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Nick Pope Show May 23 2010

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Paranormal Adept
Oh man, what a show for me personally, Thanks Gene and Paul. Jeez were do i start. Nick made a comment and i get on that in a second, and that comment he made, has opened up a whole new area of research for me to investigate one of my sightings. I have wrote about this sighting numerous times when i joined the forums and after. This sighting i am revering to, is a sighting i had in my teenager years, we're i saw a number of coloured lights with friends and there was also strange shocking effect occurring to the sky just before these lights came into my line of sight.

Nick Discussed a case, the Cosford UFO incident, i never heard of this case, and i am amazed i never have, very odd. Nick said... a Major sighting occurred over Belgium in March 3O 0r 31 1990 and by coincidence the Cosford coincidence occurred over a two period too March 30 to 31 1993. Here is the shocker people.. I had my sighting March 30 1993 in Ireland!!! and there was large number of sightings of object witnessed across Ireland during these two day's. I have recently come across Articles they speak of 1993 UFO flap over Ireland,

I going to write to Nick and relay this information to him here, he might not be aware of what happened in Ireland during this two days and nights too.

In saying that though.. a "Ministry Defence UK" file was released in 2009 discussed the Sightings over Ireland. It was very brief wording really, kind of usual, considering the scope of the events over my Country.
Major sightings across two separate countries, though we are close neighbours, we are separate by hundreds of miles of ocean here. Does Nick know more than he is able to reveal here?

I post a link shortly to the UFO flap over Ireland in MARCH 1993. There is a good amount of information on it, i came across it recently. There is one report in this, we're two patrolling Garda (policeman) had a sighting March 30. Location.Askeaton Limerick Ireland.

I'm going to reveal something here to everyone.. I live just ten miles from the Location of that particular sighting. I hail from Limerick and i moved here with my parents in the eighties from a Irish speaking area of the Country. My family home is ten miles away from Askeaton, i live in the main City today with my partner. I'm going will reveal to Nick were i live just to clarify for him. When i write to him soon.

Here is the link to the Cosford incident March 30-31 1993 and the UFO flap over Ireland March 30-31 1993



I done a quick google of major UFO sightings and there dates. Most well-known case's seem to have happened in March, July, September and December.

Phoenix lights ..March 13;;

The Stephenville case occurred Jan 31 but there another sighting later and photo's were taken of this and this event occurred or happened March 31;;;

Malstrom March 16 1967...
Hudson Valley March 31 a major sighting, the largest sightings occurred on this particular day,,,,

Tehran UFO case,, September
Kecksburg case,,December
Flatwood,, September
Kelly johnston;;December
Shag Harbour;;October outside does dates but close
Yukon mothership,,December 11th
Sky lab;; September 20
Mexico flap;September major sightings

1952 Washington July
Roswell July
There probably more cases that i have posted that happened to occur around those specific months. Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't?
I have Contacted Nick with an Email. I gave him my Real full name and my Family address of were my sighting occurred in 1993. I also informed him about this other sightings around Ireland that occurred on those day's that he could research and look into. I'm also currently checking to see if they're is further evidence of these encounters over Ireland during the month of March. Not sure if anything exists, but i am checking. I have found a number of videos about the Cosford incident. That is one in particular involves Nick... I have marked the video at 4.46; part 2 of the video, the video is "UFO mystery still unsolved. My computer is crap it wouldn't upload the video. Anyway if you go to YouTube you find it. There is a map of Ireland and England shown in the video. You'll see this objects coming across the Irish sea and then Come over Wales and then further into England. I believe my sighting was somewhere between 7 and 8 at night. It was getting dark, but still bright out, it was a sunny day as i recall. It has been over seventeen years since that sighting and i am 33 now. I remember the incident but i is not as vivid as when it happened, but i do remember it. The incident shown in the video at 9.30pm over the Uk involved a triangle craft. I saw no craft with my sighting, only coloured lights here but there was reports of craft seen over Ireland.
I've stayed off the forums for a bit because honestly they have been not as enjoyable as they use to be in the past. I've still been listening to the show for the most part, but wanted to comment on the comments towards the end of the episode about 9/11 the term "New World Order" in the context that it was talked about.

First off, we know your views on 9/11, Paul. Why was there a need to bring this up? I'm not going to bother to get into this again, but there is no need to keep bringing this up IMO.

I think both yourself and Nick's comments though in regards to the "New World Order" topic and anti-semitism is typical strawman that people use. I look at the term and the movement towards this as ideology of globalization over national independent sovereignty. It doesn't have to include weird conspiracies about Freemasons and reptoids, but simply as an observation of ideology and those with that ideolgy setting policy based on their views (often not in the best interest of the people who elected them and that fall under the framework of law they should be opperating under). In the government and business sectors. The general sweeping comments about "International Bankers = Hate of Jews" is just absurd. I'm not denying there are not lowlife racists that have this mindset and use that area to promote that agenda, but it's not close to the majority of people who reject globalization. It's wreckless to make these kind of comments. Both youself and Nick should take a step back and look at that.

It sucks as I was just listening to the show and all of the sudden I have to hear this. I like both of you guys, you seem like nice guys and have done good work, but I turned the episode off after that and didn't bother to finish.
I've stayed off the forums for a bit because honestly they have been not as enjoyable as they use to be in the past. I've still been listening to the show for the most part, but wanted to comment on the comments towards the end of the episode about 9/11 the term "New World Order" in the context that it was talked about.

First off, we know your views on 9/11, Paul. Why was there a need to bring this up? I'm not going to bother to get into this again, but there is no need to keep bringing this up IMO.

I think both yourself and Nick's comments though in regards to the "New World Order" topic and anti-semitism is typical strawman that people use. I look at the term and the movement towards this as ideology of globalization over national independent sovereignty. It doesn't have to include weird conspiracies about Freemasons and reptoids, but simply as an observation of ideology and those with that ideolgy setting policy based on their views (often not in the best interest of the people who elected them and that fall under the framework of law they should be opperating under). In the government and business sectors. The general sweeping comments about "International Bankers = Hate of Jews" is just absurd. I'm not denying there are not lowlife racists that have this mindset and use that area to promote that agenda, but it's not close to the majority of people who reject globalization. It's wreckless to make these kind of comments. Both youself and Nick should take a step back and look at that.

It sucks as I was just listening to the show and all of the sudden I have to hear this. I like both of you guys, you seem like nice guys and have done good work, but I turned the episode off after that and didn't bother to finish.

Wow. So we said something you didn't like, or didn't agree with, and you turned it off?

So much for truth.

And if you don't think that there is a virulent and underlying stream of anti-Semitism in the conspiracy and paranormal "fields" then you and I (and Nick) are just going to have to agree to disagree. We didn't say it was a majority, did we? Nope - but we have every right to point out what a lot of people interested in the subject are either unaware of or don't want to talk about. Honestly, I suggest you do some real research into how genuine anti-Semites (as opposed to people who have legitimate disagreements with the policies of the Israeli government) have used the paranormal and conspiracy realms as areas of recruitment, and to spread their vile ideology.

And how the heck did globalization get into this conversation? As far as I can recall, Nick and I never brought that up.

But here's my view, as you brought it up: nationalism is the greatest evil ever foisted on humanity, trumping all else. The two world wars of the 20th century are the direct result of nationalism.

In other words, I'm all for a One World Government, where we treat each other all as human beings, and don't divide ourselves by some fake concept of the nation-state, which is the ultimate control mechanism.
It's with great relief that note it was at least your own mouth you vomited in a little.
Because the alternative would be gross.

Great Show Gene, Paul and Nick,

Excellent coverage of the UFO field of subjects which is full of some left individuals.

Enjoyed Nick Pope's mature debate regarding UFO investigations and the cultural image which blemish's this field disclosures theme!

Look forward to next weeks show.

P.S Wonder if Nick Pope ever connected the surnames of the directors of spook heads of UK and Canada during the first few years of post-WW2?

Ja Love all and keep safe.:)
But here's my view, as you brought it up: nationalism is the greatest evil ever foisted on humanity, trumping all else. The two world wars of the 20th century are the direct result of nationalism.

In other words, I'm all for a One World Government, where we treat each other all as human beings, and don't divide ourselves by some fake concept of the nation-state, which is the ultimate control mechanism.

I have never been able to understand how any thinking person could be against uniting humanity under a single world government, and replacing our current fractious and unstable financial systems - which profit only parasitic financial speculators - with a single global currency. Obviously this is the way humanity will develop, and obviously it's going to be A Good Thing. It's a move towards what Michio Kaku has described as a "Type One Civilization."

I agree wholeheartedly that the manufacture and perpetuation of partisan tribalism under the guise of nationalism has been catastrophic for the human race. Nation states have indeed proved to be the ultimate control mechanism on humanity, enabling destructive wars and perpetuating misery for millions. Maybe just a phase in humanity's growth to maturity, whose usefulness is now outlived and irrelevant.

One world government can't come soon enough. I'd vote for it today.
Wow. So we said something you didn't like, or didn't agree with, and you turned it off?

So much for truth.

And if you don't think that there is a virulent and underlying stream of anti-Semitism in the conspiracy and paranormal "fields" then you and I (and Nick) are just going to have to agree to disagree. We didn't say it was a majority, did we? Nope - but we have every right to point out what a lot of people interested in the subject are either unaware of or don't want to talk about. Honestly, I suggest you do some real research into how genuine anti-Semites (as opposed to people who have legitimate disagreements with the policies of the Israeli government) have used the paranormal and conspiracy realms as areas of recruitment, and to spread their vile ideology.

And how the heck did globalization get into this conversation? As far as I can recall, Nick and I never brought that up.

But here's my view, as you brought it up: nationalism is the greatest evil ever foisted on humanity, trumping all else. The two world wars of the 20th century are the direct result of nationalism.

In other words, I'm all for a One World Government, where we treat each other all as human beings, and don't divide ourselves by some fake concept of the nation-state, which is the ultimate control mechanism.

It turned my stomach, so yes I turned it off.

It had nothing to do with “truth” instead of just a silly rant that misrepresented a lot of people.

I am very aware of the anti-semitism in both fields. I’ve seen the work of people like David Icke. I’ve seen the work of drecks like Eustace Mullins. In more recent times groups like “PROTHINK” angle conspiracies about 9/11 and the “NWO” to blame Jews for everything. My point was these people are the ignorant MINORITY to activists in either areas. The way it was presented by the two of you did not represent that so I felt the need to address it.

Globalization came up because I explained my position on the whole “NWO” topic and “International Bankers” in that context. So often views are misrepresented to include weird and esoteric stuff that I wanted to explain that most people don’t interject that rhetoric into that conversation.

Nationalism is the buffer that keeps tyrants from having far too much power. It is not evil. Globalization in the manner it is presented IS evil though IMO. The reasons for that are they are not done with the approval of the citizens of the countries the concepts are pushed in. I can only speak as an American, but for all of my countries faults it is the best example of freedom the world has ever seen. That is because it is a Constitutional Republic that has checks and balances. Globalization offers none of that. It centralizes powers.

If these concept of globalization is so great then why do people not get to vote on it? Why are international treaties such as NAFTA and GATT shoved down the throats of Americans? Years later those people seen their jobs leave. Where in the Constitution does it say for the WTO to have more power of trade then the US Congress? Up until the last few years the concept of “global governance” was kept from the public and those who brought it up mocked. Now it’s in the public. Since when is a concept that is kept in secret in large from the general public and said “that did not exist” a good idea? Why not have a public debate about this for years? When people hide their ideas and do not trust them when later they roll out an idea and tell me it is good.

We don’t treat each other like human beings as it is. How on earth would that IMPROVE by giving more power to UNELECTED bankers, businessmen, and multi-national corporations that would set policy? That makes no literal sense. Plus what happens if the people in charge of this “One World Government” lose their every loving mind? That much power in any group of people will lead to megalomania. How dangerous is that is a guy like Hitler got that power? Something he wanted BTW as he called for a New World Order. People for this are not thinking this through IMO. The concept sounds great if it were to bring actual peace and some kind of election process, but those who would be in control are ruining the world as it is and the LAST thing we need to do as a species is give those same people/corporations/think-tanks/treaty groups/ect the ultimate power.

It will end badly.
Well i believe 9/11 was not a False flag Operation. And not to start, a new Thread here about 9/11... the fact there is zero evidence Israel carried it out or any other nation on this planet carried it out that is including the United states here. 9//11 was a mission that took year's of planning and most of these Young Muslim men who carried out the Terrorist act trained for this in the hot lands of Afghanistan. Why don't 9/11 Truther's focus there efforts on the wrongdoing's of the United States when it comes to their foreign policy in regards to the Middle East? Then looking for evidence that doesn't exist

There was no reason to suspect Hijackers would board planes within the United States and ram these planes into buildings. This was a new form of Islamic Terrorist, all previous hijackings of planes were either to blow them up with explosive's or make demands, some were demands to release political prisoners and sometimes it was done to get world-wide attention to a particular issue happening inside the Middle east.
"You think it up (9/11) was possibility and believe something like this was possible, but until it happens, you never really accept it.

I took this from Article on Google; "In 1998 US intelligence had information that a group of Unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosives Airplane into the World trade Centre according to joint enquiry of the house and senate. This line here i mean i took from the article, the rest below are my opinions

Look this information came to intelligent agencies a month before the attack's, i think it was just an intelligence failure, a month is not a long time in the intelligence world. They get briefings on threats constantly, some refer to possible attack's on US Embassies abroad, and some refer to possible attack's on US base installations When you have no leads under the second- information to go on, what do you expect US agencies to do, chance Phantoms?

I think the real horrible think that came out of 9/11 is the emergence of out of control empire. Iraq had no WMD before the invasion of Iraq. 'Hans Blix" at the time was the the Chief inspector and he was the guy also doing the investigating and looking for these weapons and he publicly stated before the United States went to War.." Iraq has no Stockpiles of WMD"

So what was the purpose of the war again, if it was already know then, that no Such weapon's existed in Iraq. We are now in 2010 we have the same thing happening all over again with Iran (WMD)... The IAEA (International Atomic Energy agency) In 2009 ... stated Iran has no Facilities to produce the Nuclear weapon and if they tried it would take them over fifteen years to do so

" It the same old thing as before. According to the US; Iran has weapons of Mass Destruction or is actively seeking such weapons the nuclear Bomb. Were is the Evidence?. Sourcing of this evidence well intelligence briefings done by parties who are allied to the United States. Man are we that stupid we could repeat the same mistake twice? We know back then we were lied to and what makes you think anything has changed now? People who willing believe in my opinion are just as stupid as the people making the statement. Think?

There is number of good reasons for why the United states hates Iran "some i do agree with and some are down right ignorant. The United States does Precieve's Iran's quest for Nuclear Energy as a threat, Why.... because it upset's there balance of control there. It just strategic what is going on here. Iran hasn't attacked another nation in over 1000 year's. Yet Iraq attacked sovereign nations in 1980 and 1990...the 1980 attack when Iraq attacked Iran, this was under the guidance of the Only superpower left in the world. With having greater power, you got to or need to exercise that power rightly, which America for me, hasn't done here for a long time.

The banker issue is not about Jew's for me. I couldn't care less about should a thing. I also agree with Paul there is anti-semitism that is clearly about. You see this with David Icke for example and Alex Jones there is probably many others about, there racist, and it's clear as day. We have a serious Banking crisis here in Ireland and it was caused mainly by Irish man doing the same reckless policies that are fellow Americans were doing stateside. It a epidemic failure of regulation and following the law (White collar crime) that caused this now Economic woe. It was not caused by Israel or a handful of Jewish bankers. For me and it just my opinion. It was caused by people, who had too much power to begin with and they got greedy with having too much power and this led them to become corrupt and we the Taxpayer now have to pick up the tap for the're mess that was caused. We also were screwed over by or respective Governments, by the way, when it came to these bail-outs of the bank's.

Stick Around Cotton, Well i disagree with your stance on 9/11. You have posted intelligent stuff in the past that is interesting.
I don't know what 9/11 was and frankly I am tired of talking about it. Nobody treats this topic with respect IMO. It's either pushing a theory or debunking something before you even get to explain your position. People are so stubborn on this issue. I don't think there were bombs in the buildings or fake planes. I just don't accept the 9/11 Commission Report due to the intelligence info out there in regards to where a lot of these guys trained, who funded this IMO (Pakistan ISI), and the various agents from the FBI and Army Intel that tried to stop the attacks, but were stopped from doing so. It's a complex issue that sadly many people (including "truthers") don't take serious anymore because they are so invested into their previous theory.

BTW, Alex Jones does not promote anti-semitism at all. Infact, he gets called a "Mossad agent" by those current groups that spew the old "Jews are devils" nonsense for not blaming Israel and Jews for everything bad in the world. You may not like him, but it's not at all accurate to put him in there on that subject. He hangs up on racist callers on his show.
I don't know what 9/11 was and frankly I am tired of talking about it. Nobody treats this topic with respect IMO. It's either pushing a theory or debunking something before you even get to explain your position. People are so stubborn on this issue. I don't think there were bombs in the buildings or fake planes. I just don't accept the 9/11 Commission Report due to the intelligence info out there in regards to where a lot of these guys trained, who funded this IMO (Pakistan ISI), and the various agents from the FBI and Army Intel that tried to stop the attacks, but were stopped from doing so. It's a complex issue that sadly many people (including "truthers") don't take serious anymore because they are so invested into their previous theory.

But who is doing the reporting and who is making the claims that you have outlined? What Evidence have you that is available for public viewing, were it show's FBI and other Agencies knew more, and could've prevented these attack's and were prevented from doing so. By who exactly?

I've seen him on video name out lot of Jewish people as being part of the illuminati, maybe he just attracts racist people to his show for some reason.. Wonder what that could be about?
But who is doing the reporting and who is making the claims that you have outlined? What Evidence have you that is available for public viewing, were it show's FBI and other Agencies knew more, and could've prevented these attack's and were prevented from doing so. By who exactly?

Collen Rawley of the FBI out of Phoenix. Robert Wright of the FBI out of Chicago. Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer who was watching those guys from a Pentagon program called ABLE DANGER. Who did it? I have idea.
I don't know what 9/11 was and frankly I am tired of talking about it. Nobody treats this topic with respect IMO. It's either pushing a theory or debunking something before you even get to explain your position. People are so stubborn on this issue. I don't think there were bombs in the buildings or fake planes. I just don't accept the 9/11 Commission Report due to the intelligence info out there in regards to where a lot of these guys trained, who funded this IMO (Pakistan ISI), and the various agents from the FBI and Army Intel that tried to stop the attacks, but were stopped from doing so. It's a complex issue that sadly many people (including "truthers") don't take serious anymore because they are so invested into their previous theory.

BTW, Alex Jones does not promote anti-semitism at all. Infact, he gets called a "Mossad agent" by those current groups that spew the old "Jews are devils" nonsense for not blaming Israel and Jews for everything bad in the world. You may not like him, but it's not at all accurate to put him in there on that subject. He hangs up on racist callers on his show.

Alex Jones does back people like Jason Bermas. Anyone that's out there promoting conspiracy theories and terrible movies like those Bermas is involved in is dangerous. He may not be a racist, but he's promoting dangerous and absolutely false ideas that have no real evidence.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, Nick Pope is always fun to listen to. Great show.
Collen Rawley of the FBI out of Phoenix. Robert Wright of the FBI out of Chicago. Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer who was watching those guys from a Pentagon program called ABLE DANGER. Who did it? I have idea.
Have they gone on record? I would need to see video evidence of these men making this claims. This also need's to be backed up enough evidence were a background check can happen, if the need arose. Are they still working for the FBI and Pentagon still Cotton?
Alex Jones does back people like Jason Bermas. Anyone that's out there promoting conspiracy theories and terrible movies like those Bermas is involved in is dangerous. He may not be a racist, but he's promoting dangerous and absolutely false ideas that have no real evidence.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, Nick Pope is always fun to listen to. Great show.

Someone is "dangerous" because you disagree with them? Gez, I hope you are not a Cowboys fan because as an Eagles fan you would be "dangerous" to me.

---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

Have they gone on record? I would need to see video evidence of these men making this claims. This also need's to be backed up enough evidence were a background check can happen, if the need arose. Are they still working for the FBI and Pentagon still Cotton?

Yes they are on record. Both Rawlley and Wright quit. Shaffer was attempted to be railroaded out, but he stood his ground. He is now a reserve and in the private sector. Out of everyone, his info is most interesting because of his background. Legit military and intelligence officer with a solid education and creds.
Someone is "dangerous" because you disagree with them? Gez, I hope you are not a Cowboys fan because as an Eagles fan you would be "dangerous" to me.

No. Not because I disagree with him, even though I do. I said he's a liar - that's what makes him dangerous. He makes outlandish claims and has nothing to back it up and people buy into his lies.