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New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
This is pretty much unbelievable.

My first impression is that this is a plaster cast of a mummy. With some additions like the extended fingers. (which would have been done before the cast was made.)
But from a photo it is just a guess, I could tell you if it was plaster or not in about 10 seconds if I had even a very minute sample.

It reminds me of the casts made at Herculaneum and Pompeii*:


This poor soul was trapped and died in Volcanic debris, when Archeologists found the impression (the hole in the ash where the body had been) they poured in plaster. you can see that it manages to capture quite a lot of detail. There are a lot more similar casts, although they are very interesting, I find it hard to look at them because they capture such tragedy.
But for anyone interested you can find more here by google searching for* "pompeii and herculaneum plaster casts".

Like I said I can't say from a photograph if it is plaster or not.
It is possible that the body was 'bleached' by the local conditions it was 'buried' in.
I understand that it came from a cave in Nazca, which is extremely arid. So the desiccation process might have destroyed or leached out the colour.
It is not an 'Egyptian' type of mummy. The Egyptians used something called mummia (a sort of tar or pitch) in the preservation (embalming) process, that is where we get the word mummy from.

I believe that the American ones are 'mummified' by the desert conditions, but I would expect to see more variation in colour of the outer skin, especially on folds etc where the colour leaching process had been inhibited.

I would also expect to see some textiles (cloth) that 'wrapped' the body. And also other grave goods. Where are they?

The problem with an 'artifact' like this is that it has no provenance and no context. We are expected to take Jaime's word AGAIN!

With the last one (roswell slides mummy) I argued against it being a "Dummy" or model, but with this one the fakery is pretty obvious.
I think the fingers are a dead give away.
My conclusion is that it is a cast made from a real 'mummy' with some alterations and additions.

If I could tell you if it was made of plaster in ten seconds, then somebody not used to the material could tell you in under a minute, provided they had understood the basics.
There are varying degrees of test and they range from free to thousands. but the most simple is to smell it and 'bite' it (literally use one of your canine teeth to feel for its texture) Plaster and 'mummified' skin would have a totally different texture. If you don't fancy eating a bit of ancient jerky then just weigh it, even a hollow plaster cast would weigh significantly more than a desiccated mummy. A cheap chemical test would be the next option.
Anyway there is no excuse if it turns out to be a 'cast' plaster or otherwise (it may be made from resin or other casting material). finding out should cost less than a ticket to the 'event'.

Just to demonstrate what you can do with plaster:

This is a plaster replica of Trajun's column.


Here is a mould and plaster cast of human teeth.


Plaster cast of teeth from front.


moulage sur nature (moulding on nature)

Plaster cast of lower part of a human.

here is a page about plaster casting:

Krishna and the Plaster Cast. Translating the Cambodian Temple of Angkor Wat in the French Colonial Period | Falser | Transcultural Studies
I have just watched a video on something called Gaia tv.
I want to see the Cave and Grave goods but I did notice any mention of them.
They claim that independent scientists and archaeologists 'found' the mummy. where are the photographs? (especially of the dig site)
I ain't paying £250 to listen to Jaime's 'experts'.

The truth will come out eventually, just like last time and the time before..............
Also any institution that gets involved with mr musaun has no excuse, a simple google search would show his, shall we say: 'credentials' or rather his lack of, and his track record of persistent hoaxery).

Really it is all a bit pathetic, any Archeologist worth their salt will tell you that there are great mysteries surrounding us and our origins, but they are limited by evidence, so some things we just don't know, and maybe never will.
The problem with 'alternative history' is that you can just make it up.

You can basically just go with what sells at that moment in time, the paying audience get what they want, which is answers to basic questions we all have, about ourselves and where we come from. It seems to me that they feel any answer (even if it is not true) is better than no answer at all.

Maybe the Archeologists need to do a better job of PR because the money being diverted and the TV time dedicated to 'alternative origin theories' is beating them hands down, from what I have seen recently there are about 10 ancient alien style 'history' programmes being made for every 1 conventional one.
All those resources could have done some serious research on sites that are neglected or uninvestigated due to lack of funds.

Just because they (the Archeologists) say they don't know doesn't mean they don't want to find out.
Of course just like any profession you get good and bad ones and also outside pressures and influences, but I think an unfair picture is being painted.

For example for $350 you could become a member of multiple museums and learn far more.

For example the Smithsonian membership for a year starts at $75
Mesa Verde starts at $30
Montezuma Castle and Tuzzigoot annual pass also $30

I don't speak Spanish but I am pretty sure that I could find out the prices for membership for the museums in Nazca and they wouldn't be anything like: S/.1138.69 Peruvian Sol ($350 US).

I hope one day to visit some of these museums myself, especially Mesa Verde. Some of the pottery found their is very beautiful, and there is one particular cabinet of artifacts I could spend years looking at.

Unfortunately Grave robbing or looting is still common in many places, and the money and attention mausan will generate, would be better spent on preserving history rather than 'making' it.

This is a double robbery, he is stealing money and history at the same time.
Anonymous experts! Yet another alien mummy! "Well, maybe this one's legit..."

Has Noory lost whatever was left of his marbles? I've never been a fan, but I would have thought he'd have enough sense to stay away from something this lame. Maybe he just needs the money. There is apparently no shortage of feeble-minded people ready and willing to be fleeced.
Noory lost what little respect I had for him when he started to have the "critical health news" quack on..

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Anonymous experts! Yet another alien mummy! "Well, maybe this one's legit..."

Has Noory lost whatever was left of his marbles? I've never been a fan, but I would have thought he'd have enough sense to stay away from something this lame. Maybe he just needs the money. There is apparently no shortage of feeble-minded people ready and willing to be fleeced.
Brought to you by the same guy who brought you the roswell slides!

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Mausson might be in trouble. Apparently there's some concern that that these alien hunters might come and compromise/damage artifacts in the future. Also of note is a guy named Ronceros who had been shopping around a videos of fake mummies some time earlier.
Translated article: Google Translate
Untranslated, but has pictures: Estafa que fomenta excavaciones ilegales y posible destrucción del patrimonio arqueológico nacional | Científicos.pe

Edited to add: a more complete analysis by a scientist who feels the hands and feet were likely damaged on purpose

Translated: Google Translate
Untranslated, but with pictures: Momia de Nasca, parte 2: Análisis de las manos y pies | Científicos.pe
Last edited:



From what I have read about this mummy they learned a trick or too from the Rick Dyer 'Bigfoot in the freezer' hoax. If I remember correctly the 'Bigfoot' turned out to be made from parts of different animals and other things.

I believe that this mummy is 'made' from several individuals. Whoever did it should be liable for prosecution for destruction of historical artifacts.
Oh and just in case we forget about Jaime's 'history' when it comes to 'creative Taxidermy' remember his "Metepec creature":


*Tasty salami with white mold.

**Bizarre 3-Fingered Mummified Hand Found in A Tunnel in the Peruvian Desert

***bebealien.jpg (image)
From what I have read about this mummy they learned a trick or too from the Rick Dyer 'Bigfoot in the freezer' hoax. If I remember correctly the 'Bigfoot' turned out to be made from parts of different animals and other things.

I believe that this mummy is 'made' from several individuals. Whoever did it should be liable for prosecution for destruction of historical artifacts.
Oh and just in case we forget about Jaime's 'history' when it comes to 'creative Taxidermy' remember his "Metepec creature":

Yeah, this whole thing has a Fiji Mermaid whiff about it. If artifacts were damaged, and it seems likely from what I've read, I hope Mausson and his collaborators end up in jail. The unfortunate part of this, is I doubt Mausson will ever feel he did anything wrong.
The hand is interesting, its not a case of mistaken identity given those fingers, it has to be an outright hoax, ie someone created a fake.
But if its not a prop then the anatomy is very unusual.
Yeah, this whole thing has a Fiji Mermaid whiff about it. If artifacts were damaged, and it seems likely from what I've read, I hope Mausson and his collaborators end up in jail. The unfortunate part of this, is I doubt Mausson will ever feel he did anything wrong.

In the second link Han posted there was a clear x-ray of the hand. It looks pretty fake to me.

I think it is made of either human finger bones added together, or possibly animal tail bones:





I wouldn't usually post this type of video because I don't want to give them views but wow:
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! the man in the video thinks octopodes (octopuses) have BONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

(they only have a beak)

Also having watched the video I think that it is all human bone, the bones from two or three hands joined together. The skin might be human too, in the video I could see that there was separation at what you might call the knuckle.

I am not familiar with the laws of Peru but I find the idea that a human body/ies are being treated like this, wrong.
If the mummies being used gave permission then fine (I say this because there is an artist who plasticises humans after death, and although it is not to my taste, anybody used gave explicit compos mentis permission so I don't have a problem with it) But I don't think that was the case in this instance.

I also don't think this is the same 'alien' as jaime's one, it looks much bigger based on the hands, but I believe the same techniques were used in it's production/composition/arrangement.
Roll up, Roll up! We have Aliens! Giant aliens, Tiny aliens Amphibian aliens, Reptilian aliens. No alien to big, No alien to small, we can make and fake and sell them all!

This second video is from the same person who did the giant hand video I posted in my previous post.
Roll up, Roll up! We have Aliens! Giant aliens, Tiny aliens Amphibian aliens, Reptilian aliens. No alien to big, No alien to small, we can make and fake and sell them all!

This second video is from the same person who did the giant hand video I posted in my previous post.
I lost it over the hazmat style suit. And apparently he thinks the hat and sunglasses have a grand conspiracy air to them. Wow.