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While I agree, this is an excellent thread that covers a lot of ground with too much semantics, but I don't see where anyone agreed on 5% of cases supporting the ETH. As a theory it remains hypothetical and there's really no tangible reason why we should even consider it as a reality. At best it's a response to tradition: the elves and faeiries come from an altered reality; the mysterious airship people are from Ireland, Scandanavia or Japan, and then the aliens come from neighboring galaxies. Do we have any basis in reality or stack of evidence, confirming what people experienced in their mind as reality, that actually points to an off-world solution? Many of the contactees make off-world claims but isn't everything else about the ETH just a guess based on what we assume is an otherworldly technology just as science fiction taught us? Outside of a handful of radar cases demonstrating the impression of sentient control of what could be a technological device the rest really boils down to a witness report of what people think they saw. Even the search for patterns in such reports only confirm the accepted narrative of the time. Give us another 100 years and we will blame it all on a newly invented culprit from a domain yet to be named.I read this archived thread yesterday and want to bring it back to the forum in the present for others who, like me, weren't here for it. There's a lengthy and detailed discussion here between @Michael Allen and @Prophet of Occam concerning the justification of the ETH as a hypothesis to account for a small but persistent 5 percent of ufo cases.
While I agree, this is an excellent thread that covers a lot of ground with too much semantics, but I don't see where anyone agreed on 5% of cases supporting the ETH.
As a theory it remains hypothetical and there's really no tangible reason why we should even consider it as a reality. At best it's a response to tradition: the elves and faeiries come from an altered reality; the mysterious airship people are from Ireland, Scandanavia or Japan, and then the aliens come from neighboring galaxies. Do we have any basis in reality or stack of evidence, confirming what people experienced in their mind as reality, that actually points to an off-world solution?
Many of the contactees make off-world claims but isn't everything else about the ETH just a guess based on what we assume is an otherworldly technology just as science fiction taught us? Outside of a handful of radar cases demonstrating the impression of sentient control of what could be a technological device the rest really boils down to a witness report of what people think they saw. Even the search for patterns in such reports only confirm the accepted narrative of the time. Give us another 100 years and we will blame it all on a newly invented culprit from a domain yet to be named.
Great turns of phrase in here though to be certain. This one idea from Michael Allen really resonated for me as I've pondered UFO reality along similar lines:
...we really should look at reports where the witness experiences something that is not known to them, but is scientifically plausible. This is where one of Vallee's points breaks down, as how would a witness apply an element of scientific understanding which is not yet known to them within the confines of their experience?
When you listen to some of the classic witness reports and interviews from Wendy O'Connors' Faded Discs recordings you run into these wonderfully complex images that the witness has great difficulty in naming but it has some basis in science. But then, this happens in dreams all the time, in fact many famous moments in science are spontaneous dream moments, so does this prove anything beyond the powers of our mind and imagination to construct implausible possibilities. Did we not also construct the ETH?
The ETH is pure epistemic hubris. It really doesn't exist, but I want it to.
The kind of humility I am talking about here is “epistemic” humility: being honest with ourselves and each other about how little we reliably know, and how much what we know is overwhelmed by what we don’t know, understand, or have even imagined.
An example of one type of failure of humility - epistemic arrogance, let us call it - is the wide range of conjectures about non-human intelligences, and our eagerness to assign anomalous experiences to their activity.
I want to emphasize that it is not a stupid question to ask whether there are other intelligences than humans in the universe -beings kind of like us in some ways - and whether we have ever been in contact with them. The arrogance comes in with connecting this naive but reasonable question with any claimed evidence or absence of evidence of alien visitation. It is arrogant to think we should somehow know what an alien visitation would look like, how they and their technology would behave, what the purposes of their visits would be, and what sort of phenomena we would detect should they be present.
Not only are we safe in saying that we simply don’t know these things, but just as likely in my view, ET intelligence - if it exists - is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine - to paraphrase the famous pronouncement know as “Haldane’s Law”. We just have no idea what to look for, except that it’s unlikely to be what we expect.
I will call the notion that an ET intelligence is responsible for some UFO events the “Extraterrestrial Conjecture” , and I’d like to explain why I don’t call it the “Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.”
The problem with addressing this conjecture scientifically is that we have a primarily negative definition of ET: ET is not from here and is not human. ET controls some kind of technology that is not like ours. ET is the name we give to whatever is behind the data for which there is no known explanation.
Also, there is problem on the other end - the data we want to explain with the ET conjecture. We might reasonably expect that any ET presence would represent a technology far more advanced than our own. Arthur C. Clarke once wrote that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” I don’t think it’s straining that metaphor too much to note that magic is perplexing and misleading, and by its nature not understood. virtues: humility, patience, integrity, and skepticism. Of these, I think the first - humility - has been the most neglected in the UFO field.
This forum has been 'dumded' down in the 4yrs ive been reading it, regarding UFO's.
Its all new agey touchy feal'ly trickster ghia crowd now, us nutz and bolters are dinosaurs around here , its like the place has been purged of any real logic and real research.
Theres very little clarity, grey [area] is the new black.
Keep on chiseling away at the nutz and bolt'ers Constance, we are all just being drawn away to the ''its the fairy trickster'', or ''its all in the mind'' this nonsense has gone on for long enough.
Its just pure distraction.
Personally I don't think there's anything sinister to exploring all the ideas that come up in this forum. But I do think it's evolved out of boredom to the current state and a lack of new info to keep people interested.ive heard your cries,posters above.
some forums in the past,have tried to corral and deny knowledge.its a psyop trick to keep folks distracted from seeking out the real truth.
what would happen to the circus if somebody came in and showed the freaks as props and defects?
the circus would die and the money would dry up.
always question a forum that deletes anything without posting good reason.
Are you Leonard Susskind?think of it as a pie chart.the truth takes up 1%.
the rest is charlatans promoting each other to keep the fantasy going.
for those seeking the truth,its a waste of their time to stay in fantasy land.but the charlatans will then release a drop,which draws the ignorant back into the fantasy.
while the charlatan gains an income.
when a poster post a wall of text and big words.thats a sign of bs.
i have debated stephen hawkings and won the debate on blackholes.
when it comes to space physics,i will gladly debate anybody as i have no patience for carnival barkers.