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NYT hates W

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Brian Now

Paranormal Pimp
Have y'all seen this yet? Sorry for getting political, but when I saw this I immediately thought of the Paracast. Thought David in particular would enjoy it.

"two-term chimp", I'm gonna wet myself.

It looks like an Onion cover that someone's doctored with a Times banner.
Can you imagine the NYT having the balls to do that, let alone anything else?

I love those headlines though. And nothing's too harsh for a man personally responsible for bringing death and misery to hundreds of thousands, and also deliberately working to prevent any action against climate change and thereby doing his little bit for the extinction of life on Earth (I'm still not writing off the Venus worst-case scenario, given the capacity of humans to push the boundaries of stupidity).
It looks like an Onion cover that someone's doctored with a Times banner.
Can you imagine the NYT having the balls to do that, let alone anything else?

I love those headlines though. And nothing's too harsh for a man personally responsible for bringing death and misery to hundreds of thousands, and also deliberately working to prevent any action against climate change and thereby doing his little bit for the extinction of life on Earth (I'm still not writing off the Venus worst-case scenario, given the capacity of humans to push the boundaries of stupidity).

I'm going to say something that is gonna make me very unpopular, but so be it.

Ok enough of this. Look I didn't vote for Bush in 2004 -- I did not like the way he was running things for border security and job security here at home. And, I voted for Ron Paul in 2008. But, this vitriol is a little much on these boards about Bush. And all the talk about war crimes and such by David is horse shit. Sorry, ban me, do whatever. But, are you seriously going to tell me that the people in Iraq were loving life and not suffering under Saddam - you're full of it. He killed more of his own people that the U.S. Army ever did. I have a neighbor that works in Baghdad -- he talks to REAL Iraqis - citizens. The vast majority are happy we came. Period. Shouldn't that count for something? Yes we went in thinking there was WMD. Well there wasn't, but we did have U.N. approval. Period. On top of that, because Iraq broke the conditions of the cease fire from the first Gulf War within 6 months after it was signed (by locking on our planes with missile batteries), that first war really never ended and we did not even need U.N. approval. Look it up.

And there is more evidence now that we are heading toward a new ice age, not warming. All this stuff is cyclical, we simply don't have enough data over a long enough period of time to know when cycles start and stop. There is little we can do to affect it. It is presumptuous to think we have that much power. And, if you are so concerned about pollution, why not bitch at India, China, Korea, Russia and all those countries with their smut puking factories and industry? I never hear you bitching about them. It's all USA bad, everyone else good. Just how in the hell did George Bush push life toward extinction? You've got to explain that one. Action against climate change? What kind of BS is that? You can't stop it. It is going to happen. 20,000 years ago we were in an ice age. Guess what, we are not currently in an ice age (might be heading back) but, it has been warming for 20,000 years. Big deal. The U.S. spends more on cleaning our environment than any country in the world. Who are you comparing us to?

Wait until Russia, China, or someone else tries to come to New Zealand and take what they want or deem that it is 'strategically expedient' for them to occupy -- you won't be bitching then. You'll come to us on your knees cause your cute little 20 ship navy will just not be enough and the U.S. is the only country left in the world with both the power and the balls to help. Don't say it will never happen.

Look, I know we are not perfect. But it sure is easy to throw stones sitting from your nice little safe territory. Think of what the makeup of the western hemisphere would be without the U.S. or someone else of its stature. You would be subjects of German, Soviet, or Chinese empires by now, that were far less interested in freedom and democracy than the United States is.

Ok, let the rebuttals fly -- I will not refute them all, but I will read them, I promise. Let my name be mud. I don't care. I'm not going to sit here and take this stuff and be quiet.
Actually, the evidence for global warming is overwhelming, and the "new ice age" argument just a distraction that's been dragged up to obscure the issue - purely for short-term commercial gain, and given what's at stake therefore utterly worthy of contempt.

Bush protected nobody from anything,except his criminal friends from jail time. (NEWS FLASH: No president will keep you safe. You are going to die. Just like we all are. That's life). I have no time for the fantasies of deluded warmongers (on any side of any political or cultural equation), and the world has no more patience with them.
We've suffered the bullshit of pathetic gangsters suffering from insecurities about their manhood for thousands of years, and enough is enough.

So to all those who still dream about tanks planes and bombs and revenge and strutting across the world stage, grow up.
So to all those who still dream about tanks planes and bombs and revenge and strutting across the world stage, grow up.

It would be great if we didn't have all that. But there are a lot of bad guys in the world. Nice to dream about a peaceful world. Growing up is realizing that is not going to happen until all the bad guys are gone or subdued. But until then, you have to have tanks, planes, and bombs, or you simply will not last in this violent world. Realizing THAT is growing up.
I'm not going to insult you bob, or belittle you or do any kind of petty, pissy retort that you may be expecting, I'm simply going to put this as succinctly and politely as I can: You're wrong. The things you said in your post are just plain incorrect.

As a matter of perspective consider this: Nixon was brought down over lying. Clinton over an extra-marital affair. These matters are distasteful and perhaps unlawful but what George W. Bush has done in his two terms as president is nothing short of CRIMINAL.

I'll say that again, so as not to minimize the concept: George W. Bush has commited CRIMINAL ACTS according to both US and international law while seated in the office of the president in the minds of many, many people far better versed in legal matters than you or I.

Now I'm not asking for a character defence here, I don't care what you think of the man personally. In fact, nobody's opinion is worth one-thin dime as it pertains to this issue. It all boils down to one, simple, yes-or-no question: Should someone who breaks the law be punished?
These matters are distasteful and perhaps unlawful but what George W. Bush has done in his two terms as president is nothing short of CRIMINAL.

I'll say that again, so as not to minimize the concept: George W. Bush has commited CRIMINAL ACTS according to both US and international law while seated in the office of the president in the minds of many, many people far better versed in legal matters than you or I.

I appreciate your tone. As I have stated, I am not a staunch Bush supporter, but I do respect this nation, greatly. So, would you care to identify a few of those criminal acts, instead of just a making a bland statement? I am not being a smart ass -- I really want to know. And we can have an intelligent discussion --- hell, you may even convince me you're right.
Lord, when I posted that I was just hoping for a little low-brow fun at Bush's expense. :D
I wasn't really aiming at the US or even Republicans.
... But until then, you have to have tanks, planes, and bombs, or you simply will not last in this violent world. Realizing THAT is growing up.

In the meantime, declawing the arms manufacturers may go a long way towards cutting down the numbers of armed conflicts going on around the globe, non?

What's that famous phrase? follow the money, isn't it?

That would take some doing, as you would want to find a way to keep them from picking up shop and starting up in some obscure country elsewhere, but it is something to work towards, isn't it?

And that leaves the question of how do we stop violence, without using violence?

What happens when part of the human race evolves beyond the need for violence and greed as motivators? Who protects them from those who have not attained that state?

Yup, let's all drop our guns and be peaceful, but if you don't mind, you drop your guns first, okay?

The subject of peace in our lifetimes is by no means a black and white, easily solved puzzle.
OMG here we go again. More display of Bush Derangement Syndrome. The war was inacted according to law. It was overwhelming passed by Congress. The same people you elected. Get over it. Call them. To protect the citizens of this country is the is the first job of the President. He has kept me, my family and my friends safe. For that I am grateful. I give a shit what another country thinks. They always run to us to get them out of a mess and to protect them militarily. If it was up to me I would probably cut all foreign aid. But thats another matter.
The new administration (or should I say the new old Clinton administration) has this notion that we really need not be as safe as before. You see it might not make us popular and hurt somebody's Feeeellllliiiinnnngggs.
Have a good day.
Most people who are not from The United States, or who are liberal have this notion that we can live in a perfect world, and that bad people do not exist, and the ones that do, need to be coddled and loved, and understood.

It's how Bill Clinton and Al Gore, (Mr. Global Warming Fearmonger Himself) sold the Elk Hills Oil Reserve through a company they were majority share holders in, Occidental Petroleum, and made MILLIONS of dollars in the process.

Global Warming is a LIE. If Global Warming were truly man made, then how come the surface temperature of Mars, and Jupiter went up proportionately? Jupiter's temps went up so high, that it spawned a second super storm.

Yet not one human being has driven on Mars or Jupiter.

Global Warming being man made, is a LIE. For anyone to sit there and tout all that bogus bullshit research as truth, is just as gullible as the braindead masses who believe Barack Obama is the messiah and will save this country.

So many people live in a fantasy world, where if they take enough of our freedom away, we'll all start getting along. Those are the very same people who would gladly throw babies and people into ovens, because you can't have Socialism without being a good little Nazi.

Liberal =Democrat = Socialist = Nazi.
Just like Republicans are Fascists.

Neither one are good for the human race. Unless you're able to wipe out 80 percent of the free thinking people. Of course, ask Mr. Ayers all about his ideologies. These are things that are coming whether we like it or not. The day of free thinking, and critical thinking individuals is long gone.
I appreciate your tone. As I have stated, I am not a staunch Bush supporter, but I do respect this nation, greatly. So, would you care to identify a few of those criminal acts, instead of just a making a bland statement? I am not being a smart ass -- I really want to know. And we can have an intelligent discussion --- hell, you may even convince me you're right.

For a complete breakdown you'd have to reference one of those persons better versed in law than myself, however to my understanding the war in Iraq is constituationally illegal. Nothing to do with NATO or the UN or anything, US law only (prior of course to any signing statements Bush may have written to curb them). And while that's just one thing, I'm pretty sure we can agree it's a BIG thing.

Tommy... man, I got nothing to say. You must live in a scary, scary world.
Bush and his cabal took the US into a war in Iraq based on cooked data and lies, and they knew it all along.

Bush ordered the outing of a CIA operative.

The first is a clear case of war crime, the second is a clear case of treason.

The occupation of Iraq has torn our armed forces to shit, bankrupted our country and created a new wave of Islamic Fundamentalist hatred towards the US. Al Qaida can now expand, thanks to our making Iraq a productive place for them to recruit. Saddam Hussein was our bad guy, we only turned on him when he started threatening to go to the Euro for oil transactions instead of the almighty dollar.

Bush killed Habeas Corpus, made torture an acceptable thing, and stopped stem cell research in it's tracks, putting us at a severe disadvantage with respect to the rest of the world.

IMO, anyone who wants to believe that Bush has made us any safer, is as ignorant as the idiots who voted him into power.

Saddam Hussein was our bad guy, we only turned on him when he started threatening to go to the Euro for oil transactions instead of the almighty dollar.

David, you know we turned on him about 10 years before the Euro was even released! There was the little matter of his "annexation" of one of our petropals.
Anyway, I put that pic up for you. Do you wuv it or not?