of proof. The model that needs to be destroyed is the one that starts from a belief in ET as an accepted fact instead of looking more carefully at the evidence from as many different angles as possible. There's clarity in crowd sourcing.
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Why work alone in the dark when you can crowd source, get it peer reviewed in real time by as many different skilled people as possible. Why not open source the whole thing instead of limiting it to a small cadre hiding from the public? Isn't that how ideas become too narcissistic.

I didn't say work alone in the dark. I said stay away from seeking media exposure -- and then I followed it up by saying have others be involved in the due diligence phase. Where did I say work alone in the dark?

As long as opening it up to the world doesn't crowd the investigative field, no problem. And let's admit it. Some people are idiots and you really don't want to have wade through their useless input. If you 'open it up', still be somewhat selective. But my point is that not looking at your investigation as a means to be part of the "show" will, in my experience and opinion, allow you to get closer to more facts/truth for a better analysis. In other words, don't make making a media splash any part of the goal, as is done too often. :)
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I have to make a confession here:
I have some ideas regarding the paranormal, that I am afraid of sharing because they could be used against the very people they are intended to help.
What I am trying to say is on one hand I believe that information should be shared, but I have also seen how "grey" areas are exploited by certain parties in the field.

Just look what happens in terms of our origins, exactly when and where we came from is a mystery, but all of the real evidence points us to the fact that we are all related to each other.
It concerns me so much that people intentionally or not are attacking this idea, because prejudice is the root cause of so many problems in the world we share.
If you believe that your race is "superior" to another, all sorts of bad things will happen as a result. that is to say that if you assign a value to people based on their race, all sorts of things can be excused on the basis that "they" don't count, or are not equal to your "own kind".

The problem is that we are all naturally prejudice. I try to leave my politics at the door when I write on the forum, but there are times when I struggle to do this, this is one of those times.

There are enough real mysteries out there to build any model you like, our brains are hard wired to see patterns, even those that are not there.

I may sound like a pacifist when I talk about peace and love, but nothing could be further from the truth, unfortunately the only language some people understand is violence, I will not be cowed by anyone, especially those that mean harm to my family, which as I said before is every good person on the planet! Lest we forget that the "civilised" world was at the point of self destruction in living memory. (WWII)

If ever we needed unity, it is right here right now, the last thing we should do is be afraid, because a man that is afraid is the most dangerous animal on the planet.

That is where the Roswell mummy comes in, somewhere along the line, the fact that it was a child's body was lost along the way, I have to admit that I could not tell that he was a Pueblo Indian boy, I thought he was Egyptian. I find this far more fascinating than the ETH, more specifically I find the similarities between supposedly separate and independent cultures astounding, I am totally convinced that ancient people were far more mobile and knowledgeable than they are given credit for, but I see no need for "alien" assistance. In fact I find the idea quite offensive and discourteous to our shared ancestors. However show me some empirical and irrefutable evidence of alien visitation and I will have to revise my opinion, and that again is why I had even the slightest interest in the slides, my desire for knowledge out weighed any past misdemeanors by the event organisers.
Sometimes even a liar speaks the truth, whether they intend to or not.

We have to look for positives from this case, and whilst there was an undoubted victory by the RSRG, I am sure that hoaxers and scammers are taking notes, that is to say they are not restricted by things like fact or truth, and I for one don't want to give them any help in their next endeavour!

Ok sermon over, and just in case anybody feels like I was targeting them, remember I am an Englishman, and my country is based on the false ideas of our superiority, I have read enough about our previous exploits around the world to know that this false idea of superiority, was used as a tool to exploit, and excuse countless terrible acts. We have to learn from our past in order to prevent ourselves from falling into the same pitfalls, it breaks my heart to see these ideas evolve and reemerge, if they ever went away in the first place.
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Those are worthy thoughts Han but instead of saying we are all naturally racist I would say we are all naturally prejudice. I think it's more honest and covers more ground. Racism is another form of prejudice, a subset if you will. it sounds more inflammatory and whether one is or is not a racist, I have no problems saying we all harbor a prejudice against something that can color ;) our judgements at times. and contribute to a false sense of superiority.
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Those are worthy thoughts Han but instead of saying we are all naturally racist I would say we are all naturally prejudice. I think it's more honest and covers more ground. Racism is another form of prejudice, a subset if you will. it sounds more inflammatory and whether one is or is not a racist, I have no problems saying we all harbor a prejudice against something that can color ;) our judgements at times. and contribute to a false sense of superiority.
For me what is natural is our fear of the other, more specifically those who have power might be hard wired to instinctually fear losing that power as a latent survival instinct. There's no question that social training breeds hatred and distrust.

The most dangerous animal is a human in fear. Men fear women's secret internal power and burn them and deny their control of their bodies, and yell obscene sexually harrassing phrases at female journalists. Able bodied people fear the unknown world of those who are not able bodied and continue to deny them citizenship and the basic human rights of an accessible society. The sane fear those who are mentally unwell and forcibly drug them and may even shoot them when we are worried about what they might do. Skin color sparks more fear than any other I've ever seen.

The history of North America is founded upon two major racist genocidal events: the abduction and enslavement of African peoples and the genocidal destruction of Aboriginal culture. The traumas and memories of such power dynamics continue to live on in our culture and is readily seen in Tea Party Slave Era hatred towards the US president and is easily recognized in the "tomahawk chop" and other exploitations of indigenous culture in national sports teams.

Racism is a persistent undercurrent in our culture and the ongoing migration of people continues to assert the fear of difference as seen in Islamaphobia and mistaken beliefs the Charlie Hebdo is somehow the bastion of free speech as opposed to simple low brow satire.

Bragalia's tokenistic comments about buying off his own North American guilt towards the indigenous origins of the mummy he intensely promoted as a genuine alien lifeform does not even begin to cut it.
Eh, okay I might as well weigh in on this...

01) What A Fool Believes - As this all began to implode post Mexico City event, I went back through my stash and relistened to all the various podcasts I had on hand related to the slides, starting with Randle blithering about the Roswell Dream Team. Soon after that, word of the slides began to make the rounds, and I waited to hear that somehow Richard Doty was involved because the story and the timing just struck me as... convenient. If indeed Dew has had these slides for a while, why wait until NOW to make them public? There were several good opportunities in past years to make a splash with "new" Roswell media.

But the slides were the EXACT sort of thing the Dream Team craved (another red flag for me) and as such they defended to slide harem like eunuchs. Let me just state for the record that I don't think anyone on the Dream Team was being willfully deceptive in this matter, merely blinded by their enthusiasm and desires for vindication. After suffering from Disclosure Blue Balls in the 90's, they very much wanted to see their ideas validated.

02) Wlie E. Coyote, SUUUUUUU-PER Researcher - From my POV, the most distressing take away from this is seeing just how low the upper echelons of the "research" field has dropped. Secrecy, obfuscation and arrogance are all evident from the beginning, not to mention their rather high handed treatment of outsiders. This from the very people who constantly bleat and mewl about Disclosure and Openness, who then formed a cabal with their prize. Could any ONE of these people explain to me why this was? What was the purpose in keeping the slides out of sight of "non-researchers". I for one can't think of a single solitary justification for secrecy in this matter. Again, it wasn't just egos run amuck, it was their raw id.

03) There's A Man Who Lives A Life Of Danger - Okay, let me tell you a few things that REALLY get my goat in the field of UFO Research. First off, there's the persistent notion that a vast GUVMENT CORNSPIRCY is actively suppressing UFO info for various reasons, but mostly just to be mean if I'm reading some blogs correctly. To that I say, you're ALMOST right. If you know anything about spy-guy stuff and how the world of spooks REALLY works, then the interest of shadowy adgencies in UFOs makes perfect sense. Sadly, most public perceptions are shaped by crap TV and film depictions of intellegence forces, and this albedo is the only light that most UFO enthusiasts see.

Truth is, you have DOZENS of different active interests that monitor and manipulate the UFO topic for their own purposes, few of which have anything to do with UFOs themselves. Go back and actually read up on how the CIA, KGB, and MI5 did their thing in the 60's and 70's, and you'll get a better understanding how this might apply to UFOs. Remember, UFOs are topic of intense fascination to YOU, but of little to no actual interest to these groups, and they'll happily utilize the field if it easily or quickly accomplishes another task. Likewise, they might plant "seeds" within the field of ufology to use at a later date. It's almost effortless to set a few things in motion, that can be expanded at a later date, and require only minimal attention to keep going in the meantime.

The Paul Bennewitz affair and Richard Doty in general should be a daily reminder to NEVER EVER accept one of these GUVMENT INCIDERS at face value, not to mention the Macy's Parade of fraudulent military members and Area 51 personnel that have been exposed in the last three decades. The very shadowy forces you fear are well aware of your fetish and will gleefully use it against you. The common (tiresome) trope in the field is that if some valiant researcher gets just a little too close to THE TRVTH, assassins would drop out of the ceiling panels to dispatch him... uh, no. If that were indeed the case, they would instead begin feeding said blogger false info, sending them down the rabbit hole, or simply discredit them (who knew that this 35 yo guys wasn't really an Army Ranger and didn't really punch Hitler in the nose. Go figure).

That said, I have an uneasy feeling that the entire point of the Slides was to a) monkeywrench the Dream Team (mission accomplished), and b) add a little energy to the Roswell mythology flywheel, because make no mistake, in spite of how everything has gone down, five years from now some oily manbaby at his keyboard will "rediscover" the Roswell Slides story, and write 800,000 words on how the Obama administration had to use all of it's resources to suppress the truth about this obvious legitimate alien hybrid body...

Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.
Those are worthy thoughts Han but instead of saying we are all naturally racist I would say we are all naturally prejudice. I think it's more honest and covers more ground. Racism is another form of prejudice, a subset if you will. it sounds more inflammatory and whether one is or is not a racist, I have no problems saying we all harbor a prejudice against something that can color ;) our judgements at times. and contribute to a false sense of superiority.

I have edited my post, because you make a very valid point, rascism is part of prejudice, another prejudice I am acutely aware of is directed at those with less money (poverty).
Coincidence is happening to me on a daily basis, after I made my post I went to read the paper in the garden, and here is what I read in the supplement, please note that I upload these images in the name of education, I had to use my phone as I have lent my scanner to a friend, so apologies for the low quality, I hope they are still legible, I think that the article will be posted online soon, but it is not currently.

The article is about the power of Nocebo:

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This is the area where the ideas that I said I was afraid to talk about come from.

I will update the post with links to an online version when it becomes available.


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Eh, okay I might as well weigh in on this...

01) What A Fool Believes - As this all began to implode post Mexico City event, I went back through my stash and relistened to all the various podcasts I had on hand related to the slides, starting with Randle blithering about the Roswell Dream Team. Soon after that, word of the slides began to make the rounds, and I waited to hear that somehow Richard Doty was involved because the story and the timing just struck me as... convenient. If indeed Dew has had these slides for a while, why wait until NOW to make them public? There were several good opportunities in past years to make a splash with "new" Roswell media.

But the slides were the EXACT sort of thing the Dream Team craved (another red flag for me) and as such they defended to slide harem like eunuchs. Let me just state for the record that I don't think anyone on the Dream Team was being willfully deceptive in this matter, merely blinded by their enthusiasm and desires for vindication. After suffering from Disclosure Blue Balls in the 90's, they very much wanted to see their ideas validated.

02) Wlie E. Coyote, SUUUUUUU-PER Researcher - From my POV, the most distressing take away from this is seeing just how low the upper echelons of the "research" field has dropped. Secrecy, obfuscation and arrogance are all evident from the beginning, not to mention their rather high handed treatment of outsiders. This from the very people who constantly bleat and mewl about Disclosure and Openness, who then formed a cabal with their prize. Could any ONE of these people explain to me why this was? What was the purpose in keeping the slides out of sight of "non-researchers". I for one can't think of a single solitary justification for secrecy in this matter. Again, it wasn't just egos run amuck, it was their raw id.

03) There's A Man Who Lives A Life Of Danger - Okay, let me tell you a few things that REALLY get my goat in the field of UFO Research. First off, there's the persistent notion that a vast GUVMENT CORNSPIRCY is actively suppressing UFO info for various reasons, but mostly just to be mean if I'm reading some blogs correctly. To that I say, you're ALMOST right. If you know anything about spy-guy stuff and how the world of spooks REALLY works, then the interest of shadowy adgencies in UFOs makes perfect sense. Sadly, most public perceptions are shaped by crap TV and film depictions of intellegence forces, and this albedo is the only light that most UFO enthusiasts see.

Truth is, you have DOZENS of different active interests that monitor and manipulate the UFO topic for their own purposes, few of which have anything to do with UFOs themselves. Go back and actually read up on how the CIA, KGB, and MI5 did their thing in the 60's and 70's, and you'll get a better understanding how this might apply to UFOs. Remember, UFOs are topic of intense fascination to YOU, but of little to no actual interest to these groups, and they'll happily utilize the field if it easily or quickly accomplishes another task. Likewise, they might plant "seeds" within the field of ufology to use at a later date. It's almost effortless to set a few things in motion, that can be expanded at a later date, and require only minimal attention to keep going in the meantime.

The Paul Bennewitz affair and Richard Doty in general should be a daily reminder to NEVER EVER accept one of these GUVMENT INCIDERS at face value, not to mention the Macy's Parade of fraudulent military members and Area 51 personnel that have been exposed in the last three decades. The very shadowy forces you fear are well aware of your fetish and will gleefully use it against you. The common (tiresome) trope in the field is that if some valiant researcher gets just a little too close to THE TRVTH, assassins would drop out of the ceiling panels to dispatch him... uh, no. If that were indeed the case, they would instead begin feeding said blogger false info, sending them down the rabbit hole, or simply discredit them (who knew that this 35 yo guys wasn't really an Army Ranger and didn't really punch Hitler in the nose. Go figure).

That said, I have an uneasy feeling that the entire point of the Slides was to a) monkeywrench the Dream Team (mission accomplished), and b) add a little energy to the Roswell mythology flywheel, because make no mistake, in spite of how everything has gone down, five years from now some oily manbaby at his keyboard will "rediscover" the Roswell Slides story, and write 800,000 words on how the Obama administration had to use all of it's resources to suppress the truth about this obvious legitimate alien hybrid body...

Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Way more than 2 cents' worth in my opinion. Thank you for your insights.
Coincidence is happening to me on a daily basis, after I made my post I went to read the paper in the garden, and here is what I read in the supplement, please note that I upload these images in the name of education, I had to use my phone as I have lent my scanner to a friend, so apologies for the low quality, I hope they are still legible, I think that the article will be posted online soon, but it is not currently.

The article is about the power of Nocebo:

This is the area where the ideas that I said I was afraid to talk about come from.

I will update the post with links to an online version when it becomes available.

I can read it by enlarging it x4 in my browser (and will), but it becomes, of all things, blurred almost beyond readability.
On humankind: Humans are so rotten and terrible. We really don't deserve to exist. Maybe another species will come along and wipe us out because that's what we deserve.

On Roswell, Etc: I just think it's time to consider other possibilities that have been shoved aside by the ET camp or simply let it go for a while.

On everything else: It has all been said. Time for coffee and cake.
On humankind: Humans are so rotten and terrible. We really don't deserve to exist. Maybe another species will come along and wipe us out because that's what we deserve.

I have to differ with this view. Humans are, individually, not all 'so rotten and terrible'. Many humans aren't. I think that most humans aren't.

An even more important question than the questions ufology asks is the question why humans are capable of such extreme diversity in their attitudes and behaviors. Science, philosophy, social science, and psychology still work upon this question and have made only very partial progress in answering it so far.

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