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My Cat

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I'm sorry that your kitty is still struggling; I hope the vet can come up with some effective treatment.

One of my daughters once had a guinea pig that was having a difficult labor. We ended up taking her to the vet which resulted in an emergency C-section ($250 plus, many years ago), but she and her babies died. Nevertheless, we consoled ourselves with the thought that we did all we could. (Later we learned that guinea pigs seldom do well under anesthesia!) She was a really sweet guinea pig and part of our family.

Life in all its forms is sacred.
Yesterday an ultra sound of her internal organs showed an enlarged liver and a lot of swelling around the belly and near the pancreas. The good news is she doesn't have cancer. The bad news is I need to bring her back to the vet and have her stay a day or two to get her forced fed.

The vet was very surprised how she could be so alert and seem not to be in pain considering what her blood tests and ultra sound looks like. There is hope if the eating starts to get her digestive system kicked in again.]

To add to my fun day yesterday after taking my cat in and doing blood work for myself, I got pulled over and got a ticket for not wearing my seat belt. The system is sooo concerned about my safety I feel so warm and fuzzy!
What is your cat's name? I'm glad she doesn't have cancer, but I know you are still concerned with the weight loss and other symptoms. Maybe a few days of conservative treatment/feeding will be just the thing. Hold a good thought (as I will). :)
Felines are amazing creatures. They seem to pull out of many ailing circumstances and it makes sense that the saying goes that they have nine lives! I accidentally ran right over my little brothers cat last year with my truck as it was sleeping in the front wheel well and I didn't see it before backing out of the driveway. As I was pulling out looking for obstacles behind me, I turned my head toward the front of the car and noticed my brothers cat lying right where I had backed out. My heart sank. I knew that it was my fault.

I got out of the truck and bent down to see if he was still alive and it appeared that he was dead. There was no rise and fall of his chest and his eyes were beginning to glaze over. I knew I had to go get my mother and little brother to inform them of what had happened. My little brother started crying and we all walked out to the cat. When we got out there, he still appeared dead was bleeding. I kid you not, as soon as my brother bent down to touch his cat, it inhaled deeply and started looking around! It was if he had shutdown and reset like a robot or something. Or maybe the love my brother had for this animal somehow revived it. It was very odd.

We picked the cat up and made a comfortable bed for him in a box. I had to explain to my tender hearted brother that his beloved cat would probably not make it, but we would make him comfortable. Two days later, the cat was up and about chasing butterflies.

So, I guess the morale of my short story is that there is a link brought on by love between man and beast. Miracles do happen. Your cat could very well get passed its ailment! It is up to you to decide how to best make your friend comfortable. I hope this helps.
My cat is not responding to conventional treatment. I need to talk to the vet but I want to get her home today. Pixelsmith when you were waiting for you cat to die and he/she came back what was the quality of your emotion. I guess what I am asking were you in tears or had you just surrendered ?
I'm sorry that Myeo still isn't doing very well. Maybe she will do better back at home if the vet was primarily trying to feed her. Give her some comfort and continue to hope for the best. I'm thinking of you and wishing you both well.:frown:
My cat is not responding to conventional treatment. I need to talk to the vet but I want to get her home today. Pixelsmith when you were waiting for you cat to die and he/she came back what was the quality of your emotion. I guess what I am asking were you in tears or had you just surrendered ?

i was in tears for about a week when i realized she was going to die. i actually went thru the whole grieving process and surrendered to the fact she would be dying any day. as i was cleaning her up i gave her all the love i had to give. now i feel bad because i have a grave dug for her in the yard, i had to laugh the other day when i saw her pooping on the dirt pile next to the hole.

i guess all you can do is give her love and affection. maybe purr to her and when you two make eye contact, give her a few "kitty winks" (slowly close and open your eyes). kitty winks are a cats way of saying "i love you".
I am not a vet or anything, yet have been into Natural Health for most my adult life.

My hubby's cat was shot in her stomach by a bee bee gun once, and I fed her MSM mixed in water (they have liquid MSM but I just had capsules with me)...and put the solution in her wound as well as fed her some via a syringe.

She healed perfectly within three days, it was amazing!

You might want to give MSM a try....it's cheap and vets usually give it to horses to help them heal from sprains and things.

But I would feed it to my kitty if she had anything wrong with her.
I am familiar with both alternative and conventional "worlds", each of them has their pros and cons. I haven't heard back from the vet yet and I did let them know that I wanted to pick her up today if i could because I am sure she hates it there.

Thanks everyone for their thoughts and posts.
I have her at home now, I am an emotional mess at the moment.She seems happy to be home but is now running weird fevers. I was hearing too many weird's in the vet's conversation. Is my cat responding to what is around me??that's fucked!
She is still around and I am going to give her IV liquids myself to keep her hydrated. The vet showed me how. She ran from me after I brought her home a few days ago and it took her awhile to be herself again. She still isn't herself physically but is much better. I sure hope I don't have to take her back to the vets.

She doesn't seem like she is in pain and still wants to go outside. When it rains it pours. Too many mysteries around me.
a fellow at our local pound said when they used to use electric shock to put animals down, the animals eyes all changed to a bright green colour.
Hope Myeo is doing well. I once had a cat I cared about although we weren't allowed to have animals inside, so she stayed outside. That cat followed me everywhere like a dog. Once I was sitting outside and I heard a weird growl. I looked down and she was noticing something around the side of the house and was GROWLING! lol I had never heard her do that. She stopped and inched toward the corner of the house. I sort of did a growl and she looked up at me and started growling again. We walked around the corner and a stray dog had came into the yard. She ran at that dog and I bet it still has nightmares! lol
So, a while after that I was outside and I could hear her "meow". I called her but she didn't come. I finally found her in a ditch just sitting there. I called to her and she just looked around. It became evident she was blind after a while. She could go by sound and smell but she couldn't see anything. You know how you can wave something like a twig or toy and they are transfixed on it? well, she saw nothing. I had never taken an animal to a vet and couldn't afford it but I did. He said she had probably eaten a bird or other dead animal and caused her to go blind and he said she seemed very sick. He asked if he wanted me to put her down and I couldn't do it. I took her home and she just wandered around the yard a little here and there. She came up missing for about 2 days I knew she had gone into the woods and died. I heard a "meow" and went outside. She was just sitting in the middle of the yard. And then...as I walked across the deck, I noticed her eyes following me. I walked around more to check and sure enough...she could see fine. I called her, she came, I fed her and she was back to normal! I was so happy I didn't make the decision.
She eventually came up missing and I didn't see her for several YEARS. One day it was winter and cold and I just happened to look out and there she sat in her old spot! @@ I couldn't believe it. I let her inside and gave her some food and she just lay down beside me and slept. I lay down with her and she snuggled up next to me and slept. I fell asleep and after hours I got up and did dishes, etc.. and she just slept. After it got dark and mom came home, I had to put her outside. I never saw her again. T.T She was a wonderful friend! :)

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