What you said...The problem with continuously allowing for this crap to be spewed throughout the galaxy without people like Gene and Chris actually stopping them in their tracks and asking, "how", etc., is gaining in it's revisionist/exaggerated ways. I heard Gene's innuendos during the interview though, and I thought them quite apropos considering the sheer unbelievability of what was presented by Bara. The one aspect of his persona in which I continually cringed over was his constant use of the,"Well, perhaps if I explain before I place a far out notion the fact that I don't believe, or don't have proof about another far out notion, well, then people will just take my word for it.... that I'm genuinely speaking about a subject based on facts." This always bothers me to no end, because the format of the program suffers from the host having to cow tow to the guests other aspect of his personality, instead of veering in on the, "your full of BS" based inferences or questions.
Snoory is a perfect example of this. If you ever listen to his interviewing process, you can almost hear him lusting for the angle by which he can agree with a guest in order to prove that they possess something honestly included in their agenda. The other night he had on a lady who was supposedly an expert in vampires. I won't get into the mistakes the woman made, but she's an author who acted as if she new almost every aspect of the history of vampires, and even though she was wrong a great deal of the time, whenever she came up right, Snorry couldn't wait to confirm and genuflect like some worthy servant. There was never a space for, "so how did you arrive at this notion" as Gene and Chris will normally do.
Chris and I do not see eye to eye on a great deal of subjects, but having heard his observations in the past, I can say I respect his need to get to the facts, long before he's willing to state his opinions. When the facts are there for further review, he then exclaims his theory, and there is nothing wrong with this....as the proverbial quotation relates, "opinions are like backsides (another word normally used here but this is a family conversation
, we all have one".....