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FWIW our hero Jacques Vallee has also signed NDAs with regards to Bigelow and that lil' ranch of hiswhich is the worst way you can conduct research and make proclamations about as it turned out.
Hi sorry to go off topic but here is the link to the article I posted pictures from:
'You think I'm mad?' – the truth about psychosomatic illness | Society | The Guardian
But at least you don't see him making any proclamations following that or renting out performance centres to preach the Gospel of Skinwalker that is going to change the world.FWIW our hero Jacques Vallee has also signed NDAs with regards to Bigelow and that lil' ranch of his![]()
True dat. Still, I wish Bigelow was more forthcoming and open about whatever kind of data they've been able to gather in that place.But at least you don't see him making any proclamations following that or renting out performance centres to preach the Gospel of Skinwalker that is going to change the world.
I say skip that part and just come out with one of those really cool, old school Skinwalker themed pinball machines circa 1981 and have quotes from Art Bell urging you on during multi-ball play to hit the dogfaced man before he lights up his smoke, and Jaques Vallée yelling at you to watch out for monsters falling through the portal. I can hear him now in his French accent saying calmly, "You better stay away from that portal," and, "Watch out! You could get decapitated."True dat. Still, I wish Bigelow was more forthcoming and open about whatever kind of data they've been able to gather in that place.
We DO know Nick Redfern (a most inaccurate and uncareful researcher but by all accounts an honest man who probably personally remembered seeing "alien" mummies at the Million Dollar Museum in White's City, New Mexico "back in the day") said SOMEONE was trying to SELL the supposed alien slides and contacted HIM to do so.
That's all fully documented on the Radio Misterioso episode that Redfern was last on. He goes into depth about these features and the supposed complaints by other investigators of having their system hacked.That's a significant fact that I'd forgotten. As I recall, what Redfern reported was that someone had called him (at some point in the last few years, but when?), described the slides, and asked how much money someone might pay to purchase them. I don't remember whether he asked Redfern whether he would buy them, or asked for the names of other people who might.
Perhaps you missed Dolan's closing statements all together? I suggest you go watch them. He said what it wasn't and couldn't be and that including a Mummy, he basically said it had to be an alien by claiming it couldn't be anything else. All you are posting is his back peddling and excuses. Is there any apology anywhere from Dolan? Any return of his monetary benefit? Even a call for the entire event to be refunded? Has Dolan given anything other than air power to any verification of what he was paid or his true motivations? Since there is and has not been any of the former your post is utter nonsense and is composed of so sad too bads. He did what he did and thousands that trusted him got BURNED!!!! Being that he is confident with his actions, I call your post a bunch of utter attempts at Dolan saving face garbage. It doesn't matter that he was building an escape path to back peddle upon after the Fraud which you seem to cite so confidently for his defense, he still did the crime. He suckered and assisted in the (stealing by means of deception of at least a half million dollars from the public). You want to Defend that? Then you have a severe moral deficiency! There are no uninformed over reactions, only Dolan making excuses and blaming anyone but himself while trying to keep whatever he pocketed and his reputation, which I would say is vanquished.
You have just stated that Dolan would have to be stupid. Obviously he is not stupid. Anyone and everyone once those slides were released could clearly see it was a Mummy in a display and he DID view the hi res images and admitted so on his Facebook page prior to speaking and if you think he didn't see the hi res images before he left for Mexico you would be assuming, so by claiming he trusted anyone else's opinions after viewing the obvious Mummy you are calling him Stupid.