He is a 9-time guest on
Coast to Coast AM (a radio show) and one of only 5 authors published by Richard Dolan's publishing company (Richard Dolan is a self-published sci-fi author in the speculative fiction/roleplaying game sub-genre called "ufology"). His latest book featured a foreword contributed by Dolan. He has been featured as a speaker at numerous MUFON (MUFON is an organization named "the Mutual UFO Network") chapters, at the International UFO Congress ("UFO" stands for "Unidentified Flying Object") and has been interviewed by Linda Molton Howe (Howe is a beauty pageant finalist-turned-space aliens and flying saucer investigator popular among fans of the speculative fiction/roleplaying game sub-genre called "ufology"). His articles have been published in
NEXUS Magazine and
Atlantis Rising.
If you're trying to say this isn't a fair conversation because I have a more advanced knowledge of the pseudo-scientific field of ufology than you ... um, well, okay. I don't know what to tell you. Sorry - I'm not sure what kind of response you were hoping for here.
No one - except you - has claimed that's the intent. The only claim I've made is that bios follow a predictable pattern in their composition. When bios don't follow that pattern - especially in a field with numerous examples of resume inflation or outright fabrications - a rational person will exercise caution in assuming the person ever held the jobs he claimed, ever attended the schools he claimed, ever saw the things he claimed, or even is using his real name.
I cannot think of any other "significant" inquiry in which an airline pilot is feted for his expertise and in which he is only identified as a pilot for a "major airline." As I've said, I understand that you - as a True Believer - don't find anything unusual about that. That's why I indicated this conversation will only be one that's reasonable to conduct with an Open Mind. True Believers will protect their paradigm no matter what kind of off-kilter arguments it requires they subscribe.
To be fair, your posts - to date - have contained a number of rather rambling, and seemingly random and nonsensical points, like the Bill Clinton one. I've exercised discrimination to select the most lucid ones to which to reply and it seems unreasonable to expect me to try to wade through all of them. Don't you agree? I'm sure you do.
"YouTube" and "utterly factual"
There aren't many fields in which one sees those words in the same paragraph ...