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Nov 30th show:Don't slit your wrists David!

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I have yet to trudge through the rest of the interview, but she is the worst guest I've heard on the show in terms of any criteria, even some of the wacko guests were somewhat entertaining even if they were full of crap.

She had no substance and was not entertaining, it just reminded me of an in-law of mine who never stops talking and I often dread getting into conversations with them because I know they will fall into non-sequitur fillabusters about nothing and it becomes uncomfortable and draining.
This doesn't make her a bad person, just a bad guest on a show that is about getting substance in a field that is lacking it. Maybe the show should make all potential guests answer a quick series of questions to make sure they are a good fit before being interviewed?

If nothing else it was worth posting to give us perspective on what is often the norm in the new age scene and also how great some of the other past interviews were in comparison.

I think all she had to do to make it somewhat interesting would be to tell some of her personal compelling stories in more details than she did and then share some of the best practices in the field and also some of the most famous cases and that would have been enough......
She said her father had a doctorate from the 'London Scool of Applied Science.' I can't find that there is such an institution at all. Here is a link to an interview with Holzer: http://www.ghostvillage.com/legends/2005/legends35_02072005.shtml where he says he studied at quite a few places. he also says he got to New York at 18 and lived there ever since. So how could he study at Vienna and London? Certainly not as a marticulated student. This stuff is not adding up. That's a hell of a commute.
..."What I have an issue with is your mannerism and attitude of Mr. Intelligent who's above you. Your VERY condensing sir"...

I can only hope that this is an unfortunate typo missed by someone filled with fury, and not her idea of a put-down. Oh if only we all could extract liquids from gases...:D
when i first connected the show was playing and i had to listen from that point i could not start it from the start, but then it cut out , later i was able to run it from the begining and only got about ten mins into it.

by this time i was convinced i was going to hear her father coined the phrase ghost hunter for the next 2 hours

i got it the first time, cracked records give me the irrits

Well gosh...

I do think she has a point. As a guest she delivered what she could (which was admittedly vapid). While it is understood that these internets can be merciless, I might suggest that the Paracast hosts could be a bit nicer and a somewhat above the kind of treatment she got.

After all, she did was what you asked her to do.


its a good point, oil and water and all that.

its hard to Soar with the Eagles........
I dont think Im exactly sure what Shes responding too... ?

Was it the Monday morning quarter back wrap up at the end? The show description?
Have you checked out abductee - Kelly Cahill? I'm sure she would make a wonderful guest.

I believe I read about this case in Goods book Unearthly Disclosure. Very fascinating case with multiple witnesses. She has a book out too called Encounter which I plan to pick up.

Id love to hear an interview with her.

edit, also its worth mentioning for those not familiar with the case that the multiple witnesses each confirmed the same story independently. The lead researcher was very careful to keep certain details secret and each of these witnesses described the same thing. Quite a frightening encounter really.
I really don't think either Gene or David treated Holzer with any disrespect. They did a good job with her. I thought their questions were reasonable and calmly articulated. They didn't get into arguments with her. I'm left wondering WTF is the problem? IMO she didn't actually evade the questions; she just had no idea what Gene and David were talking about. I don't think she had the capacity or background to answer them. She took two hours to say what amounts to absolutely nothing. Now, I hope and pray no one, including our hosts, will take this the wrong way or be offended, but Alexandra is what stereotypes are made from. She surely epitomized the feminine person with a NYC domicile who is of Judaic descent. (There, I hope that worked ok.) Wow! Thanks for the show.
I believe I read about this case in Goods book Unearthly Disclosure. Very fascinating case with multiple witnesses. She has a book out too called Encounter which I plan to pick up.

Id love to hear an interview with her.

edit, also its worth mentioning for those not familiar with the case that the multiple witnesses each confirmed the same story independently. The lead researcher was very careful to keep certain details secret and each of these witnesses described the same thing. Quite a frightening encounter really.

This case seems so credible to me.Like you said;the witnesses did not know about each other,so it's quite chilling to see the similarity of the accounts.

Was the case given much attention in Good's book - if so,I think I may have to pick that one up.

Get this woman on the paracast,right now!(please :o)
My devalued two cents: I think it was valid to air the show in the place of nothing this last weekend. Knowing David's increasing lack of patience with 'soft thinking', I can see why this interview was frustrating for him (and, it sounded as though it was to Gene also). I didn't think our hosts were rude here, personally.

I like the Paracast a lot. I believe the comments at the end of the show were recorded some time ago, but if you guys are feeling fed up, I hope you'd consider taking a break before you throw in the towel. On the other hand you've given me hours of thought provoking listening already so perhaps it's churlish of me to keep begging for more. Even so....
Holy psycho-guest-speaker Batman!
I didn't think the interview went all that bad. Gene and David have been LOTS worse to other guests, so I don't know why she got so upset in the email, ...other than a case of social paranoia mixed with chronic personal insecurity.

All that crap aside, it's still Gene and Davids show, and they can do what they want, which is one of the reasons I like the show. More Angry Human!!!!
Blimey ... I've not listened to the episode yet ... but reading the comments above a term for such an episode as this just sprang to my mind amid all the chaos that runs rampant in the swiss cheesecake that is my brain:

fruit-cake sandwich :eek::D

... where of course Gene and David are the healthy bready bits on the outside, and the guest being a total fruit-cake (hypen needed??) in the middle of or between said healthy bits.

Maybe I should patent it :D
I mostly live by the mantra that "something is always better than nothing". This week's show almost makes me reconsider that. Almost.

My god she's married to her daddy's belief system. "You have to help them" Why? And who's them? And what makes you think they need your help? And why do you think you can actually help them? GRRRRRRRRRRR. So many assumptions.

And every single time she's challenged on ANYTHING it's "Well you have every right to your opinion and so do I!". Yes, you do... care to share it with the rest of the class? What is your opinion and why do you believe that? It's simple! But no, she can't be bothered.

BTW David, did you happen to catch the phrase "fair and balanced" in that response she sent you? Remind you of anything? Speaks volumes to me...
Jesus Christ...

What a fucking whiner.

Hans Holzer was a pretty decent guy from what I understood, and he had no problems with non-believers or people who disagreed with him. In fact, I'd seen the man in several interviews and he was about as collected as an encyclopedia. He was just that kind of guy who had no problems with differences of opinion.

Had David been interviewing him, he would have been a far different guest than the daughter who obviously has none of the qualities her father had as an investigator.

After reading these messages from her, there's no fucking way I'd want to listen to her nonsense.

If you have 4 kids and you are sick, then don't do the fucking show. Especially if you're concerned that the host has their own Agenda as she puts it.

What a fucking idiot.