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Wow-I can't believe that woman! First off, I don't see how she could consider the interview rude-it wasn't. I don't understand these people-who gives her the authority to help the living & dead? Seems to me she is just cashing in on her father's fame.
Given David's and Gene's reluctance to share their experiences, it seems kind of hypocritical to slam Holzer for the same thing.
Oh come on David, I've heard you guys say it time after time. Maybe I just haven't heard the episodes yet where you do talk about it at length. But you guys do say how reluctant you are to talk about them.
And what's this "ass on the line" business? You've taken personal/professional hit for doing so? Are you serious? If that's true, what kind of nitwits do you associate with? I have never been looked at askance when I've related my experiences to people. That includes, friends, acquaintances and strangers alike. Most people, even if they haven't had a personal experience, know people who have and if they don't, they don't immediately dismiss the idea of paranormal experiences. So, I question the veracity of that claim.
But your response is exactly what I was talking about in a polite way in another post in regards to the way you react. Do you like alienating people? Weren't you ever taught that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar? There is a better way you could have responded to my post, but you got all nasty. You could have pointed me to the episodes where you did so. Instead, you got all belligerent. I suggest anger management classes.
And speaking of the interview, she did talk about experiences. Maybe not in detail, but she gave some examples. Given David's and Gene's reluctance to share their experiences, it seems kind of hypocritical to slam Holzer for the same thing.
Do you like alienating people? Weren't you ever taught that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar? There is a better way you could have responded to my post, but you got all nasty. You could have pointed me to the episodes where you did so. Instead, you got all belligerent. I suggest anger management classes.
I have to challenge this one a little bit. The concern I see being raised here is the method.I've listened to many of the shows now and I enjoy them, but I'm beginning to think that all the emphasis on true scientific method may not work with the paranormal.
As others have said, maybe we don't have the tools do research it properly.
To me, science is simply science as we know it. approach of Buddhism, especially Mahayana Buddhism, is very close to the scientific approach. According to the Mahayana point of view, there were three major turnings of the wheel, as the three main cycles of the Buddha’s teachings are called. The teachings given during these cycles are literally contradictory. Since all these teachings were genuine words of the Buddha himself and they contradict each other, how do we determine which are true and which are not? Even if we were to make the distinction on the basis of some scriptural citation, then that again must depend on something else to validate its authenticity. Therefore, the final validation must be done on the authority of reasoning and of logic.
Analysis and examination through reasoning, the basic Buddhist attitude, is very important. Once you find a fact through investigation, then you accept it. Because of this, the basic Buddhist attitude is quite similar to the scientists’ attitude. Be open and investigative, find something, confirm it, then accept it. Whichever way you go, there is a strong emphasis upon your own analysis and investigation and not simply a dogmatic adherence out of faith.
I agree that Gene and Dave can be really harsh, but I still really appreciate the show. As I said above, they're the only ones who *ever* ask hard questions in this field. So they're a bit abrasive... at least they actually try to dig and aren't satisfied with fluff and evasion and nonsense. Our culture could use a bit less honey and a bit more vinegar in a lot of areas in my opinion...
I can also totally imagine taking a hit professionally for relating paranormal experiences. There are a lot of ultra-conservative people out there who will ostracize you for walking on the grass.
I appreciate your comments, but you also have to bear in mind that David is also the "soul" of The Paracast. Unlike many talk show hosts, there is very little filtering between his brain and his mouth, and thus you get his honest opinions. There's absolutely no spin control, and this is a refreshing alternative in this business.
So I do not expect him to change. I don't want him to change, and I happily accept him the way he is.
Let's see, I could be a calm, soft-spoken piece of lint, this will make me a better broadcaster and human being.
No one who has ever been harsh, direct, opinionated, controversial, brash or uncensored has ever achieved any modicum of success in broadcasting.
Let me chime in here, cause I have nothing better to do right now.Cybernia,
You seem to claim that I was nasty with Holzer in this interview. I'd like for you, or anyone else who thinks this is the case, to please cite some specific thing I said to her that would fall into the brutal or intense categories. I'm serious about this, I listened to 1.36 hours of the show, and I could find nothing that I would construe as nasty, harmful, hurtful or brutal. Please tell me where you feel I was mean to her, and I'll respond - calmly, if possible - to your specific references.