J. Randall Murphy
Excellent video Angelo. I wish the JREF forum people would actually pay attention to him. Unfortunately what Phil is forgetting to mention, perhaps strategically, or perhaps out of idealism for his belief, is that his plea assumes that the offenders of whom he speaks are all noble intention at heart, and that their poor behavior is a result of any number of problems that are of course the fault of all the idiots in the world who don't think the same way he and other skeptics do, and that if the offenders could just learn to bite their tongues and count to 100 before reacting, then perhaps they'll be more effective at winning over their audience. Why is this an unfortunate assumption? Because it's been my experience, particularly with the cabal over on the JREF forum, that the offenders don't care about skepticism nor do they have any noble cause. In fact I've made the same appeal as Phil to them and it simply elicited more abuse. One was even so bold as to announce, to quote: "I aint to steenkin skeptic!"Re: Phil Plait Video More Serious UFO Reporting | Page 8 | The Paracast Community Forums
So the reality is that there are certain types of people who don't care about skepticism or the paranormal or human rights or politics or whatever the theme of the forum is. They're only there to throw sand in the faces of those in the sandbox and then laugh at them. They get satisfaction not from participating in a conversation or making any point, but in evoking anger and chaos and ruining the fun of others. That is the purpose of the troll. They are the bullies of the beach ( any beach will do ) and they often pose as advocates of some position in order to gain sympathy, but in truth they're just using those people to advance their agenda. So trying to convince them of the noble efforts of your cause is a vain effort that only feeds them further. IMO they're people with serious personality disorders, or are perhaps even psychological warfare agents.