Tommy Allison
Respect is not given, it is earned. I have no intention of respecting those who would like to see me dead, my ideals destroyed. Bush deserves every drop of hatred me or anyone else wants to give him, he's certainly earned it. If the man presented himself to me in person, I'd spit on him. Seriously. I think he's evil scum. You want to disagree with me, have at it. Those of you who respect him, I hope the future generations of Islamic terrorists who want blood for his crimes come to your house and take it out on you. Hopefully, I'll be long gone by then.
Anyone who thinks that we should have all the oil in the world because we want it, that somehow it belongs to us because we think it should, is deluding themselves. By those standards, fundamentalist Islamic radicals want us dead, so they should have the right to kill us. Obviously ridiculous, but the logic does indeed work both ways.
And those will be my last comments in this thread. Have fun.
We have plenty of oil here in the United States. There is no shortage. It is called global welfare for a reason David. We have never needed to go to war over oil. We went to war to control other people's oil so the prices would go up and up.
The war served a 2 fold purpose. Raise the price of crude, and perpetuate a need for a US presence in that region, so that we can continue to control it.
These weren't the TRUE purposes though. The true purpose for the war in Iraq, was to destroy the middle class through price increases that could not otherwise be justified. There was a financial bubble that was bursting on 9-11. Enron, and several other big companies tanked that very same day. Decimating the retirement income of over half of America. My wife lost her entire 401K when Enron tanked.
The people were building wealth without the hand of government free to tax it, and this made things difficult for the responsible few, to take the wealth away from the irresponsible many. We watched our stock market be destroyed by price gouging and collusion among oil companies, which in turn spawned other crises across the board, and why? So that the wealth that we as a nation had made, would be wiped out, making each and every American dependent on the US Government for a hand out when they reached retirement age.
When you have a sector of the population dependent on the government, that sector ALWAYS votes WITH government to raise your taxes. The bigger the demand on the system, the more crushing the totalitarian state becomes. Just take a look at the United Kingdom. They're a shining example of how prosperity is robbed from the people. Their taxation rates are through the roof, and what do they get in return?
It's exactly why the Boomer generation has been the single most destructive force in the United States. They have done what no foreign power could have ever done in the last 200 years. Bankrupt this nation, financially, and morally.