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Mike Bara :P

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I'm not against the idea that Aliens or even humans have conducted business on the moon and/or Mars, but that's not what I was talking about. I was specifically talking about the robot head photo that Bara brought up.

"...absolutely, I think to my engineer's eye, it's absolutely technology, it's absolutely not rocks..."

Maybe he should absolutely use his common sense eye.

I'm not against the idea either in theory. I think there are even some interesting photos. Alan Sturm's work is interesting but there again, he was using photographic prints. Bara uses Sturm's work in his book from what I understand, but doesn't credit him because he said Sturm doesn't like his name mentioned. I wonder if he has spoken to Sturm about it.
Interesting show... regardless of some seeping crap ;)

After listening to a bunch of these type of guests you get a sense of what the supporting pillars of their reasoning look like.

I'd call them the paradigm lock pillars. The locks are always the following:

Access to free infinite energy would crash/seriously damage our economic model.
Curing human cancer would destroy our ecology. Our planet could not support exploding populations.
New cheaper modes of transportation would give populations too much mobility. Serious migration issues here.... etc....

In a sense, Mike Bara builds his models based on the realization by governments that humans are trapped on this planet and limited to earthly resources. Without the tools to migrate and settle outside of planet earth any destruction of one of the paradigm lock pillars will lead to a form of armageddon where human populations are eventually readjusted to fit within earths ecosystems. (Logan's Run Logan's Run - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Thus the need for governments to withhold some developments until a complete working infrastructure can be offered as a solution for entire populations.

Imagine how fast this planet would warm up with free energy ?

Solution?... get experience building artificial ecosystems. Try it on the moon and if it works... ship all the cancer-cured elderly (just joking).

Final message. Humans need to quickly find ways to get off this planet if humanity as a whole is to survive.
On the subject of Democrats vs. Republicans and space exploration.

in the years I worked for the UW I have observed the moon many times. Ihave never seen anything like this guy says is there. Also I used nasa close range photos to look at the area in question.and seen nothing. I vallange any one to find a genune non human objet on the moon...
What you said...The problem with continuously allowing for this crap to be spewed throughout the galaxy without people like Gene and Chris actually stopping them in their tracks and asking, "how", etc., is gaining in it's revisionist/exaggerated ways. I heard Gene's innuendos during the interview though, and I thought them quite apropos considering the sheer unbelievability of what was presented by Bara. The one aspect of his persona in which I continually cringed over was his constant use of the,"Well, perhaps if I explain before I place a far out notion the fact that I don't believe, or don't have proof about another far out notion, well, then people will just take my word for it.... that I'm genuinely speaking about a subject based on facts." This always bothers me to no end, because the format of the program suffers from the host having to cow tow to the guests other aspect of his personality, instead of veering in on the, "your full of BS" based inferences or questions.

Snoory is a perfect example of this. If you ever listen to his interviewing process, you can almost hear him lusting for the angle by which he can agree with a guest in order to prove that they possess something honestly included in their agenda. The other night he had on a lady who was supposedly an expert in vampires. I won't get into the mistakes the woman made, but she's an author who acted as if she new almost every aspect of the history of vampires, and even though she was wrong a great deal of the time, whenever she came up right, Snorry couldn't wait to confirm and genuflect like some worthy servant. There was never a space for, "so how did you arrive at this notion" as Gene and Chris will normally do.

Chris and I do not see eye to eye on a great deal of subjects, but having heard his observations in the past, I can say I respect his need to get to the facts, long before he's willing to state his opinions. When the facts are there for further review, he then exclaims his theory, and there is nothing wrong with this....as the proverbial quotation relates, "opinions are like backsides (another word normally used here but this is a family conversation :), we all have one".....
Snoory is a perfect example of this. If you ever listen to his interviewing process, you can almost hear him lusting for the angle by which he can agree with a guest in order to prove that they possess something honestly included in their agenda. The other night he had on a lady who was supposedly an expert in vampires. I won't get into the mistakes the woman made, but she's an author who acted as if she new almost every aspect of the history of vampires, and even though she was wrong a great deal of the time, whenever she came up right, Snorry couldn't wait to confirm and genuflect like some worthy servant. There was never a space for, "so how did you arrive at this notion" as Gene and Chris will normally do.

You're 100% right on with this one, but I would add that it's not just Snoory that engages in this particular brand of sucking up to their guests. I listen to a lot of interviews on paranormal subjects (I don't know why, maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment?) and plenty of interviewers in this field do the same thing as Snoory plus they try to combine everything they hear into one giant unified theory of awful garbage on top of it. It was one of my major beefs with the crap spewed by Project Camelot. I remember listening to Kerry interview Bob Dean, who seems like a nice guy, full of crap though he may be, and instead of challenging him on any number of outlandish statements that he made or obvious flaws in his story, she actually took the position that what he was saying wasn't outlandish enough! A direct quote from her is something like "Well, that's nice Bob, but I don't think it's all so simple, I think there's time travel and a whole set of issues from that and....blah blah blah" I remember thinking wtf? So space monsters from beyond the moon aren't enough for you, you actually think that people are time traveling? Based on what evidence..... oh right, there is none, some douche told you he time traveled one time and that's all it took. I wonder if I went on and told her I was a human version of a Coelecanth (sp?) and I've been around since the Cretaceous period if she would buy that just because I said so? Probably. Or when she was interviewing that special brand of idiot known as John Lear about how on 9/11 the twin towers were actually not hit by jets but that the planes and subsequent explosions were the effect of holograms and some crazy directed energy weapon that no one has ever heard of, Kerry immediately brought up the fact that she interviewed some other nutjob who told her that the US government used video gamers to control the jets that slammed into the twin towers and that it was done by giving them a special type of video game and just having them play it. It's like they want to take every single thing they ever heard from every nut in this field and make a big pot of paranormal BS stew. It's times like these that I end up screaming at my computer. What in the hell ever happened to actually challenging a persons particular line of BS in this field? Seems like everyone just wants to play grabass instead and take every nutso theory out there and combine it into one giant cluster f rather than maybe trying to find out what's really going on out there.
Snorry on the zigguate pic "I seen it and it is not photoshoped" ummmm george it is photoshoped....
What? No way man. George is a photoshop guru! Clearly he used his years of forensics photo analytic skills as well as his advanced degree in optical physics to determine that there is absolutely no way the image was manipulated or faked! How dare you suggest otherwise!
You're 100% right on with this one, but I would add that it's not just Snoory that engages in this particular brand of sucking up to their guests. I listen to a lot of interviews on paranormal subjects (I don't know why, maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment?) and plenty of interviewers in this field do the same thing as Snoory plus they try to combine everything they hear into one giant unified theory of awful garbage on top of it.

This is so very true. I'm sickened by the amount of sucking up that goes on in the paranormal podcast/radio show world. Aside from George Noory's egregious slurping there is also Tim Binnall. He truly suffers from this ailment. If Binnall were to kowtow any more than he does with some of his guests he'd need a shovel to start digging deeper into the ground. I'm not sure when people decided that the best way to advance their careers in this field would be to brown-nose the bejesus out of every guest they bring on their show. Whatever happened to the use of challenging questions and exploratory techniques to advance the search for truth? I suppose these folks are just desperate to keep their jobs, even if it means exposing themselves as suck-up loser wimps?

The same sort of idiotic behavior goes on today in reporting in general. The so-called "news" industry is a pathetic joke. All of the big news media outlets are bought and owned by a pitiful handful of different players, people like Viacom, CBS Corporation, Time Warner, News Corp. - these kind of vermin. The employees are shackled by their bosses who whisper into their ears: "Just do and say what we tell you to, or you are fucking toast..." So what do they do? They report lies. Who wants their journalism career to end on their first day?

David Biedny used to bring up the great movie "Network" to describe this ridiculous perversion of the news field. And bless his soul for doing it. It is paramount that anyone who wants to truly understand what is going on in our world today watch that movie.

I think Gene recently said something to the effect of it's a balance with the guests. I suppose so. But there's only so much bs my poor brain can take. I find myself having to pick and choose what I listen to more and more as time goes on. Being selective will keep me from going batshit insane, with any luck...
I asked the prof i work with to look at some of the pics here is his response;

To who it may concern;
I have been a professor of astronomy for over 22 years. I have been privileged to use the best equipment in the united states. I have looked upon our moon in awe and wonder. And after 22 years if I ever lost that feeling I would retire. I have never seen anything odd or unusual on the moon. I have never seen odd lights or any formation that I could not Identify as a natural formation. I have viewed some of the photographs Mr Watson has downloaded on his laptop and in my expert opinion all these features are nothing more than natural features. I am open to the possibility of life on other worlds. After all we are fools to think we are alone in this vast cosmos How ever the photographs that Mr Bara sites are not alien in nature But the product of nature and wishful thinking.
Yours truly
David McCullain
Professor of astronomy
whatever dude... You are total BS... i owe you nothing at all and I would like to know who you are that you can make such a statement.
Could you post the header info from this email? I have the good McCullain's tele and would like to make sure that you are not creatively editing or entirely imagining this response from him.


If you really have his number, why not just call him and ask him yourself? Why would you need an email header (which can be spoofed, btw) in order to investigate whether the comment is genuine or not?
OK, you fail to validate David's email. We'll leave that fact and its consequences on your shoulders.

Rofl. Clearly the consequences are epic, the world hangs in the balance, the internets may now crumble upon themselves and so forth.... Obvious troll is obvious. Get a new hobby.
Dude you are not winning any friends here...you make empty threats such as;
We'll leave that fact and its consequences on your shoulders.

you come here you don't know me you have no Idea of what the heck you are talking about. if you had appoched this in a sane manner I may have concidered it. but you come here bolt out of the blue you say you have a phone no you don't have to bluff me.
you won't even say say who the hell are you that I should do that. if even Gene had asked for such I would not provide it.
Are you equally appalled, sickened and projectile vomiting when the same sheep-like behavior happens on forums? You know, the posters that...

I'll finish that quote for you. "You know, the posters that.... agree that people who are full of shit are indeed full of shit? Doesn't that bother you like it does me since it disagrees with my opinion?"

Here's to you dare to be different guy! All those other posters definitely agree because they're sheep and not because of a very real and tangible lack of proof. Don't worry about the fact that nobody sees these things in any of the new photographs taken with cameras whose quality are at least 10x better than the old pictures these idiots present as proof, after all NASA must be airbrushing the negatives like Bara says, even though airbrushing a negative is impossible, but don't let that get you down! You're different, you're no sheep! You know the truth! Flying saucers in hangars on the moon and Ninja Turtles on Mars, you're right on top of it! Nobody's going to pull the wool over your eyes, that's for sure! Hey, I've been to Mars and the Moon too, I'll tell you all about it in my book, you can buy it on Amazon for $19.95.
I have been open to you guys about myself and my family. My wife post here from time to time. I have given openly some info that is peronal. When I posted the statement by my prof I omited one detail to protect his privacy.I did this at his request. Things I won't do give out my address or phone unless I have bussness with someone. I won't post email headers or list my IP adress if asked to do so by anyone like a moderator I will leave the fourms. Iunderstand that this is in response to a troll but I feel it must be said.