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MUFON - I took the leap.

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Scouse, that's Liverpool, ey ? Like them , if you don't , hate me for it ... ;) Borussia Dortmund season ticket holder since '96 here, give it a shot.
As much as you didn't actually attend the seminars and lectures in Switzerland to gain a real diploma and in light of the fact I do not like people "making up" doctorates or army ranks to get on the ufo circuit, as its a fellow Paracastee please feel free to do it. in fact every one of you should do it and if people give you shit on the threads you can tell them that your a "Dr of Ufology" and pull it out in their face.
That should work...
Oh, you did. That's great. There were all these Ancient Aliens shows one-after-the-other and by the time 11:00 p.m. rolled around I was totally zonked out. Woke up in time to see the last 10 minutes - saw something hinting about Obama but too drowsy to compute. There has to be a re-run at some point.

There really is a 'party-line' being peddled - wouldn't you say? Those Ancient Alien shows are like a new religion. Does somebody know something we don't know? :confused: Did I miss a chapter in the history book? Has there been a time warp? As far as I know current science is not positing aliens and a re-write of ancient history - but watching History2 you'd think so. Are the masses being prepared for the 'big reveal' to come - so that when Klaxu finally lands on the White House lawn we'll all sit back and say - "What the eft took 'em so long?" - and gleefully dance on the table tops singing "I Told You So!" in twenty languages - and not have heart attacks? Just saying'.
Actually I had it set to record; so I watched it this morning. It basically covered all the presidents (there were supposedly several) who had an encounter of some sort, or tried to get the files unsealed. The masses are being prepared for something I'm sure. A good idea of what; could probably be found on the Georgia Guidestones... Jus sayin
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Actually I had it set to record; so I watched it this morning. It basically covered all the presidents (there were supposedly several) who had an encounter of some sort, or tried to get the files unsealed. The masses are being prepared for something I'm sure. A good idea of what; could probably be found on the Georgia Guidestones... Jus sayin

I've looked up the Georgia Guidestones and got this - The Message of the Georgia Guidestones

To be honest, I find the 10 guidelines a bit deceptive. There is nothing transcendent about what is being stated imo - in fact, just the reverse. The 500 million population ceiling along with the fairly obvious platitude-like calls for fairness and just laws, etc., and an Age of Reason, suggest (to me only) a simple understanding of ecology and history. It can be argued that it has been our very Age of Reason that has gotten us into our current predicaments. What is often overlooked by proponents of 'reason' is that history is littered with examples of personages who were perfectly reasonable but very much deranged. Nothing is more chilling than the reason of the insane.

It's not 'reason' that we should be worshipping or invoking - though we certainly want passions ruled by 'cool heads'. 'Reason' got science to pursue eugenics, for example. I find the list very curious. Not at all 'forward thinking'. Odd way to promote a simplistic political agenda. Just my opinion.
After 45 years of researching UFOs what has MUFON learned? Damned if I can figure it out. I went to their website but I had a hard time finding any sort of conclusion that the group might have drawn. It seems they are still collecting data and seeking out new members and money. Other than that I am baffled by their reason for existence.

No one, not even the resident millionaires are going to come up with a conclusion for the UFO phenomenon, Dave. UFO groups, individual researchers, government agencies, international organizations.....in the last 70 years they have all failed to come to a conclusion accepted by the general consensus of people on this planet. If you think joining any UFO group, MUFON or otherwise, is going to reveal all the answers to you, you're sorely mistaken, my friend.

MUFON's existence, in part, provides an avenue of research, networking, and resources for people like myself who are interested in coming to their own conclusions regarding the UFO phenomenon. I'm willing to buy into MUFON because I see some benefit in working with other people within an organization that can provide me much larger informational resources and opportunities in my own musings into UFO's. As long as there are guys like me willing to toss in dues and the organization is ran properly, groups like MUFON will continue to thrive, but I don't see any end-game until the proverbial saucer on the White House lawn event.
As much as you didn't actually attend the seminars and lectures in Switzerland to gain a real diploma and in light of the fact I do not like people "making up" doctorates or army ranks to get on the ufo circuit, as its a fellow Paracastee please feel free to do it. in fact every one of you should do it and if people give you shit on the threads you can tell them that your a "Dr of Ufology" and pull it out in their face.

Admit it nameless; you're the guy who did the diploma and credentials work for Imbrogno, aren't you? That had us all fooled for 30 years, so good job, man! :p
No one, not even the resident millionaires are going to come up with a conclusion for the UFO phenomenon, Dave. UFO groups, individual researchers, government agencies, international organizations.....in the last 70 years they have all failed to come to a conclusion accepted by the general consensus of people on this planet. If you think joining any UFO group, MUFON or otherwise, is going to reveal all the answers to you, you're sorely mistaken, my friend.

MUFON's existence, in part, provides an avenue of research, networking, and resources for people like myself who are interested in coming to their own conclusions regarding the UFO phenomenon. I'm willing to buy into MUFON because I see some benefit in working with other people within an organization that can provide me much larger informational resources and opportunities in my own musings into UFO's. As long as there are guys like me willing to toss in dues and the organization is ran properly, groups like MUFON will continue to thrive, but I don't see any end-game until the proverbial saucer on the White House lawn event.

spoken like a true american jeff, they may decide to reveal themselves / first contact with a peaceful nation, i would.
spoken like a true american jeff, they may decide to reveal themselves / first contact with a peaceful nation, i would.

True, Manx, and I apologize if that came across as narcissistic. My intention behind the comment was that whomever is piloting or behind UFO phenomenon would choose to reveal themselves to the human species in a dramatic and unmistakable way. Whether they do it on the White House lawn, in front of the Kremlin, or in the Australian outback. As discussed many times on the program the act of revealing the truth lies in the hands of the beings, people, things, energy, etc... behind UFO's themselves.
god help us if they take your typical outback ozzie as your average human, i tried to emigrate to aus many many years ago, one of the ex wifes brothers sponsored us, she didnt have a trade, so we didnt have enough points, could of got into new zealand easy enough, but life moved on, ive always had a hankering for aus tho.
god help us if they take your typical outback ozzie as your average human, i tried to emigrate to aus many many years ago, one of the ex wifes brothers sponsored us, she didnt have a trade, so we didnt have enough points, could of got into new zealand easy enough, but life moved on, ive always had a hankering for aus tho.

I find a point-system type of immigration interesting, and a little odd. How does it work? I think it would be nice to visit Australia but not live there. I mean damn, everything kills you there! Don't they have a rare venomous mosquito or some such? Beautiful country/continent, though. Maybe a week-long visit would be enough for me, then again if aliens did land there to proclaim, "Here we are!" I might want to stay longer.

If they're friendly.

I've looked up the Georgia Guidestones and got this - The Message of the Georgia Guidestones

To be honest, I find the 10 guidelines a bit deceptive. There is nothing transcendent about what is being stated imo - in fact, just the reverse. The 500 million population ceiling along with the fairly obvious platitude-like calls for fairness and just laws, etc., and an Age of Reason, suggest (to me only) a simple understanding of ecology and history. It can be argued that it has been our very Age of Reason that has gotten us into our current predicaments. What is often overlooked by proponents of 'reason' is that history is littered with examples of personages who were perfectly reasonable but very much deranged. Nothing is more chilling than the reason of the insane.

It's not 'reason' that we should be worshipping or invoking - though we certainly want passions ruled by 'cool heads'. 'Reason' got science to pursue eugenics, for example. I find the list very curious. Not at all 'forward thinking'. Odd way to promote a simplistic political agenda. Just my opinion.
I agree on every point. Nonetheless, progress hasn’t made us any less barbarians; it has only provided us with better ways to destroy ourselves. Our so called world leaders are leading us like rats straight of the edge of a cliff. They are the perfectly reasonable but very much deranged personages you mentioned. They're not that much different than Hitler except that they've learned to be more subtle about it…
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No one, not even the resident millionaires are going to come up with a conclusion for the UFO phenomenon, Dave. UFO groups, individual researchers, government agencies, international organizations.....in the last 70 years they have all failed to come to a conclusion accepted by the general consensus of people on this planet. If you think joining any UFO group, MUFON or otherwise, is going to reveal all the answers to you, you're sorely mistaken, my friend.

MUFON's existence, in part, provides an avenue of research, networking, and resources for people like myself who are interested in coming to their own conclusions regarding the UFO phenomenon. I'm willing to buy into MUFON because I see some benefit in working with other people within an organization that can provide me much larger informational resources and opportunities in my own musings into UFO's. As long as there are guys like me willing to toss in dues and the organization is ran properly, groups like MUFON will continue to thrive, but I don't see any end-game until the proverbial saucer on the White House lawn event.

What they know; and what we know about what they know, are two different things. The best we can hope for is our own conclusions. MUFON's Inner Circle sounds like MUFON is up for sale to the highest bidder. The more you donate; the more say-so you have in the organization. Of course higher ups in MUFON are privy to a lot more than we will ever know. The top dogs probably are the government. I don't expect peons like me will ever get any real answers unless I have an encounter of my own. Like you, I have my own musings and we want to know all we can know right? That's why X-Files and Close Encounters did so well. Even with the satire thrown in; many people could identify with the main characters, although now days we may be a dying breed. Propaganda is a powerful thing.
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Supposedly the deal between Bigelow and MUFON is over according to Steve Hudgeons, the investigations director.

If you missed the debut of MUFON's new TV show, Hangar 1, it's online:
Watch Hangar 1: The UFO Files Full Episodes & Videos Online - HISTORY.com

It's interesting that they chose this material to lead off with and represent their organization. Here's a review that discusses the cases presented:
Review of Hangar 1: UFO Files S01E01 "Presidential Encounters" - JasonColavito.com

Thank you, Sentry. I am just finishing up the hour show. I did not know about Eisenhowar but I'm not convinced it was anything more unusual than a chipped tooth or something equally banal. There's just not enough 'evidence' to suggest otherwise imo. [Later: I see Mr Jason agrees with my amateur's assessment.]

Having watched original video-scopes from the 1950's [which makes me an authority in the matter, ya know] I have to say that the public was indeed in a panic about ufo's - fueled by the atmosphere of hysteria around Russia and Communists (benefit of Joe McCarthy) and the b-grade sci-fi films being churned out by Hollywood. I would agree that there was a 'public health issue' being weighed. I can well believe that with a totally impossible evidential scientific situation present vis-a-vis knowing what blips of light were [and tons of hoaxers] the powers-that-be could well have thought that the best course was to talk the public down from their respective trees. They did succeed in that.

Reagan was a surprise - I had never heard that.

Regarding Bush, I agree with the blogger on this one: "Cameron calls him a member of Majestic-12, the nonexistent UFO government agency. I am disturbed that this yet another H2 show promoting the idea that the U.S. government is actively working against the American citizenry, contributing to the paranoia we see in society today. They slip dangerously close to the wide-ranging Bush family conspiracy theories bubbling through the left wing conspiracy zone.

"The show makes much of an alleged “slip” in 1988 when Bush said that “Yes I know some; I know a lot” in response to a question about whether as CIA director he had access to UFO files. The show interprets this as the smoking gun that Bush knew of aliens, but it much more likely refers to Bush knowing that the UFO phenomenon was a bunch of hot air and Cold War propaganda created to hide CIA spy planes and their Soviet counterparts, as actual CIA and NSA documents have repeatedly shown."

I disagree with the blogger's diss of President Carter's sighting. Carter is a scientist - he is about the best informed trained observer/witness one could hope for. Isn't he also a pilot? Maybe not but I thought he was. Anyway, Carter's experience is noteworthy imo.

What startled me was the anecdote that Carter was 'in tears' after a UFO briefing. I'd find this interesting if there was not so much else amiss with the show. I also doubt Carter cries about things actually. Doesn't seem the kind of man to do that. But that's just me saying that.

Overall, the Ancient Aliens show is a far better produced show than this MUFON one, which seemed a bit rough-around-the-edges to me.

Shots of the MUFON hanger-1 were dismal. Probably the one bit of bare-bald truth. The hanger is in sad need of maintenance. All that rust and what looks like water-damage. Can you imagine how grim it must be being in among those molding paper boxes filled with what must be a sizable portion of nonsense, whimsy and outright wishful thinking. How would they know the gold when they see it at this stage? Would anyone be alive to even search out and check up with? Unlikely.
Thank you, Sentry. I am just finishing up the hour show. I did not know about Eisenhowar but I'm not convinced it was anything more unusual than a chipped tooth or something equally banal. There's just not enough 'evidence' to suggest otherwise imo. [Later: I see Mr Jason agrees with my amateur's assessment.]

Having watched original video-scopes from the 1950's [which makes me an authority in the matter, ya know] I have to say that the public was indeed in a panic about ufo's - fueled by the atmosphere of hysteria around Russia and Communists (benefit of Joe McCarthy) and the b-grade sci-fi films being churned out by Hollywood. I would agree that there was a 'public health issue' being weighed. I can well believe that with a totally impossible evidential scientific situation present vis-a-vis knowing what blips of light were [and tons of hoaxers] the powers-that-be could well have thought that the best course was to talk the public down from their respective trees. They did succeed in that.

Reagan was a surprise - I had never heard that.

Regarding Bush, I agree with the blogger on this one: "Cameron calls him a member of Majestic-12, the nonexistent UFO government agency. I am disturbed that this yet another H2 show promoting the idea that the U.S. government is actively working against the American citizenry, contributing to the paranoia we see in society today. They slip dangerously close to the wide-ranging Bush family conspiracy theories bubbling through the left wing conspiracy zone.

"The show makes much of an alleged “slip” in 1988 when Bush said that “Yes I know some; I know a lot” in response to a question about whether as CIA director he had access to UFO files. The show interprets this as the smoking gun that Bush knew of aliens, but it much more likely refers to Bush knowing that the UFO phenomenon was a bunch of hot air and Cold War propaganda created to hide CIA spy planes and their Soviet counterparts, as actual CIA and NSA documents have repeatedly shown."

I disagree with the blogger's diss of President Carter's sighting. Carter is a scientist - he is about the best informed trained observer/witness one could hope for. Isn't he also a pilot? Maybe not but I thought he was. Anyway, Carter's experience is noteworthy imo.

What startled me was the anecdote that Carter was 'in tears' after a UFO briefing. I'd find this interesting if there was not so much else amiss with the show. I also doubt Carter cries about things actually. Doesn't seem the kind of man to do that. But that's just me saying that.

Overall, the Ancient Aliens show is a far better produced show than this MUFON one, which seemed a bit rough-around-the-edges to me.

Shots of the MUFON hanger-1 were dismal. Probably the one bit of bare-bald truth. The hanger is in sad need of maintenance. All that rust and what looks like water-damage. Can you imagine how grim it must be being in among those molding paper boxes filled with what must be a sizable portion of nonsense, whimsy and outright wishful thinking. How would they know the gold when they see it at this stage? Would anyone be alive to even search out and check up with? Unlikely.

Interesting reading! The Ancient Aliens show does seem to be better produced, but I wasn't that impressed with the content of that show. It seemed they were reaching quite a bit. I thought both shows (Hanger 1 & Ancient Aliens) were more interesting than UFO Hunter. That show seemed to be all hype to me. Hope that didn't offend any UFO Hunter fans...
I don't know if I expected anything more out a show on the History Channel, but if I was searching for a "scientific study of UFOs'" I would conclude that MUFON was not what I was hoping to find.

Just once I would like to see one of these shows that are not based on "if this happened, then that might have happened and something interesting could have happened after that." So we saw Roswell taken for granted as a crashed craft that Truman had to confront; ETH offered as an explanation for everything; memos supposedly shown without any analysis of who wrote them, their context, or authenticity; and of course the usual hints and allusions to JFK.

But I have to admit I have always liked the idea of Nixon driving up with Jackie Gleason to look at the aliens. Somehow, I want to believe that.
Whether they do it on the White House lawn, in front of the Kremlin, or in the Australian outback. As discussed many times on the program the act of revealing the truth lies in the hands of the beings, people, things, energy, etc... behind UFO's themselves.

The history of this phenomenon since at least the WWII era makes this, in my opinion, virtually self-evident. No human or human agency holds the magic key to unlocking this mystery. They may or may not be willingly complicit. Or complicit under duress, or just plain clueless. We cannot know. We may wish in one hand, yada yada, while awaiting the Big Disclosure to descend upon us. And not much is likely to change unless the phenomenon wishes it to do so.