J. Randall Murphy
Your response seems to deal with the issue of how minds come into being within the universe rather than directly addressing the point I made. However that also seems to make no difference because it's also working from a dualistic premise ( universe + mind ). The sooner we can agree that so long as this condition exists, dualism is inescapable, the better off we'll be. Then we can move on to whatever the next step is.I think you misunderstood me. Let me try it another way. I am not saying that the world of mind is the basis of all reality (simply put), but what I am saying is that primordial mind (if you could call it such) is what creates the condition for the possibility of mind ...
It sounds like you're getting into Substance Dualism here. I make no claim to knowing what substance the mind is composed of ( if any ). I only claim that dualism in general seems to be inescapable.This is just another way of saying that the conditioning of your own body and primordial understanding is left aside temporarily when you turn inward to ask the question regarding the substance of thought. If you ask about the substance of thought, you are--in effect--a thinking about a mechanism that works on a substance called "thought."
The virtual machine, as you call it seems to be another descriptor for what we're calling the mind, and it still exists within the larger universe it either evolved from or was created in, and therefore we're still back to universe + mind = dualism.This is the virtual machine falling into a trap of its own making, but because the conditioning (i.e. pre-theoretical, or firmware programming) regarding the unquestioned ground or instruction set, it likely tries to reset its own instruction set by running commands in its instruction set. Again the problem is mainly that of self-reference. Another way to put it: the questioning of the ground of "being" itself assumes the ground prior to the questioning. This is what I mean by "cannot be left alone" -- a better way to put it would be to say that your thoughts try to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, but the bootstrapping procedure itself tears and rips at the fabric of the very phenomenal state machine that trying to do the work. You literally are entangled in your own web when you try to do this--as even I am illustrating right now.
The above appears to be describing a particular mode in the working of minds within the universe, and therefore we once again have universe + mind = dualism.The point of the breakdown was a tangent; in it I was trying to indicate an event that might coax one into de-worlding (removing the objects from their world-derived relations between Dasein relating itself to itself through its interaction with its equipment, tools and practices) their own processes of thinking and extrude them out into physical ontic (i.e. factical) time and space. The problem is that this extrusion is itself an penetration into yet another mode of being or simulation set in place by the thinking virtual machine (which is terminologically indicated as "objective presence," ) in that respect it "thinks" its found its own foundation of thinking, but instead as found a rather hilarious tricksterish imposter or decoy. The self-evidence arrives because you've being taken in by this imposter--but when you go to sleep, the imposter takes off its veneer and slips back into a frenzy of dreams and nothingness (ok I am waxing too poetic here for my own good).
Although you're making some sense above, we're still dealing with universe + mind = dualism.Again this is not to say that the mind is a mere simulation of "unreal holographic visages" dancing around--but that the mind itself stand in its own way when it models objective presence in its own mode of subjectivity. Either it models its own subjectivity in a field of simulated objective things (the embedded mind hypothesis) or it itself is the model trying to virtualize itself in a world which really exists but only as a basis input or conditioning. Either way I think the terms do us very little good in trying to ascertain being--probably better that we just try to rebuilt the system from scratch.
If we consider matter and mind to be separate ( which seems obvious to me ) then we're still back to universe + mind = dualism, but above you're choosing to label it something else instead, and that doesn't seem justifiable. There is also a problem with the concept of "modes". For example what mode does a universe without minds operate in? What mode does a mind within the universe operate in?Regarding a better model, I think a big huge entanglement (not a reference to QM please) between beings that make their own being and issue to itself via its engagement with the world of things would be a better alternative. In this you don't assert any dominance of the "bushes and vines" of either what we call "matter" or "mind" but consider them as modes in one reality or monism.
I don't see how it's justifiable to call what appears to be a true state of affairs a "polluting tradition". Subjective reality and objective reality are clearly two different types of being, the existence of each supported by overwhelming evidence, and the fact that one exists within the other doesn't reduce the two realities to a homogeneous state of affairs any more than it makes the red Ferrari in our imagination something we can get a car loan on.This is not to say that these modes take away from the "existence" of the things, but again, the world "existence" is polluted by the tradition as subjective existence which is further divided from ontic existence.
Aside: While driving my other half to work this morning I ended up behind ... you guessed it ... a red Ferrari, and not just any re Ferrari, but the same type of red Ferrari I imagine when I imagine a red Ferrari. This is of course sheer coincidence? Now if I could just manifest the winning numbers in the lottery, I could get the ownership papers to go with it

What kind of conditioning are you talking about? Mental conditioning? And what does evolves from "relations and machines to machines" mean? What machines and what machines are you talking about? If these are analogies, what are they analogous to? Machine One = What? Machine Two = What? Did you mean to say, from the relations of machines to machines? Let's get this cleared up.That physical unthinking matter begat minds is no longer a mystery, because we have reformulated what is considered to be "physical" to a conditioning that evolves spontaneously from the relations and machines to machines that make their machinations an issue to itself.
Again, the issue of mental substances isn't relevant. We don't need to presume that what we imagine in our mind's eye is composed of any substance to recognize that it exists. Simply acknowledging that it has its own context is sufficient to differentiate it from context we call the real thing.This never gets reduced to anything like "mental substance" and likewise "matter" never is reduced to "mere objectivity" -- also we get rid of the "problems" of how "mind" affects "matter" or vice versa and of the problem of how we know what we know (it becomes a comical question in this framework).
Perhaps when we dissect the issues on conditioning and machines above, some piece will fall into place. Until then we've made progress toward a common understanding, but I don't think we've quite reached it. The universe inside my head is still as separate from the one outside it as it was before. And I hope it would be the same for you too. After all, this is what allows us to maintain a "grip on reality". Without any differentiation between what goes on inside our heads and what goes on in the so-called real world, people will consider us to be, "out of touch with reality", and they'd be fully justified in that point of view.Hope this helps.
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