Sitchin says 2085 but I haven't found that prediction in his books. What he could mean is that in 2085 Nibiru will become part of our night sky and it may be a part of our night sky for quite some time. The 3600 year orbit is a rough estimate, he says. Clearly if we go by his calculations, which put the Deluge at roughly 11,000 BCE, then Nibiru won't be "back" until, what, 3400. So the 2085 date, I'm willing to bet, is the year that it will become a part of our night sky.
Here's a couple of linx on this subject:
The Dark Star planet Nibiru hidden in the outer solar system by Andy Lloyd
Just to buffer my stance, you might recall in Genesis discussion of the Elohim, those "who from heaven came" and who indulged in the pleasures of the flesh vis a vis human women, creating the Nephilim, demigods, half human, half god. This, Genesis reveals, angered god and thus we had the Deluge, the end of flesh. That's as good a starting point as any to trigger your interest in Nibiru and Sitchin.
I haven't watched Mogwa's flick but I'm willing to wager it's an intellectually bankrupt attack ad hominum. And we've all seen that strategy before. If it is, then I humbly request the forum administrators to review his posts and determine if he's here with an agenda to squash meaningful conversation on some of the more important topics that arise in the discussion of the "alien agenda," such as real human history, evolution, and the Mesianic age we're entering. That's my humble request. It's ridiculous that you guys will bring on your show a dude who talks about writing in Akkadian, or Angelic script, and tie the phenomenon of Angels to UFOs and then tolerate it when Mogwa goes around issuing attacks ad hominum to folks who pursue that line of thought, those who dig on Sitchin and such.
Remember, if what Sitchin reports is true it is the greatest secret ever kept from man. If indeed we are the product of a genetic modification regime carried out on Homo erectus by the 'gods,' and the home planet of those gods is on a return path to the inner orbits of the planets of our Solar System, then you can imagine the efforts of the powers that be to stifle talk on this subject, to maintain their vice-like grip on power. The Truths Sitchin uncovered by translating Sumerian texts would lay waste to the authority of the Vatican. Period. End of story. And the Vatican is, what, the third Beast? It goes Rome (or America, which will fall with your astutely forecasted economic "correction") -->Russia -->the Vatican -->the New World King --> rule by the brotherhood of man (after the single-party rule self-destructs due to unchecked inner corruption).
No, dude, the world won't end in 2012. Something will end, that's for sure, just like something ended when the Mayan lunar calendar ended on Aug. 18, 2007. That doesn't mean the untrained eye will be able to tell what exactly ended. But make no mistake, those calendars that close out on 12/22/2012 close out for a reason. Will it be hellfire and death for all? No. But it'll be something.
More importantly to those in the states is the fall of Rome, which is happening right now!