Jeff Davis
Paranormal Adept
Ok, I followed all of that and am good with this vision of god's mind and our own finite temporal experience with potential purpose that exists alongside an infinite potential of possibilities but I need you to help me understand the mechanism at work here:
Can you explain the how's and why's of this universe assembling itself around us and is this 'us' a soup of combined localized experience of many individuals?
And if so are emotions just products of a body politic, innate reactions to shifts inside the collective consciousness of living physical tissues combined together by the very weave and fabric of our functiality in a conscious universe? Is this all getting too new agey? I suddenly feel like I need to get my chakras vibrating at the right rpm's through use of my crystals to open my interior digital third eye and get a better fiber optic connection to god.
Maybe @Eric Wargo will come back online and give you a better response to the territory you are charting.
Absolutely not. I think great thinkers far and away smarter than myself are getting closer to this point with respect to studies in Quantum Gravity, Holographic Mass, etc., but ultimately to answer your question in a simple forthright manner, no I cannot. What I personally suspect speculatively is that the human reality we experience is the result of us being naturally attracted to, and thereby interfaced in entrainment with, the same quantized field differential that information and time are effectively rendered to a localized status by. A way to visualize this is to realize that every form of mass that we are familiar with, including our own physicality, consists of particulate information held together within it's own molecular orbit by a force that has never been identified. I believe this force is environmental consciousness. We may produce an attraction relevant bio-electric field signature that interfaces this primary reality force to such a degree that we are synchronized locally as a result from the moment such a connection becomes secured. Feelings and emotions may be the result of localized, instinct derived, immediate environment induced sentient determinations. Neural synaptic network responses much like the result of that which result in attraction based photoelectric color determinations. However, our instincts may be many times more powerful than we realize and as such may be that which is demonstrated via the random number generator experiments that register significant levels of precognitive awareness for which we are locally, on an immediate emotional scale, unaware. This also points directly to our immediate reality's connection to the seemingly undeniable larger scope of non-local informational awareness.
One of the real questions in my mind is, as Gene alluded to in this most interesting show with Eric, is the possibility that a comporting of human awareness is responsible for becoming reality's expanding borders. Could such a scenario be indicative of a natural progressive process? Could this be evidence of our species' sentient transition to a quasi local/non-local environmental status? Possibly representing a bi-environmentally relevant, instinct driven, evolutionary specialization of our human sentient orientation in progress? When one looks to nature and determines how various species survival is best supported by adapting to it's environment, is this an act of an autonomous environmental design force within nature reacting in conjunction with the life forms it serves to perpetuate? When one observes the ludicrous position that an abstract support of spontaneous generation contends, one might be motivated logically to look for such a possible naturally occurring autonomous design force. If we as a species are the possible resultant highest pinnacle of developmental production by such a natural evolutionary autonomous design force, it would seem natural for us to be able to abstractly emulate it's basic design premise in relation to our own survival, if only in what is presently a rudimentary material form. Speculatively, as it's all speculation, what lays ahead in the scheme of such an evolutionary progression may in fact see an adaption for and to the non-material aspect of our species environment.