Paranormal Adept
I will try to re-set this thread by doing a streamlined statement of intent, giving the parameters of the discussion. There's been a significant dust-up, as can be seen. A certain agreement has been reached on how to proceed. All the global warming threads that debate the science stand open and ready to continue the dialog. This is the sole thread that will treat global warming as a fact. More, it will accept that there is a strong human component in global warming 'this time round'. It will accept that what is happening is 'new' in that in all past warming/climate change scenarios/events, humankind was a leaf on the wave. This time, humankind is the driving factor. If you don't 'believe' this latter aspect, if you are not convinced, and feel compelled to argue the point, please do not do that here on this thread, but on one of the many global warming threads that do debate the science and that can be found on this site.
Climate Change is the raison d'être for the thread. It is a given, not a debate. There are innumerable threads where that "debate" can be waged, but not here. Saying this does not then mean that one does not have varying views about what many are saying. Do I personally believe in an imminent catastrophic climate collapse inimical to humans? I see no point in such a question. I am here to explore all the ideas - and that is one - argued with considerable passion and persuasiveness by a (growing) handful of scientists. Others take a more measured view. Others factor in all the unknowns that we can never fully program into our models. But it's the nature of the scientific debate to explore all possibilities fully. That is what I hope can happen here on this thread - a thread for laymen. There are very few of us here who are scientists (though an astonishing cache are I have found - or at least have a science background of one kind or another). Fewer still who are versed in the totality of the science in this discipline. Nonetheless, all that notwithstanding, good speculation can ensue.
To say yet again: this thread is not for debate about the science of global warming (agw or not, of whatever extreme). That does not mean that science won't be posted - it will. That does not mean that the conflict between "deniers and warmists" won't be mentioned - even explored - it will. Because all of that is part of what is in store in the coming years, in the 'new world'. That tension will be playing out in spades for a long time.
[Please see the first post of this thread for the link regarding Global Warming/Climate Change.]
Regarding the debate: one can have questions, of course, but every question invariably has an answer on-line somewhere - such as at the site Skeptical Science (linked in the first post). I don't think one should be looking for an in-depth 'education' in this area on a chat site not peopled with scientists nor with it as a direct focus. That's not saying that there are not exceedingly intelligent posters here with a considerable grasp of complicated facts. However, the conversations have taken place on several other threads here which are still extant, not even archived - so one's best bet is to go reading (and conversing) on those threads, if one seeks 'debate' on whether there is warming, whether it is human caused, etc..
This thread is solely to explore the situation as a fact rather than a debate - it's an aspect that is rarely fully fleshed out in conversation. There is lots of elbow room to have differing views regarding the future within the scope of human induced climate change. Are we headed for extinction in 15 years? Couldn't say, but it's fascinating to read the reasoning. The number of scientists saying so - and their bona fides - is impressive. The prognostications are potentially disquieting. However, take it how you will, I am an eternal optimist, and feel the situation will continue to shift and to clarify. We'll find we were wrong in one way, righter than we want to be in other ways. Solutions will come, perhaps in surprising ways via Nature itself. I don't know, but I'm keen for the conversation, wherever it will lead.
Climate Change is the raison d'être for the thread. It is a given, not a debate. There are innumerable threads where that "debate" can be waged, but not here. Saying this does not then mean that one does not have varying views about what many are saying. Do I personally believe in an imminent catastrophic climate collapse inimical to humans? I see no point in such a question. I am here to explore all the ideas - and that is one - argued with considerable passion and persuasiveness by a (growing) handful of scientists. Others take a more measured view. Others factor in all the unknowns that we can never fully program into our models. But it's the nature of the scientific debate to explore all possibilities fully. That is what I hope can happen here on this thread - a thread for laymen. There are very few of us here who are scientists (though an astonishing cache are I have found - or at least have a science background of one kind or another). Fewer still who are versed in the totality of the science in this discipline. Nonetheless, all that notwithstanding, good speculation can ensue.
To say yet again: this thread is not for debate about the science of global warming (agw or not, of whatever extreme). That does not mean that science won't be posted - it will. That does not mean that the conflict between "deniers and warmists" won't be mentioned - even explored - it will. Because all of that is part of what is in store in the coming years, in the 'new world'. That tension will be playing out in spades for a long time.
[Please see the first post of this thread for the link regarding Global Warming/Climate Change.]
Regarding the debate: one can have questions, of course, but every question invariably has an answer on-line somewhere - such as at the site Skeptical Science (linked in the first post). I don't think one should be looking for an in-depth 'education' in this area on a chat site not peopled with scientists nor with it as a direct focus. That's not saying that there are not exceedingly intelligent posters here with a considerable grasp of complicated facts. However, the conversations have taken place on several other threads here which are still extant, not even archived - so one's best bet is to go reading (and conversing) on those threads, if one seeks 'debate' on whether there is warming, whether it is human caused, etc..
This thread is solely to explore the situation as a fact rather than a debate - it's an aspect that is rarely fully fleshed out in conversation. There is lots of elbow room to have differing views regarding the future within the scope of human induced climate change. Are we headed for extinction in 15 years? Couldn't say, but it's fascinating to read the reasoning. The number of scientists saying so - and their bona fides - is impressive. The prognostications are potentially disquieting. However, take it how you will, I am an eternal optimist, and feel the situation will continue to shift and to clarify. We'll find we were wrong in one way, righter than we want to be in other ways. Solutions will come, perhaps in surprising ways via Nature itself. I don't know, but I'm keen for the conversation, wherever it will lead.
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