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Musical Interests

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"Doesn't anybody feel that all these Killers should be killed? And all these Healers should be healed, so all these Beggars can be filled.

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Growing up, my mom listened to Motown and her brother (my uncle Jimmy) got us into the Beatles. We all lived together with my grandparents and music was always a constant.

I remember my uncle having to hide Alice Cooper's "School's Out" because of the panties inside. Even though Alice Cooper was forbidden in the house, he had all the albums. He also liked to scare us with Sabbath's "Iron Man" when we misbehaved ("I AM IIIIIRRRRONNNNNN MAAAAAAAAAAN!") It worked. He also told us that the witch on the first Sabbath album could see us.


Pretty damn effective when you're a little kid, huh? He messed us up pretty bad. I got my hard rock influences from Uncle Jimmy.

When we needed a break from the devil stuff (:eek:), we would spin my mom's Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Temptations, and Spinners records. Whenever I hear them now I'm taken back to my childhood, playing those records in our hot attic bedroom with a window fan running. From my mom I gained an appreciation of R&B.

My brother Mike is in a phenomenal 80's tribute band called The Reagan Years (thereaganyears.com). I remember how Tom Jones was a tremendous influence on Mike. He would mimic TJ on our coffee table as mom, gran, and the neighbor ladies threw him coins (too poor for dollars). Sure made us other brothers jealous. Later on, Mike worshipped at the altar of Journey and he sounds very much like Steve Perry now. Mike became the only family member to get into the music business.

Does anyone remember Suzi Quatro? She became "Leather Tuscadero" on Happy Days. I fell in love with her in my teens. Her slow version of "The Wild One" made me a drooling idiot.


What's on my iPod?:

  • Led Zeppelin. Love their acoustic work. Hate "Stairway" and even "Kashmir" is becoming overplayed. Plant and Page "Unledded" and "No Quarter" reunions are genius. But they did burn Jonesy.
  • Beatles.
  • The Raspberries (w/Eric Carmen). One of the most underappreciated groups of all time. Some of the biggest icons today pay homage to The Raspberries. "Let's Pretend" is one amazing tune, along with "Go all the Way" and "I Wanna Be With You." Hard to believe that "Go All the Way" was banned from a lot of stations back in the day because of it's theme. No kidding.
  • Enigma. After the third CD they lost me a bit, though.
  • B-Tribe. I find myself listening to them more than Enigma. Think Ottmar Liebert meets Enigma and you have an idea of their sound.
  • Lots of ambient music. I love Roach, Stearns, Rich, Eno, Serrie, and others. Since I travel a lot, it's nice to sit back and just listen. Jon Anderson (Yes) has a beautiful ambient CD entitled "Angel's Embrace" that I recommend highly.
  • 70's and 80's music, such as Grand Funk, Yes, Heart, Boz Scaggs, EWF, ELO...
Great topic, gang. Thanks for helping me pass some time in this boring hotel.
Closed-captioned for the funk-impaired. Praise Bob.

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I love Blues but enjoy all forms of music. i have been involved with a blues music festival for 9 years now. i can't tell you how many times i have heard someone say, "i don't care for blues music". if and when i manage to get them to attend our festival i often hear them say either "when does the blues music start" OR "i really love blues music!".
guitarist of many years. Probably from around Ritzman's neighborhood somewhere (I recognize the accent). I play and try to modify tube(valve) amps.

Into Jeff Beck, Zappa, Trower, Gatton, Craig Erickson, Eric Johnson, Gary Moore, Michael Landau, Joe Bonamassa, Jimmy Page, Robben Ford, SRV, Rev Willie G, Joe Cocker, the Allmans, STP, Sass Jordan, Joan Osborne, and the almighty lefty Hendrix. And Gina Gershon.

Decent collection of lefty axes and amps. Some of them are vintage, which probably means I'm headed there too. I have a MiniMoog, which I cannot play. And the Need for Tweed.

Serious victim of GAS (guitar acquisition syndrome).
guitarist of many years. Probably from around Ritzman's neighborhood somewhere (I recognize the accent). I play and try to modify tube(valve) amps.

Into Jeff Beck, Zappa, Trower, Gatton, Craig Erickson, Eric Johnson, Gary Moore, Michael Landau, Joe Bonamassa, Jimmy Page, Robben Ford, SRV, Rev Willie G, Joe Cocker, the Allmans, STP, Sass Jordan, Joan Osborne, and the almighty lefty Hendrix. And Gina Gershon.

Decent collection of lefty axes and amps. Some of them are vintage, which probably means I'm headed there too. I have a MiniMoog, which I cannot play. And the Need for Tweed.

Serious victim of GAS (guitar acquisition syndrome).

Hi lefty,

Like you I'm much more into vintage guitars and amps. My main guitar is
a 64 sunburst strat and my favourite of all my amps is a 61 cream and ox blood (grille cloth) Bassman. I also have a tweed princeton which I picked up at a flea market in Cotati California. The guy only wanted $350 so I traded my old Gordon Smith GS1 with Bigsby and something like $100 and I'm delighted. The GS1 I got at trade price which made it all the sweeter.

I've posted this before but my little collection is;

64 sunburst r/w strat, my 44 (think about it) clue, Little Feat
G+L Legacy fullerton red, birds eye tinted maple neck,
ESP 400 series maple V neck strat,
Fender 79 sunburst maple strat
Pendell strat loaded Tele, custom built
No name double bound Ash body maple neck Tele (I made this)
Taylor Big Baby
1940's Martin Colletti parlour guitar
1950's Hofner Congress s/burst
1980's Ibanez Blazer Bass

61 Fender Bassman piggyback rig
Mesa Boogie Mk2b cream vinyl,+ EV
Fender Tweed Princeton (this little beauty goes up to 12) so up yours Nigel :)
70's Fender Champ
and of course my USA built Pignose

Come on lefty what you got? Make me jealous :D

I play and try to modify tube(valve) amps.
I've got a '59 Bogen Challenger that doubles as a space-heater in winter with no modifications.
I got it at a church yard sale for $15 and then spent about $150 recapping it and replacing the preamp tubes. The old RCA power tubes and dual-rectifiers still work fine. I made a y-cord and plug into both preamp channels. Pumped through a couple of Eminence Tonkers in an old Peavey 2 x 12" p.a. cab. It's vintage and funky, but this rig will send a Fender Twin, I own a '74 model, home with it's tail-between it's legs. It's only one channel with no effects built in, but that's why God created the Vox Tonelab.

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Hi lefty,

Like you I'm much more into vintage guitars and amps.

I love the ESP Paracaster :)

>64 sunburst r/w strat, my 44 (think about it) clue, Little Feat

? I should get this - I love the Feat

>ESP 400 series maple V neck strat,

I have a SERIOUS thing for V-necks.

>Come on lefty what you got? Make me jealous :D

Not gonna happen with guitars unless you're a southpaw...

two `77 Strats, `78 Strat, `78 Tele
74 Ibanez lawsuit Les Paul
94 ProTone Strat
94 G&L Legacy
00 MIM Strat body w/aftermarket reverse v-neck
Ibanez RG440BKL
Kramer w/ gen-you-wine lefty Floyd
Ibanez hollowbody jazz box
Essex LP Special copy
Yamaha H/S/S superstrat
Eastwood semi-hollow resonator
00 LP Studio-black
59 Historic LP plaintop

53 tweed Deluxe
59 tweed Champ
64 Bassman head (like yours but wheat)
65? Bandmaster head - black
71 Deluxe Reverb (mint, blackface specs)
74 Marshall 50w half stack
original Fender Blues Deluxe
Fender Pro Jr
Ceriatone DC30 (from kit)
Marshall 2x12 cab
various tiny home-wrecked
modified Leslie square box cab w/ 12" Jensen

My favorite is the `77 Strat in Antigua (which I renamed Pukeburst).
The tweed Deluxe is my favorite amp. The Pro Jr is my secret weapon - a real pocket rocket through an external cab. A recent not so secret weapon is the Dano CTO-1 overdrive. It's a part-for-part ripoff of the much more expensive Timmy. Great sounding pedal. The best $40 you'll ever spend. Just found out Dano has an OCD ripoff too.

The Strats have Van Zandt or Duncan SSL1L pickups F+M, with Duncan JBjrs in the rear.
Tele has Van Zandt rw/rp rear and Fender `52 reissue front.
Rear full size buckers are Duncan JB's. Front is Duncan Jazz.

The tweed amps are unmolested except for normal maintenance.
The Marshall was made a bit more gainy, plus a post PI master volume. When I bought it, it had just come off the road with UFO. The road case has Robin Trower painted over on the front. Almost a brush with greatness :) Currently it has a pair of Yellowjackets running EL84's, so it's technically a 20w Marshall. 6V6es plug right in also.

I would commit unspeakable acts for a pukeburst Tele or seriously vintage Strat. At the Philly guitar show last weekend, they wanted $3500 for a `77 lefty Strat, so there's little to no hope of that happening.

Let's all keep assaulting those strings, eh? Play on.
My band played a battle of the bands this past weds night and although I thought we kicked ass, we did not win........... Son of a !!!!!!

For a band that hadn't practiced in a couple months we rocked it! Here are some clips my wife took while she was dancing :) THere were some mic issues (sound guy needed to turn up our drummer's mic who is our best singer!)

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Smokin' stuff, Rocketsauce--especially the old school rap stuff. Enjoyed it...and that's coming from a guy who'll be playing tonight with a shirtless banjo player. Not kidding.
RocketSauce - Nice!

Hey, I am NOT a musician, but I am a avid listener of all types of music.

This has always been one of my favorite songs. How can you not tap your foot hearing this? And I just love the guitar in this one.

Post a clip of you guys playing this one! That would be great.
RocketSauce - Nice!

Hey, I am NOT a musician, but I am a avid listener of all types of music.

This has always been one of my favorite songs. How can you not tap your foot hearing this? And I just love the guitar in this one.

Post a clip of you guys playing this one! That would be great.

I am also a huge Skynyrd fan! I bet Dusty on the boards here can rock that tune note for note! My fav Skynard tunes have evolved over the years but are currently - That Smell (the chorus lyrics suck but the 3 guitar attach is crazy on this one!!!), Don't Ask Me No Questions, On the Hunt, but this changes every couple years :) I also really dig a band called the 'Drive By Truckers' which are hugely influenced by Skynard but have more of a Neil Young singer songwriter vibe.
Rocket - not my speed but very well done. Keep doin' it.

Thanks Lefty! Yeah, if you checked out my IPOD old school rap is probably not gonna be in the first 50 songs, but it sure is fun to play!! I'm also a massive hendrix fan as well and used to collect all the new live stuff his family released. Band of Gypsies is why I started learning guitar.

It seems you are a vintage gear head from checking out your post, very cool! I probably should be a lefty guitar player but started very late and only had a right hand guitar around. I play an 81 LP standard through a Hot rod deluxe, which is great value for a tube amp, but if I had the $$$ I would get a Marshall or some cool vintage guitar "rawk" amp like an old vox or something.
Great stuff Rocketsauce, I like the Roy Buchanan look :)

I Love that third track, must be great fun. Dont know about you but when your in the middle of a set and your blood is up, I often wish I could really sing, and just let rip.

I like that Skynyrd track as well Lefty. The one we cover most is Sweet Home,
the only clip we have is this,

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I'm amazed at the price you said those Antigua Strats and Tele's are now. My 79 Strat would be the closest thing I have. Not the absolute apex of what Fender ever produced imo, but still that's just a personal thing I guess.
Tell me more about your Legacy, I just bought one from a dealer in Florida. Dont actually have it yet but any info would be great. PM me if you like, dont want to bore everybody.
