Michael Allen
Paranormal Adept
So if your dislike of his assertion isn't self evident to you, how is it that you know you don't like it?
Well I was going to pull out one of my favorite Hegel quotes, then I realized I had just re-baselined my XP x64 edition desktop machine and having done that forgot to reinstall my Kindle reader so I could access the excerpt without having to type it all out from a physical text...anyhow waiting for the....oh...its done

Meanwhile, if the fear of falling into error introduces an element of distrust into science, which without any scruples of that sort goes to work and actually does know, it is not easy to understand why, conversely, a distrust should not be placed in this very distrust, and why we should not take care lest the fear of error is not just the initial error. As a matter of fact, this fear presupposes something, indeed a great deal, as truth, and supports its scruples and consequences on what should itself be examined beforehand to see whether it is truth. It starts with ideas of knowledge as an instrument, and as a medium; and presupposes a distinction of ourselves from this knowledge. More especially it takes for granted that the Absolute stands on one side, and that knowledge on the other side, by itself and cut off from the Absolute, is still something real; in other words, that knowledge, which, by being outside the Absolute, is certainly also outside truth, is nevertheless true—a position which, while calling itself fear of error, makes itself known rather as fear of the truth.
Hegel, Georg W. F. (1770 – 1831). The Phenomenology of Spirit (The Phenomenology of Mind) (Kindle Locations 1344-1346). Neeland Media LLC. Kindle Edition.