J. Randall Murphy
Thanks for asking my question Chris. It played out exactly as I had suspected it would. After telling us they've had flying saucer technology since the 1950s or 60s and there are ancient ruins on Mars and implying they don't want us to know anything about that because that's why they're really sending probes up there, we have no reason to think they used the sky crane to investigate any of that because there might be some "fuel limitations". Let's think about that for a minute. They flew Curiosity some 200 million miles through space to another freaking planet where it went into its atmosphere at 21,243 kilometers per hour ( 17 times the speed of sound ), jettisoned it's heat shield, deployed parachutes, fired retro rockets and slowed to hover at exactly the right height over the surface while lowering a nuclear powered land rover perfectly to the ground ... and we're supposed to believe the people who did that couldn't figure out how to include a couple more cameras and some fuel? This is from a guy who says his claims aren't , "disputed by anybody who knows what they're looking at or anybody who has a brain". How ironic. Add to that that he doesn't know what the clandestine mission would be? Wait a minute, what happened to the conspiracy? Now to be clear, I'm not making any claim that there is a clandestine Sky Crane recon mission, I just wanted to hear this guest's completely self serving logic in action.