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Most interesting or compelling UFO case?

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"SO THE BASIC POINT I am making is:

  1. The so called organisation that investigated Cahill’s case is merely a name on ‘paper’.
  2. There was no investigation – no proof of one.
  3. Kelly Cahill’s case is a clever hoax probably in collusion with the so called investigators."
Iow., someone needs to refute him, or the case is debunked, and not worth anymore pages.
I never heard about that? Can anyone confirm a proper debunk?

All UFO cases have been "debunked" or "explained" officially no matter how ridiculously. Socorro was said to have been a hoax perpetrated by students who were never named....Mid '60s MI sightings were swamp gas. :)
"SO THE BASIC POINT I am making is:

  1. The so called organisation that investigated Cahill’s case is merely a name on ‘paper’.
  2. There was no investigation – no proof of one.
  3. Kelly Cahill’s case is a clever hoax probably in collusion with the so called investigators."
Iow., someone needs to refute him, or the case is debunked, and not worth anymore pages.

I'm not that familiar with the case, and I wouldn't take that one article as grounds for dismissal. I just thought I'd point it out for the sake of interest.
My fave cases are RAF Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest incidents in December 1980 and the Belgian wave of 1989/90. Anyone know if there is a good site or book on the Trans-en-Provence case?