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Michio Kaku Discusses Alien Invasion

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The worst thing an inteligent invading force would do would be to "invade". The last thing they would want would be too unite and galvanize disparate warring nations that are doing a good job at wiping each other off the planet through economic inequality, diseases, war, subjugation through religion and patriarchy etc.....
....hold on.

maybe the best thing a benign alien force could do would be to unite and galvanize disparate warring nations by poorly invading the earth putting up a bit of a fight but eventually capitulating to a combined world army of united comrades.
maybe the best thing a benign alien force could do would be to unite and galvanize disparate warring nations by poorly invading the earth...

They haven't done it yet, at least not overtly, so maybe they're not benign.;) Occasionally one hears of alien warnings about the environment etc from contactees but for a far advanced race, the aliens sure haven't done much, if anything, to help themselves.
The worst thing an inteligent invading force would do would be to "invade". The last thing they would want would be too unite and galvanize disparate warring nations

I doubt they'd invade unless they're strong enough to beat us.

that are doing a good job at wiping each other off the planet through economic inequality, diseases, war, subjugation through religion and patriarchy etc.....

That's been going on throughout history but hasn't stopped progress.
Either he wasn't privy to what secret agencies know, or by making it seem hypothetical, he was helping to conceal it.:)
I think it is probably quite easy to keep a 'ufo secret' secret. If it is a top-secret codeword special access program the numbers of people with the whole picture is very low. The people who are in the know will also know that themselves and their families are at grave risk.
If governments are willing to send forces abroad for a war, knowing full well that servicepeople will die and also innocent people will also die from 'collateral damage', then is it such a stretch to think lethal force would be used to keep a secret supposedly classified above nuclear items?

IF there really is some secret ufo programme then I have no problem believing the threat of lethal force would be used to enforce the secrecy. If you were read into such a programme you would be warned if you leak anything your loved ones will be killed in an 'accident' or suchlike. To think government agencies could not stoop to such measures is very naive.
is it such a stretch to think lethal force would be used to keep a secret supposedly classified above nuclear items?

Not in the least. As an analogy, during WWII, every day a guy with a gun warned those privy to ULTRA, as they left work, that he'd personally shoot them if they revealed the secret to anyone.

IF there really is some secret ufo programme then I have no problem believing the threat of lethal force would be used to enforce the secrecy. If you were read into such a programme you would be warned if you leak anything your loved ones will be killed in an 'accident' or suchlike. To think government agencies could not stoop to such measures is very naive.

Agree fully.
Me to

we have a few phrases that illustrate the premise

"lessor of two evils"
"the good of the many outweighs the needs of the few"
"one bad apple......"

I have no doubts killing individuals is seen as justified, if in doing so you can save the multitude

We cut out a skin cancer or pull a rotten tooth for the same reasons
I can't imagine what an alien race would want to invade us for anyway, or why they would even give us the slightest chance of banding together to fend them off if they wanted to invade.

The entire universe is there freely for the taking of enough easily accessed raw materials to make billions of Earths,......with no hostile natives shooting nukes at you. So why bother?
I think it would go something like this:

I dunno - money cannot buy everything and it is possible that any race that can reach here has no need for any of earth's resources. Perhaps all they are interested in is the beauty of life or the possibility of communication with other intelligences.

I think to make any assumptions of an alien races' intentions is to shoot in the dark. We just cannot know.
The entire universe is there freely for the taking of enough easily accessed raw materials to make billions of Earths,

At least by taking over earth they don't have to go through the trouble of terraforming.

......with no hostile natives shooting nukes at you.

Not sure that would be a problem for them in light of what they did at Malmstrom etc.
I dunno - money cannot buy everything and it is possible that any race that can reach here has no need for any of earth's resources. Perhaps all they are interested in is the beauty of life or the possibility of communication with other intelligences.

It seems study is an important part of their mission, whereas there has been rather little communication, and much of it appears deceptive.

I think to make any assumptions of an alien races' intentions is to shoot in the dark. We just cannot know.

We may be able to figure it out based on what they're observed doing--examining people, gathering samples, monitoring installations, apparently testing their weapons on us.
alien invasion isnt so much the point. pretty much everything in this field is about manipulating and controlling social conciousness and herding the masses, teeling them a story they can believe in that will tug at their psyche. from 9-11 to roswell-to serpo to montauk and the philadelphia experiment . while we dick around with some unprovable poor sci-fi bullsheet some one else is getting away with some nefarious stuff at our expense. there's a whole bunch of rich industrialistssitting around a table somewhere drinking some mature whiskey swapping real estate whilst laughing at us.
I tend to agree that the invasion scenario would be unlikely, at least for us. For those worlds that are closer together, maybe not. There would be more incentive to develop military space ships if your target is well within range or you think there is a real possibility that they will attack your planet because you can easily observe them. But way out here supply lines could get pretty thin and a mass invasion would require a huge amount of resources. It makes more sense that if we're anything at all, we're some remote backwater experiment.
I was alluding to Malmstrom and various mutilation cases.

Thanks Trajanus -yes, you could well be right. I've always thought the UFO-nuclear interest is just observation and reports of 'laser-beam' type deals at Malmstrom or Bentwaters are some kind of ET 'weapons inspectors' and the cattle mutilation some kind of medical experiments. I certainly don't think ET's are cutting up cows out of some sick or twisted perversion. And if ET has the ability to manufacture and fly flying saucer-type technology, they could have completely rendered any of our weapons inert if they wanted.

A lot of 'ifs', granted but this whole topic is just that!