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May 3, 2015 — Eric Wargo: Talk About Reality

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Ok, I followed all of that and am good with this vision of god's mind and our own finite temporal experience with potential purpose that exists alongside an infinite potential of possibilities but I need you to help me understand the mechanism at work here:
Can you explain the how's and why's of this universe assembling itself around us and is this 'us' a soup of combined localized experience of many individuals?

And if so are emotions just products of a body politic, innate reactions to shifts inside the collective consciousness of living physical tissues combined together by the very weave and fabric of our functiality in a conscious universe? Is this all getting too new agey? I suddenly feel like I need to get my chakras vibrating at the right rpm's through use of my crystals to open my interior digital third eye and get a better fiber optic connection to god.

Maybe @Eric Wargo will come back online and give you a better response to the territory you are charting.

Absolutely not. I think great thinkers far and away smarter than myself are getting closer to this point with respect to studies in Quantum Gravity, Holographic Mass, etc., but ultimately to answer your question in a simple forthright manner, no I cannot. What I personally suspect speculatively is that the human reality we experience is the result of us being naturally attracted to, and thereby interfaced in entrainment with, the same quantized field differential that information and time are effectively rendered to a localized status by. A way to visualize this is to realize that every form of mass that we are familiar with, including our own physicality, consists of particulate information held together within it's own molecular orbit by a force that has never been identified. I believe this force is environmental consciousness. We may produce an attraction relevant bio-electric field signature that interfaces this primary reality force to such a degree that we are synchronized locally as a result from the moment such a connection becomes secured. Feelings and emotions may be the result of localized, instinct derived, immediate environment induced sentient determinations. Neural synaptic network responses much like the result of that which result in attraction based photoelectric color determinations. However, our instincts may be many times more powerful than we realize and as such may be that which is demonstrated via the random number generator experiments that register significant levels of precognitive awareness for which we are locally, on an immediate emotional scale, unaware. This also points directly to our immediate reality's connection to the seemingly undeniable larger scope of non-local informational awareness.

One of the real questions in my mind is, as Gene alluded to in this most interesting show with Eric, is the possibility that a comporting of human awareness is responsible for becoming reality's expanding borders. Could such a scenario be indicative of a natural progressive process? Could this be evidence of our species' sentient transition to a quasi local/non-local environmental status? Possibly representing a bi-environmentally relevant, instinct driven, evolutionary specialization of our human sentient orientation in progress? When one looks to nature and determines how various species survival is best supported by adapting to it's environment, is this an act of an autonomous environmental design force within nature reacting in conjunction with the life forms it serves to perpetuate? When one observes the ludicrous position that an abstract support of spontaneous generation contends, one might be motivated logically to look for such a possible naturally occurring autonomous design force. If we as a species are the possible resultant highest pinnacle of developmental production by such a natural evolutionary autonomous design force, it would seem natural for us to be able to abstractly emulate it's basic design premise in relation to our own survival, if only in what is presently a rudimentary material form. Speculatively, as it's all speculation, what lays ahead in the scheme of such an evolutionary progression may in fact see an adaption for and to the non-material aspect of our species environment.
I want to digest more of your language and strong thoughts here, Jeff, but on the face of it, and just quickly, it seems to me that you are almost arguing for a kind of more developed version of the "ancestor simulation" proposal, all our reality contained in the holographic hard drive of god's mind and where we also derive some kind of simulated sentience ourselves - our own universe just a nodal peninsula of information, which, due to our limited upgrades, we are only able to perceive a small slice of the hologram. And if so, I must say that the creator of the hologram we live in rocks as the diversity and level of detail we are experiencing is simply profound. I find it fascinating, that as our own technology continues to evolve and our ability to understand our aspects of reality and greater levels of detail and resolution we are able to create more unique metaphors for how to understand our macro reality and our intersections with UFO's. I have a former student who is currently working on self-organzing principles of molecular structures, studying what happens at the nano level. I wonder, as we start to understand these more basic building blocks, and begin to reveal what builds those will we gain a finer appreciation for the ubiquitous nature of life and perhaps sentience as well. Perhaps, and Wargo will appreciate this, as we start to stare down deeper and deeper into the code, like Decker in Blade Runner with his snake scale, one day we will be peering down into the super-nano microscope and see the serial numbers of creation.
Just now getting a chance to catch up on this conversation...
Robert, I very much like the notion of the individual self and world as a "peninsula"--that's exactly how I tend to imagine it: a kind of protrusion or pseudopod or polyp connected to everything else down lower, on a level we can't perceive because our senses are all located in the 'tip' so to speak. I had a Zen epiphany one time on the bus that we were all like sensitive cilia or taste-buds, active sense organs of a vast alive universe with as much understanding of our role as an individual cell might have. Who knows, it's just a visual metaphor, but it's an appealing one somehow.
I tend to not get with the whole universe-as-simulation thing, though. Hologram, yes, but not a simulation/representation of something else. That strikes me as a neat Phil-Dickian idea, but how do you simulate consciousness? Or do you think it's just the material world that is simulated?
... It's just a suspicion, but I'm thinking all time is happening at once. This might be termed Omnitemporality, or the non-local nature of time might be said to be omni temporal, but I certainly don't believe that is the case with reality. I do not believe that it's situational outcome is a sea of indeterminate possibilities that is unfolding in random as was contended on the show. It's outcome would seem to be absolute and unvarying because all superposition is in a state of that which is both constant and existent. Meaning that IMO, not only are specific particles that are observed as being specific, non-specific, they are finitely non-specific so that they are in reality all existent particles simultaneously. Because our temporal awareness is entrained locally, we can only observe one instance of each particle identity as it's status differentiates. IMO, this is the illusion of time. So therefore, everything that is, is all that it can be at once, right now. Not in an endless chain of uncertain outcomes however. If that was the case it would seem we could not identify the differing particle status to begin with as there would simply be too many unknown particles in a constant state of non-processable chaos. The universe is built and assembled on the order that information is entrained according to local consciousness in all cases. That's why we can't tell such a projection of reality is taking place. Things like time and information are non-local projections into the realm of non-local environmental consciousness whereas within as much we are entrained to cognitively interpret time and information from strictly a local perspective into a localized experience.
Hey Jeff, while I do think things are indeterminate, I don't think they're unfolding randomly. I just don't think the universe is a big glass block where the future already exists, as in the Minkowski interpretation of Einstein's relativity, which would effectively be absolute determinism. I think things are contingent and thus there's no one history but that history depends on your point of view ... and even that we ourselves contain multiple points of view, which are forced to compete with each other for prominence. I suspect much of the business of the physical brain is the selection and isolation of a given interpretation that seems best, out of a range of possibilities, and that some paranormal phenomena represent the constant shimmer or flicker of different realities overlapping and intersecting. Maybe this is what you mean by "The universe is built and assembled on the order that information is entrained according to local consciousness"?
Just now getting a chance to catch up on this conversation...
Robert, I very much like the notion of the individual self and world as a "peninsula"--that's exactly how I tend to imagine it: a kind of protrusion or pseudopod or polyp connected to everything else down lower, on a level we can't perceive because our senses are all located in the 'tip' so to speak. I had a Zen epiphany one time on the bus that we were all like sensitive cilia or taste-buds, active sense organs of a vast alive universe with as much understanding of our role as an individual cell might have. Who knows, it's just a visual metaphor, but it's an appealing one somehow.
I tend to not get with the whole universe-as-simulation thing, though. Hologram, yes, but not a simulation/representation of something else. That strikes me as a neat Phil-Dickian idea, but how do you simulate consciousness? Or do you think it's just the material world that is simulated?
I sometimes entertain the notion of the simulation like this. In this painting portraying the Garden of Earthly Delights:

there is a system of understanding of our human experiences as contained in the triptych. And in the sophistication of what we understand to be the potential of computing imagine if the painter of these three panels had the power to bring it all to life according to his variables and scenarios, all pre-programmed and allowed to play out according to the predefined algorithms of his imagination. Simulating consciousness may be much easier than we think. It may be as simple as designing a very sophisticated painting that adheres to certain rules of play, and because the builder is working with tools so much more complex than we could possibly imagine, then like the STNG episode where Moriarty has become conscious in the ship's holodeck and they create a hard drive for him to unknowingly play out a lifetime or more of sentience. Yes it's all matrix like, but then we may not know at all what we really are. As you say, we could be tiny cilia wriggling about on a rock, but in our collective mindscape what plays out is this lifetime - my typing to you, you reading and stifling a laugh while a UFO flies past your office window.

We seem to live according to new metaphors and while PKD maximized the potential of what that could mean we each craft our own peninsula of meaning, don't we, and tuck the kids in bed with bedtime stories according to our individual choosing.
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Hey Jeff, while I do think things are indeterminate, I don't think they're unfolding randomly. I just don't think the universe is a big glass block where the future already exists, as in the Minkowski interpretation of Einstein's relativity, which would effectively be absolute determinism. I think things are contingent and thus there's no one history but that history depends on your point of view ... and even that we ourselves contain multiple points of view, which are forced to compete with each other for prominence. I suspect much of the business of the physical brain is the selection and isolation of a given interpretation that seems best, out of a range of possibilities, and that some paranormal phenomena represent the constant shimmer or flicker of different realities overlapping and intersecting. Maybe this is what you mean by "The universe is built and assembled on the order that information is entrained according to local consciousness"?

Hi Eric! (I have wanted your input here for a long time now!) :)
No, that is truly not what I meant. Mine is most certainly a completely speculative position, as all such positions are at this point, this is however a reference to what is our locally fixed perception of the temporal and material reality we experience. The same that we all perceive on a daily basis as we tell time and knock on wood, etc. This is to state that as non-local information is projected through the quantum field of environmental consciousness, and is further entrained and quantized according to our local cognitively decoded experiential awareness, it becomes relative to the same. This is also to state that there is a delay created (which results in agreement synchronicities, rather than archetypical ones) as the projected transition from the primary non-local informational realm to the localized physical realm occurs.

I am not of the speculatively derived opinion that multiple existent realities unfold according to choices that the brain makes as if choosing the most sensible card from a deck of possibilities. IMO, the brain acts as a localized cognitive decoding mechanism in conjunction with an immediate bio-electric local consciousness signature that signifies at the time of birth. This is indicative of a bio-electric severing with mama's local consciousness signature. This is what synchronizes us with the nature of that which is temporally relevant to us, and thus further establishes the material relationship that we experience in the physical world.

Again, strictly my two cents worth, possibly a nickle in these inflated times in which we live, it's my opinion nonetheless that a great deal of what the paranormal realm represents as it intersects with our physical world, is indicative of an actual natural information based environment, host to many, many intelligent life forms, a realm for which we have no naturally occurring consciously willful access to apart from possible select esoteric metaphysical states. I'm thinking that UFOnauts natively originate in this environment, and are informational in nature, but are in fact able to access this physical realm technologically. Possibly via devices that produce complex matter energy conversions. Further, and in combination with artificial consciousness, they may be able to cognitively adapt (artificially or naturally) to what for them would be alien physical parameters. This might render in effect their willful transmogrification of locally relevant time and material according to navigational needs. In this sense, light may become the energy of fuel, or a malleable material of their own physical accomplishments design.

It's fascinating to think that both the non-local informational realm and the local physical realm may be somehow interchangeable in which indigenous denizens of each may be progressively evolving toward a quasi positional transcendence of each others domain. That, or because physicality does in fact consist of consciously entrained information, it may be naturally much easier for the informational realm's occupants to have access to us, possibly even glitchingly so, than it would be for us to readily access such a purely informational make-up in a waking state.

One thing is for certain and is truly beyond question, nn almost all scientific revelations, nature's truth is found to be far and away more so strange than any fiction might conceive as truth from beginning to end. Possibly, we are all right, simply because we are all wrong. Sounds like a reasonable summery of uncertainty to me. ;)