I don't feel Warren is deliberately lying or misleading. But I don't necessarily think events unfolded as he recalled, either. After reading the book, and making a few enquiries of my own, I suspect Warren, and some of the other witnesses, had their heads messed with, to confuse them, and discredit their accounts of the Rendlesham incident. Whether this happened to cover up a genuine UFO incident, or whether the whole thing was a psy-op, from the UFO to the head-messing, who knows? Something happened out there in the woods, and whatever it was, it sure as hell wasn't a lighthouse seen through fog, or some guy flashing his car headlights as a prank.
I interviewed Larry for Best Evidence, but he wasn't included in the film, for one simple reason (which I've since explained to Larry and Peter) - Halt set one condition for his agreement to be in the film, and that was that Larry Warren would not be included. This was in 2006. I agreed to it because, as Peter says, a Colonel is more impressive as a witness to the general public than an enlisted man.
What's interesting is that I asked Halt off the record (i.e. with our camera off) what he thought of Warren. He didn't say that Warren was lying; rather, that perhaps he had been "messed with" as Siana suggests -although Halt didn't use that exact term, it sums up what he meant.
I've met up with Larry since then, at the 2007 IUFOC in Laughlin. He's a very interesting guy. Unlike Halt, who struck me as a very cagey, protypical pencil-pusher type (an assessment my cameraman agreed with), Warren is a rough-and-tumble guy. Yes, he clearly has some problems, which he's more than candid about, particularly after a few drinks. Nevertheless, I have little doubt that
something happened to him during the time he served at Bentwaters, and that it has had a profound effect on his life since then. What I can't say is whether I believe that event was an encounter with a UFO, or some psyop, or something else.
One thing I know for sure. If I was ever in a bar fight, and I needed back-up, I would pick Warren over Halt in an instant. If I needed to navigate my way through military paperwork and bureaucracy, Halt would be the one I called. Make of that what you will.
Regardless, I consider the Rendlesham case to be one of the most compelling UFO cases on record.