The issues and promises confronting the future new world coming are hampered by the hammer-lock vested interests have had on the status quo, choking out innovation. In debates on energy, the mantra endlessly repeated by the fossil-fuel advocates is 'affordable cheap energy'. Fact is, oil, coal, gas and nuclear are not cheap since they are subsidized by the (US) taxpayer (and I assume around the world by other governments in their respective nations). The true cost of these energies is considerable, especially the social costs.
What is remarkable about the new energy sources is their accessibility, genuine affordability (with some government subsidy and price ceilings in effect in certain instances, at the beginning) and, in the end, local control. It's this latter factor that always impresses me - how much I, as a home-owner, for example, will be self-sustaining. Imagine the future in that kind of world.
In the foregoing I am talking primarily about solar and wind power, but in the following book far more outside-of-the-box technologies are suggested, far further along in feasibility than many realize.
Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World (Second Edition)Paperback - by Jeane Manning and Joel Garbon (May 1, 2011)
Amazon Blurb: "Powerful interests have long prevented the big changes we all need in energy sources, but Breakthrough Power opens the doors on game-changing nonpolluting inventions. Innovative magnetic motors, zero point energy, water-as-fuel, and other new paradigm advances offer keys to a truly sustainable world. Read this book and share the secrets to a better future."
Amazon Review: "Expose of the Scientific Inquisition: This book could very well be given this title, at least as far as non-polluting, renewable energy sources are concerned. The picture it presents of the scientific community, as regards openness to novel ideas and concepts, is far from being a pretty one. In spite of that, the overall message of the book is one of positive outcomes and ultimate hope. If we change our collective consumerist habits and open ourselves to a more inclusive awareness, that is.
"This book has been meticulously researched. The main aim of the authors' is to highlight the fact that several renewable sources of energy already abound and that there are many people who have already created the technology to tap into them. However, in recounting their stories, it clearly appears that a major reason for these efforts having been kept unknown from the public at large, is, the insurmountable opposition created by high priests of scientific institutions and their corporate partners in industry. Together, the latter named have succeeded in suppressing and strangulating all individual endeavours to finding solutions to our energy problems, aiming instead, to protect their own financial vested interests.
"Most of the people whose innovations find mention in this book, are renegades, individualists with few resources and many ideas. The areas in which their expertise have come forth, (at least as far as this book is concerned), are primarily perpetual motion magnetic motors, whose energy sources are not clearly understood scientifically, and have not been studied or formulated in detail. A few have learnt to harness the energy of the vacuum, or what they call, zero point energy. Others use high powered magnets, using the intrinsic nature of the magnet, to power household devices. A few others use water electrolysis, the fuel being hydrogen which recombines in the engines to form water, releasing usable energy. The authors also mention a number of cases where cold fusion has been reported (I remember one of them myself, in 1989, as the news created quite a stir in the media at the time, before the interest died down). In any case, instead of initiating a wider study to understand the principles involved that run these devices, the inherent weakness, of using principles not clearly understood, is used by scientific-corporate cartels in the establishment to degrade and depreciate the work of newcomers who do not 'belong'. Desperately needed funding is stopped, their work is belittled and ridiculed, in many cases, their persona attacked and in some cases, their property burnt down and destroyed and the scientists themselves, driven to suicide.
"The authors conclude with a last chapter on what the involved individual can accomplish with a judicious use of his/her power of choice in order to solve his/her energy requirements in the backdrop of a changing world scenario and an uncertain future. The conclusions drawn are surprisingly positive, while also being reasonable and convincing (at least to me). The list of references and extra material is also quite exhaustive.
"I strongly recommend this book, if only to reveal a side of science institutions that is completely opposed to the 'scientific method' that they so effectively use to boost their credibility and preserve their dominant status. It is this very mindset that has encouraged the plethora of science books under the heading of "Lost Science" today, legitimate ideas, that have been "lost", ideas which have nothing to do with mysticism, but which have been constrained to carry that label, and therefore made out to be an object of derision by irresponsible heads of prestige institutions. Fortunately, the Internet has played a positive part in this process, by allowing access to these "lost" ideas to the public at large, bypassing those pathways (primarily research journals) where established prejudices maintain a stranglehold. This book could well have been typecast in the 'mystical' category, when in reality, it is nothing of the kind.
"Well done Jeane Manning and Joel Garbon!"