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Michio Kaku Discusses Alien Invasion

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The technological and scientific advances required for interstellar travel are stupendous and we pretty much can all start appreciating that fact. Once a race reaches that level of complexity I seriously doubt it would have a need to invade space already occupied by other alien races. I'm betting that the creative capabilities of such a race would guarantee its survival without the need for aggression.

Stanton Friedman offered the idea that we may be quarantined. That pretty much describes the extent of what I think of how an alien race would deal with us.

Monitoring and perhaps occasional intervention when we're about to blow ourselves up lol. Potentially some genetic tweaking at critical development stages ?

Imho, there is a good match between this idea and some of the observed behaviors of the phenomenon. Not to mention that we are still here to speculate about alien invasions lol.
Thanks Trajanus -yes, you could well be right. I've always thought the UFO-nuclear interest is just observation and reports of 'laser-beam' type deals at Malmstrom or Bentwaters are some kind of ET 'weapons inspectors'

Testing their ability to knock them out, perhaps in preparation for a major future move...

and the cattle mutilation some kind of medical experiments.

Not experiments but harvesting organs.

And if ET has the ability to manufacture and fly flying saucer-type technology, they could have completely rendered any of our weapons inert if they wanted.

Possible, but maybe reverse engineering is real, so we'll stand a chance.:)