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Hey: Not to derail, but David mentioned he took Catholic Communion at a Mass, as a Jew. I'm really surprised they GAVE it to him in the first place! Or whoever he was with didn't stop him, etc...
NOT that I believe in any of this (now)..but as a former Catholic (converted at age 19)....unless you were taking your First Communion as a Catholic and/or converting to Catholicism, you should'nt have been given/allowed to take Communion....
ie: Now, I 'shouldn't' take Communion, either...if I were to ever attend a Mass again....due to being divorced-without-having-gotten/done-an-annulment (which I could STILL do, despite the fact that I had two children with my first husband...who was not Catholic....and now having been remarried for years now, go figure!). THEN, I could take Communion again....WhatEVER....
None of that matters to me, just pointing it out, why, I know not! lol. *shrug*
When She was talking about that direct voice stuff, I was thinking that is it possible this was a sign of multiple personality disorder.... could this be true? Or is that not really within the scope of that particular disorder?
I stop short of saying a "bullshit artist".
(I think the guys do an awesome job. The BS detector has been overloaded a bit of with some of the guests, but we dont give a toss about that!!)
I think too many listeners of the show are expecting a guest to come on one week who is actually going to provide an answer to "What the Hell is Really Going On." My bets are on 'It ain't gonna happen...ever.'
I think too many listeners of the show are expecting a guest to come on one week who is actually going to provide an answer to "What the Hell is Really Going On." My bets are on 'It ain't gonna happen...ever.'
p.s if some one is not quite bs-ing ... are they bull-farting??
I'll carve this on a tree in the park..."Schticknz, AnnetteMarie, and Skunkape...Bull-Farts-Forever."that gives an entirely new meaning to the "bff" made popular by gossip (hiding as entertainment news) mags! Thanks so much for discovering that truth