Devil's Advocate
Although that said, who else would have been allowed an Op Ed piece in the Times? - so he does add an air of legitimacy to this, right? Is that his role?
For my money that's it. Here's a guy who worked for the government filing UFO reports. Not a guy who claims to have maybe seen something once on an army base, not someone who used to work for NASA and might have heard something from a photo analyst, not a person who in his duties as a engineer came across some files that may have represented back-engineered technology, no. This was his JOB. Day in, day out, UFOs for breakfast, lunch and dinner (or if you like, supper).
Now is that exciting? Fuck no! He's a goddamn file clerk for chrissakes! What it is is legitmate, something horrifically lacking in the UFO field. If you're looking for flash, bang, whiz, there's more than enough to go around but don't expect it to make a dent in the reality bubble surrounding most people. Nick is a pin that can poke holes in that bubble. Dull, tiny, legitimate holes.