What's the irony in accepting something that has been clearly outlined and explained? Just because this is a paranormal site doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to be a skeptic, or even what some of you might call a debunker. In the same way I listen to this podcast, I also listen to (and am a big fan of) Skepticality, For Good Reason, and The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe. That's why I like the Paracast forums, not everyone is like-minded, but it's well managed so that the conversations don't normally devolve into a flame war.
As for the UFO thing, I'm in Nick's camp for the most part. I don't like someone being crapped on just because he's skeptical about tin-foil hat NWO and 9/11 theories. I think he and Paul made it quite clear where they stand and they backed it up.
---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 AM ----------
I spoke too soon. Thanks for the insult. There really is no need for that, is there?
"I was Reviewing some Articles and videos about the "Cosford Incident" before heading to Bed last night. While i do agree. Nick is a skeptic for the most part, however, he is still quiet open minded to the possibility we are being visited here. 'Nick has siad in the past, Interviews he has done'.. I was an avid skeptic before the Cosford Incident. But this one case here, has changed my mind about the whole subject.
"Remember; Nick, worked for the Mod (Ministry of Defence) and he did not join the Ministry to look and study UFO's. He has said, previously in the past. "I had no serious interest in this topic, before getting involved at the Ministry of Defence"
Nick later has shown a obvious devotion to the subject of UFO's after he left the ministry, and he could rode of into the sunset here, and never looked into this topic again, that is, If he honestly believes there is nothing to the UFO subject. His Action's tell another story people and While he is a skeptic to lot of things, for me,.. I think he know's lot more than he can reveal to us the public?
It matter of opinion and i could be wrong here?. I outline here, why i believe that.... These Objects were flying over high security UK bases and over Villages and Towns scattered all over the UK for six hour's, the're was also UFO's seen in Ireland before the First report's Over the UK AT 8.30PM. My sighting was somewhere between 7 and 8. So how long were these Object's penetrating both Airspaces (UK and Ireland) are they the same objects, that were seen, but at different times? Or are they entirely different events spanning two countries(Three countries to be exact) at different times of the day and night? So there has to be more information, obviously, that is still classified to the publc?
Nick is not going to fuel Rumours and say "Yes" there is Documents that are still classified. He signed a security and secret act and what he can't reveal, he won't. I have also found out Objects were seen over France March 30-31 1993. So three separate sovereign nation's must have communicated with each other after these events ended. All three nations have Radar and these Objects were seen on Radar over Ireland from the information i have seen, and so let us get real, something major happened here and it wasn't a weather balloon that went of course.
Pixel. 9/11 Look Paul and Nick are entitled to their views. There is no need to be going off on one, because they don't follow your belief system. I'm a believer in UFO'S and Paul and others here are less than convinced. but they're still open-minded, which i personally appreciate. I only get annoyed with People who debunk just for the sake of it, the're not curious and they just come here to dismiss without looking at the evidence. I see no evidence for 9/11 being an inside job and your entitled to your opiinion, i don't begrudge you having your opinion. I just don't believe your views on 9/11 or right.
I tend to agree more with Cotton. The aftermath of 9/11 and later investigation of 9/11. The aftermath of 9/11. "Well a great nation lost it's way for eight years because of 9/11 and it not the fault of the Public, a corrupt government happened to be in power and they lead their people down the wrong road after the Afgan War. The 9/11 investigation, I think there need's to be more transparency for people. Who believe they were lied to here. The US nation will never rest until there is public hearings on this matter.
Discussion has moved, but the First part, was about Nick.