Hi lefty,
Like you I'm much more into vintage guitars and amps.
I love the ESP Paracaster
>64 sunburst r/w strat, my 44 (think about it) clue, Little Feat
? I should get this - I love the Feat
>ESP 400 series maple V neck strat,
I have a SERIOUS thing for V-necks.
>Come on lefty what you got? Make me jealous
Not gonna happen with guitars unless you're a southpaw...
two `77 Strats, `78 Strat, `78 Tele
74 Ibanez lawsuit Les Paul
94 ProTone Strat
94 G&L Legacy
00 MIM Strat body w/aftermarket reverse v-neck
Ibanez RG440BKL
Kramer w/ gen-you-wine lefty Floyd
Ibanez hollowbody jazz box
Essex LP Special copy
Yamaha H/S/S superstrat
Eastwood semi-hollow resonator
00 LP Studio-black
59 Historic LP plaintop
53 tweed Deluxe
59 tweed Champ
64 Bassman head (like yours but wheat)
65? Bandmaster head - black
71 Deluxe Reverb (mint, blackface specs)
74 Marshall 50w half stack
original Fender Blues Deluxe
Fender Pro Jr
Ceriatone DC30 (from kit)
Marshall 2x12 cab
various tiny home-wrecked
modified Leslie square box cab w/ 12" Jensen
My favorite is the `77 Strat in Antigua (which I renamed Pukeburst).
The tweed Deluxe is my favorite amp. The Pro Jr is my secret weapon - a real pocket rocket through an external cab. A recent not so secret weapon is the Dano CTO-1 overdrive. It's a part-for-part ripoff of the much more expensive Timmy. Great sounding pedal. The best $40 you'll ever spend. Just found out Dano has an OCD ripoff too.
The Strats have Van Zandt or Duncan SSL1L pickups F+M, with Duncan JBjrs in the rear.
Tele has Van Zandt rw/rp rear and Fender `52 reissue front.
Rear full size buckers are Duncan JB's. Front is Duncan Jazz.
The tweed amps are unmolested except for normal maintenance.
The Marshall was made a bit more gainy, plus a post PI master volume. When I bought it, it had just come off the road with UFO. The road case has Robin Trower painted over on the front. Almost a brush with greatness
Currently it has a pair of Yellowjackets running EL84's, so it's technically a 20w Marshall. 6V6es plug right in also.
I would commit unspeakable acts for a pukeburst Tele or seriously vintage Strat. At the Philly guitar show last weekend, they wanted $3500 for a `77 lefty Strat, so there's little to no hope of that happening.
Let's all keep assaulting those strings, eh? Play on.