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Most interesting or compelling UFO case?

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Paranormal Maven
Which UFO case do you find to be the most interesting and/or compelling? What are the reasons?

I've always liked the Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters incident back in the early 80's. Charles Halt strikes me as a straight shooter and not someone who would make something up just for the fun of it. I could be wrong of course, but he appears to be a much more reliable eyewitness than Jim Penniston. I haven't actually read any of the books written on Rendlesham, but have seen a few documentaries and listened to a few interviews given by the key eyewitnesses. Enough to convince me that what they saw was not a beam of light from the nearby lighthouse.
Have to say that Rendlesham keeps me head-scratching more so than most. It's like Roswell in living color, with all of the high-strangeness elements in a major incident we have come to expect.
The most compelling sighting, meaning the one that convinced me beyond all doubt was my own sighting. The next one in the history books is the Washing National Sightings of 1952. For my own sighting I cannot think of any reasonable explanation other than some sort of alien craft, probably an unmanned probe. For the DC '52 flap, we're certain that it actually happened, there were multiple witnesses, multiple radar tracks, and radar/visual military pilot sightings. There has been a lot of smoke blown around the DC '52 case that have thrown people off track, including photos of lens flares, downplaying of the unexplainable sightings, and exaggerations of the misidentifications and temperature inversions. But when all that is stripped away, it's completely reasonable to conclude that alien craft were involved. It's too complex to go into a full exposé here. But the information is out there.
The most compelling sighting, meaning the one that convinced me beyond all doubt was my own sighting. The next one in the history books is the Washing National Sightings of 1952. For my own sighting I cannot think of any reasonable explanation other than some sort of alien craft, probably an unmanned probe. For the DC '52 flap, we're certain that it actually happened, there were multiple witnesses, multiple radar tracks, and radar/visual military pilot sightings. There has been a lot of smoke blown around the DC '52 case that have thrown people off track, including photos of lens flares, downplaying of the unexplainable sightings, and exaggerations of the misidentifications and temperature inversions. But when all that is stripped away, it's completely reasonable to conclude that alien craft were involved. It's too complex to go into a full exposé here. But the information is out there.

I've heard about the '52 flap over Washington but have never looked into it in any depth. Are there any decent books or documentaries/radio interviews that you'd recommend?
Which UFO case do you find to be the most interesting and/or compelling? What are the reasons?

I've always liked the Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters incident back in the early 80's. Charles Halt strikes me as a straight shooter and not someone who would make something up just for the fun of it. I could be wrong of course, but he appears to be a much more reliable eyewitness than Jim Penniston. I haven't actually read any of the books written on Rendlesham, but have seen a few documentaries and listened to a few interviews given by the key eyewitnesses. Enough to convince me that what they saw was not a beam of light from the nearby lighthouse.

On the subject of Rendlesham, it looks like Nick Pope has a new book coming out next year: Encounter in Rendlesham Forest: The Inside Story of the World's Best-Documented UFO Incident. I take it Gene & Chris will invite him on the show at some point to discuss this in more detail.
Not sure about the Soviets, but if some American military witnesses are to be believed, a disk shaped craft all but knocked on the front gate just before missle systems failed. I'd love a peek into the x files of this case.
Some other good ones:

- Shag Harbor
- JAL flight 1628 over Alaska

I generally am interested in the so-called radio/visual cases, meaning cases with pilot testimony (preferably ATC recordings) combined with radar or other images from a second source.
Some other good ones:

- Shag Harbor
- JAL flight 1628 over Alaska

I generally am interested in the so-called radio/visual cases, meaning cases with pilot testimony (preferably ATC recordings) combined with radar or other images from a second source.
You might be interested in a case recently shown on the program "unexplained mysteries" covering an incident in Mexico from I believe '78, when 3 small disks jacked a small plane while in flight. Pilot lost control for a while, then could not deploy landing gear as one of the objects had been pressed up against the belly of the small plane right where the gear would unfold. Anyway, there was radar confirmation of at least one object in the vicinity of the incident. Interesting case.
Some other good ones:

- Shag Harbor
- JAL flight 1628 over Alaska

I generally am interested in the so-called radio/visual cases, meaning cases with pilot testimony (preferably ATC recordings) combined with radar or other images from a second source.

I remember reading somewhere that the Shag Harbor incident had been debunked/explained, however, I can't seem to remember where that was. There were some interesting links between individuals involved in that incident and the JFK assassination, regardless of whether it was a UFO or not.
The sightings and shutdown of missle systems.

I should qualify my answer to include the Minot Air Force Base incident of 1967. As I have mentioned here before, I was once acquainted with the B-52 navigator called in to overfly the incident. I can assure you Col McCaslin is very real and I believe he and others involved have reported events as they perceived them.


Ha--Just reading over the interview again. A quote from Col McCaslin:

"Ah, yeah. But I did hear the pilot say something like “the missile guys are seeing things
again. Because it was kind of a standard thing that the missile guys reported stuff
apparently on a fairly routine basis that looked strange. "
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Zimbabwe U.F.O. incident in 1994 takes the cake imo
Zimbabwe U.F.O. incident | The Paracast Community Forums
That is a really great case, but it's still a bunch of young kids and a couple of civilian adults in an obscure African town. Compare that to civilian ground radar + military ground radar + military witnesses + civilian witnesses + military pilot radar/visual corroborated by ground radar, over the Capitol of the world's most powerful nation.
That is a really great case, but it's still a bunch of young kids and a couple of civilian adults in an obscure African town. Compare that to civilian ground radar + military ground radar + military witnesses + civilian witnesses + military pilot radar/visual corroborated by ground radar, over the Capitol of the world's most powerful nation.

I completely understand what your saying & I mostly agree. But what makes the Zimbabwe case so compelling for me is that the occupants of the ufo actually stepped out of the craft in front of 60+ witnesses.

Call me a fool, but I believe those kids 100%, much more convincing than 99% abduction cases imho. Those kids had absolutely no reason to lie & if they did then they are outstanding actors worthy of Oscar consideration.

I have never truly believed the people who claim to have had interactions with the so called "grey aliens" until I stumbled upon this case. Now I truly believe they are real in some form or another.

Ufology, you seem to know the field very well. Has their been any similar reports to this one?
I completely understand what your saying & I mostly agree. But what makes the Zimbabwe case so compelling for me is that the occupants of the ufo actually stepped out of the craft in from of 60+ witnesses.

Call me a fool, but I believe those kids 100%, much more convincing than 99% abduction cases imho. Those kids had absolutely no reason to lie & if they did then they are outstanding actors worthy of Oscar consideration.

I have never truly believed the people who claim to have had interaction with the so called "grey aliens" until I stumbled upon this case. Now I truly believe they are real in some form or another.

Ufology, you seem to know the field very well. Has their been any similar reports to this one?
I wouldn't call you a fool at all. The Zimbabwe case is a very compelling story. I also think Mack was an excellent researcher. I'm glad you posted the video to remind us all about it too. On your question, "Has their been any similar reports to this one?" Which case are you referring to?
Again, I'd like to mention the Kelly Cahill case, as that seems to be one with multiple witnesses originally unknown to each other prior to the incident. Both sets of cars(witnesses) agree to a 3rd car(male individual) nearby who was also approached by these entity's- but who has never stepped forward.