FeralNormal master
Isn't it kind of odd that the US gets the most UFO (proclaimed) sightings.. In germany we get one every 2 years or so, might have to do with 'nuclear capabilities', wonder what Russia has stored and filed.
part of the answer would probably be that because a UFO can be practically anything, i'm sure a number of reports are off the books black ops craft. Having said that, i guess Great Britian and France are pretty far ahead of Germany in the sightings in Europe Here is a wikipedia site showing the capacity of nuclear power plants by capacity
RankCountryCapacity (MW)
(2012)[12]Nuclear share of
electricity production[12]
101,576 19.0%2
63,130 74.8%3
46,934 18.1%4
23,643 17.8%5
20,739 30.4%6
12,068 16.1%7
13,107 46.2%8
14,135 15.3%9
12,850 2.0%10
9,938 18.1%from Curious About Astronomy: Why do so many of the world's UFO sightings happen in America?
But that's not to say that people haven't looked at the claims of UFO sightings scientifically. In particular, the distribution of UFO sightings across the globe might be of interest. The best resource I've found on this subject is this page. According to the statistics compiled on that site, the United States has the most sightings of any single country, followed by France and Great Britain. (Though I haven't looked at it carefully enough to pick out the countries with the most sightings per capita.)
I think the most interesting map on that site is the distribution of sightings in Europe. France and Great Britain have many more sightings than Germany, even though Germany has a larger population than either of those two countries. You can find similar discrepancies all over the world. There's more than one way to interpret data like this. But to me, it seems a little far-fetched that aliens would recognize national borders, and visit one country much more than another if the two countries are geographically close, and similar in population, population density, and economic development. So a map like this suggests to me that UFO sightings are likely to be a cultural phenomenon..."
the question was from a 2003 posting amd the information on the site appears to be dated from 2006
UFO Sightings Map: Europe, all dates